...a little "errata" (or something included in the official errata) that states to whom and when new RT Talents are available to DH characters? For example, who can get "Unarmed Warrior" and when? That'd be very cool and make them even easier to mix.
Might we get...
I daresay that's exactly what Ascension will be about.
All those new Skills, Talents, and Traits in Rogue Trader can already be made available to characters in Dark Heresy as Elite Advances.
I also don't think we need errata. If a rule doesn't work for my group during play we change it or abandon it, and only you can determine what rules may or may not be causing your group any trouble. We need not be dependent on Fantasy Flight Games to take care of such things. I started playing role-playing games in an age when errata was something for board games and collectible card games. When an RPG book was published, that was it. Those rules were never going to change unless a new book came out. And we were happier then. We didn't have an expectation that an RPG published should spend time producing free rules revision downloads. At the time, most RPG publishers didn't have downloads of any kind. We had to photocopy our character sheets, or draft them ourselves onto lined paper. I would rather Fantasy Flight spend time working on the next book for Rogue Trader than going back and tweaking what is currently the only book in the line. We are mature, creative, skilled people. We can make this game work. I think it works already.
TalkingMuffin said:
...a little "errata" (or something included in the official errata) that states to whom and when new RT Talents are available to DH characters? For example, who can get "Unarmed Warrior" and when? That'd be very cool and make them even easier to mix.
Holy crow!!! A talking muffin! With any luck, this will be covered in Ascension . Now, it's just a matter of that coming out in a timely manner. Otherwise, Elite Advances , thou art mine saviour.
-=Brother Praetus=-
I do like Elite Advances, but it'd still be nice to see more compatibility. That mentioned, perhaps future books and net-freebies will address it.
I absolutely would not consider giving any of these things to my Dark Heresy PC's as elite advances until we see Ascension. As others have stated, these are likely to show up in the progressions in that book, and the last thing I'd want to do is start myself off on a screwy foot if I was intending to ratchet my campaign up to Ascension.
How would giving your Acolytes "Unarmed Warrior" be a bad thing? "Duty Unto Death"? That's very in-genre. They made some cool and new Talents and they're abilities well within the scope of non-Ascension Acolytes. I'm also confused as to why there are Explorator-only mechanical implants.
TalkingMuffin said:
Perhaps the hardware each recives is slightly diffrent or perhaps FFG wanted there to be some difrences in the two classes or perhaps its a typo.
TalkingMuffin said:
I'm also confused as to why there are Explorator-only mechanical implants.
Are you refering to the Explorator special ability listed on page 72?
Because if that's the case, then there aren't any "explorator implants", they just say that because the Explorator gets to begin with additional implants outside of his Mechanicus implants. All techpriests have Mechanicus Implants (even in Dark Heresy), but Explorators get to begin with some more cybernetic stuff right of the bat.
But there aren't really any implants or bionics that are exclusive to explorators only (except for the stuff that are exclusive to Adeptus Mechanicus subjects in general, like mechadendrites and such that Techpriests also have available to them in Dark Heresy).
TalkingMuffin said:
How would giving your Acolytes "Unarmed Warrior" be a bad thing? "Duty Unto Death"?
Duty unto Death does show up in Dark Heresy. It's available to Sister Oblatia. Unarmed Warrior? Same reason I wouldn't let one of my Acolytes take Two-weapon weilder sooner as an elite advance sooner than it came up in their advance scheme. I'm mean like that. I like to stick to the career progression and not give out abilities sooner than written, or sooner than another career path gets them. Well, more to the point, not without balancing the cost against when they're first achieved and which career paths get it as written. I did let a pretty low level character take FL: Daemonology, but I charged them an arm and a leg for it.
I don't want to get into a situation where I give a 8000 XP assassin Unarmed Warrior, only then to discover that Ascension covers them getting it at 20000 XP. Some people get a kick out of re-writing the rules, to them it's half the fun of GMing. I'm not one of those people. I'd rather focus on the story, and on rules for things that don't exist yet.
If you don't care about setting yourself to be in contradiction to the Ascension progression (and I'm not saying it's wrong if you don't this is all personal preference) then more power to you, and your PC's.
"Unarmed Warrior" is a Talent that should've been in DH and I personally would allow it. Elite Advances are an awesome idea that D20 could've used. The "Wait for Ascension" idea's not my cup o' tea, especially when it involves something that doesn't make sense NOT to have earlier. But, different strokes and all. The "40K level system" is a gem in many ways. But, I digress...
...another bit that's frustrating is what to do if your DH character gets a WoT. Does my Arbitrator-turned-Rogue Trader get the RT special ability? Why or why not? Mechanically and storywise it doesn't make sense and it's a little thing that show how the games aren't 100% compatible, which isn't that big of a deal. I'd just like to advice on mixing them a little better, that's all.
And yes, I was mentioning the Explorator trait on page 72.
TalkingMuffin said:
"Unarmed Warrior" is a Talent that should've been in DH and I personally would allow it. Elite Advances are an awesome idea that D20 could've used. The "Wait for Ascension" idea's not my cup o' tea, especially when it involves something that doesn't make sense NOT to have earlier. But, different strokes and all. The "40K level system" is a gem in many ways. But, I digress...
...another bit that's frustrating is what to do if your DH character gets a WoT. Does my Arbitrator-turned-Rogue Trader get the RT special ability? Why or why not? Mechanically and storywise it doesn't make sense and it's a little thing that show how the games aren't 100% compatible, which isn't that big of a deal. I'd just like to advice on mixing them a little better, that's all.
And yes, I was mentioning the Explorator trait on page 72.
I've been dabbling in some homeworld and career-path specific special abilities for Dark Heresy characters similar to those possessed by RT characters. Other, more important projects have taken priority since, but I'm quite fond of a number of the abilities I've come up with so far (one of the Assassin ones lets you cause fear in enemies so long as you kill without revealing yourself, for example) and will get round to finishing them and posting them once this bigger project is out of the way...