Treachery in RTL

By tuskan88, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just another quick question. When using Treachery in RTL (We have all the expansions) can I also use Dark Glyphs as per the other expansion rules for left over Treachery ??

Many Thanks

tuskan88 said:

Just another quick question. When using Treachery in RTL (We have all the expansions) can I also use Dark Glyphs as per the other expansion rules for left over Treachery ??

Many Thanks


Where did you find that? We had a similar question and could find nothing about dark glyphs in the rulebook or FAQ. Since RtL seems to try to combine everything into one spot, it seemed like this meant they hadn't planned for their use.

Though, even if it needs a house rule, I don't see a problem with their inclusion as long as its once per dungeon, not once per dungeon level. Once per dungeon means they're only likely to be useful on the 4th or deeper levels for special areas. And even then they're not likely to be used by our group, as the ability to play 2 1-point or 2-point treachery card multiple times is likely to put more hurt on the heroes.

Allowing them once per level is too much IMO, as it means no XP or travel through any glyphs found in most of the random dungeon levels.

I think a good general rule of thumb for RTL is that if the RTL rules don't mention it, use the pre-existing rules for it (JITD, WOD, AOD, TOI)

The RTL rules tell us what is new or what changes from the base game and other expansions. There's nothing in them about the breakdown of the hero's turn and explanations of Battle, Move, Ready for example; we already know this from the base game.

Since the RTL rules don't specify any changes for the behavior of Dark Glyphs, they should be played like you would normally play them as laid out in the AOD rules. They type of glyph you can buy depends on the type of treachery the OL has purcahsed

Using Dark Glyphs as they're laid out in Altar of Despair makes them (IMO) too powerful. AoD assumes that the entire glyph pool will only be used once, thus saying "When a new glyph is placed on the map (usually as the result of a new area being revealed), the overlord chooses the glyph from his pool of glyphs" is fine. RtL breaks down and rebuilds dungeons 1 area at a time for the most part, meaning each dark glyph could be used on every level. That would be the equivalent of having one purchase of a Dark Glyph convert almost all of the glyphs in a normal dungeon.

It's an easy change to make, but no official word has ever been given on how to make it.

Dungeon levels are played as part of the dungon, you dont, suffle your dungeon OL cards per level only per dungeon, so I would say that any dark glyph's would be used per dungeon, not per level, any way treachery spent on glyph is quite expensive, so you could only buy so many anyway.

James McMurray said:

AoD assumes that the entire glyph pool will only be used once, thus saying "When a new glyph is placed on the map (usually as the result of a new area being revealed), the overlord chooses the glyph from his pool of glyphs" is fine. RtL breaks down and rebuilds dungeons 1 area at a time for the most part, meaning each dark glyph could be used on every level. That would be the equivalent of having one purchase of a Dark Glyph convert almost all of the glyphs in a normal dungeon.

You seem to be assuming that dark glyphs are returned to the pool if they're ever removed from the playing area, which seems like a dubious assumption. If you were playing a vanilla quest where glyphs tokens could be removed from the dungeon (such as that collapsing mind shaft in WoD quest 1), would you say the same? If not, why should RtL work that way?

The situation isn't explicitly addressed, but it certainly seems like the intent is for dark glyphs to be placed once, and then not returned to the pool; this suggests to me that you can't get more until the next time you get to spend treachery and customize your deck.

I have no idea what should be done when playing a WoD quest with AoD rules, as I don't have the WoD quests to investigate. I'd be surprised if FFG mentions it, since WoD was printed before Dark Glyphs exist.

1) I agree that it's clear how things probably should work
2) I agree that the rules are silent on the matter

Great! We agree! :D