Timing paid abilites and non-ice rezzing

By StalkinPanda, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Heya, new player here,

I had a question about the timin of paid abilities and non-ice card rezzing (and agenda scoring).

According to the rule book there are phases where you can do this, but I was wondering if you have to do them in order.

For example, phase 2.3 of a run: can you rez a non-ice card and then use the paid ability on that card or is it a strict order from left to right: paid abilities first and then rezzing?

You do not have to do them in any particular order. When you have priority, you may score agendas, rez non-ICE cards and/or use paid abilities in any order and as many times as you are able.

Edit: scoring agendas can only be done on your turn, when the timing chart allows, not during a run.

Edited by CommissarFeesh


Had a situation where I wanted to rez an upgrade and trigger his ability at the same time. Good to know this is allowed. :)

Edited by StalkinPanda