I hope the next main set in the future deals along the side of the Yuuzhan Vong War. I would love to have the Solo children, a Jedi Mara Jade, etc. Poor chewie :,(
Yuuzhan Vong War
Didn't happen, bad dream.
Thats what the mouse says
To quote Nick Fury, "I believe the counsel (Disney) has made a decision. But given that it is a stupid butt decision, I have elected to ignore it." Lol. We have the major people (Thrawn and Kaarde) from the thrawn trilogy except a few rebel leaders and Joruus C'baoth. Though would he be a Jedi or Sith? He wasnt practically neither.
I hope the next main set in the future deals along the side of the Yuuzhan Vong War. I would love to have the Solo children, a Jedi Mara Jade, etc. Poor chewie :,(
That'd way too cool.
To quote Nick Fury, "I believe the counsel (Disney) has made a decision. But given that it is a stupid butt decision, I have elected to ignore it." Lol. We have the major people (Thrawn and Kaarde) from the thrawn trilogy except a few rebel leaders and Joruus C'baoth. Though would he be a Jedi or Sith? He wasnt practically neither.
Joruus C'baoth could be Jedi, he was Lightside in Outbound flight wasn't he? or at least the original C'baoth