Question about squad commands and squad phase. Are you able to move and attack one by one? Say for example I have a crippled Raider in my sights and I know sending my 5 bombers from my Raymus MC80 is a BIT overkill. May I activate one by one and thus kill the Raider with the first or second bomber and then do as I please with the other three? Or are all 5 required to move and activate.
Do squads activate one by one?
You activate one squadron at a time.
So you choose the squadron you want to activate, move him attack with him then push the slider over, repeat until command is complete.
Edited by LyraeusShort answer: yes they attack one by one,
in fact you actually HAVE to activate each squadron separately moving each individual and resolveing all attacks independently
Longer answer: (will be posted by Dras
Awesome thanks! The question came up in a game yesterday when we were trying to decide if he could swarm with some ties. He wanted to move them all into position and then attack but it seems that's not okay.
Awesome thanks! The question came up in a game yesterday when we were trying to decide if he could swarm with some ties. He wanted to move them all into position and then attack but it seems that's not okay.
This is a reason why squadrons are a complex portion of the game.
Did you forget to move Howlrunner first? Guess you don't get the extra die as well as the re-roll. Did you not move Rhymer first? There goes your attack range. Did you move Dengar first while engaged! Welp, no more intel then.
Longer answer: (will be posted by Dras
I think I can leave this one, its been pretty well answered...
Dial: Activate a number of friendly squadrons up to
the ship’s squadron value that are at close–medium
range of the ship. Each squadron activated in this way
can attack and move in either order. The squadrons
are chosen and activated one at a time.
I'm going to make a Reddit-style novelty alternate account. Maybe call it RRG_CTRL-V.