Where is the man with the spoilers?

By Fingolfin Fate, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Some great stuff! Is it me, or Sailor of Lune got short end of the stick compared to other Noldor guys (and gals) who have bonuses depending on the top card of the deck?

Also Anchor Watch is sorta questionable, but is OK if you get your first copy to the discard pile instead of actually playing it, I guess. (also that art, lol. I stumled upon it on the interntet randomly and used it in my custom stuff not knowingly)

Wow, every card here seems really interesting! Shaping up to be the best cycle yet.

Some great stuff! Is it me, or Sailor of Lune got short end of the stick compared to other Noldor guys (and gals) who have bonuses depending on the top card of the deck?

Getting an event on the top of the discard will be basically guaranteed with Elven Light, so the ability can't be quite as good. And a 2 cost/2 WP ally is normally unique or has only 1 hit point. So these Sailors should have a nice place in a Noldor deck.

Wonderful cards for the most part, and definately great art in here as well.

Not saying the card is bad, far from it. Just was a bit underwhelmed compard to the two others like him.

Narya makes Cirdan the new hot target for Light of Valinor. A souped-up Eagles of the Misty Mountains would very much enjoy its attention, as well.

I think what everyone is trying to say is: Thank you Teamjimby!

Explorer's Almanac is pretty awesome. A soft way to get rid of locations with nasty travel effects. Also, sort of a tool to get out of the location lock. I wonder if it will get used or live in the shadow of stuff like Asfaloth and Northern Tracker.

Edited by John Constantine

Some great stuff! Is it me, or Sailor of Lune got short end of the stick compared to other Noldor guys (and gals) who have bonuses depending on the top card of the deck?

Also Anchor Watch is sorta questionable, but is OK if you get your first copy to the discard pile instead of actually playing it, I guess. (also that art, lol. I stumled upon it on the interntet randomly and used it in my custom stuff not knowingly)

I wouldn't say so.Yeah, he gets less of a bonus, but he's also cheaper. (EDIT - no he's not, I misread and thought the Warden was 3-cost. Well, I guess willpower is considered more valuable than attack/defence?)

Also, crazy combo time - Quest with Sailor of Lune. Reveal an enemy which makes an immediate attack against you. Play Anchor Watch to declare Sailor of Lune as the defender while exhausted. The top card of your discard pile is now an event, so he cannot take damage while committed to the quest and thus the attack does nothing. :ph34r:

In general, a lot of cool cards in this pack.

Edited by PocketWraith

Thanks for the spoilers teamjimby.

I haven't made my mind up about most cards, but I so far I think I like most of them.

Grapling hook is cool. But is it worth a slot in your deck? Shame it costs a resource also.

To the sea,to the sea! will get very popular soon no doubt.

I'm wondering about mariner's compass. It looks like a useful tool to remove a nasty location without a shadow effect for a mellow one with a anasty shadow effect.

But really, how often does that happen in a game....

And both lore cards are..well...ok I guess.

Awesome cards, thanks Jimby!

Thanks for posting! Lots of interesting cards. Pretty psyched we now have a grappling hook to play with...after all, who goes adventuring without a grappling hook?!?!?

On another note...the cards all seem to be very unified in terms of trait and theme (noldor and nautical respectively)....though looking back it seems that Lost Realm was pretty similar in that sense.

Also, crazy combo time - Quest with Sailor of Lune. Reveal an enemy which makes an immediate attack against you. Play Anchor Watch to declare Sailor of Lune as the defender while exhausted. The top card of your discard pile is now an event, so he cannot take damage while committed to the quest and thus the attack does nothing. :ph34r:

I try to shy away from "That's awesome!!" posts, but... that's awesome.

Edited by sappidus

Also, crazy combo time - Quest with Sailor of Lune. Reveal an enemy which makes an immediate attack against you. Play Anchor Watch to declare Sailor of Lune as the defender while exhausted. The top card of your discard pile is now an event, so he cannot take damage while committed to the quest and thus the attack does nothing. :ph34r:

Sort of related, but I assume you can still assign (different from actually dealing damage) damage to Sailor of Lune equal to or lesser than its remaining hit points right? Then that damage would just be ignored. Or are you not even allowed to "assign" damage to it since it "cannot take damage".

Basically, is "take" synonymous with "be dealt" or "be assigned" or is it a term that includes both? My assumption is that it is synonymous with "be dealt".

Edited by cmabr002

These cards are crazy good. Evening Star? I like to basically cancel locations during questing. To the Sea, to the Sea! I like songs (they don't feel dirty after LOT nerf) and repeatable cost reduction in theme and in spirit. Grappling Hook? I love everything about this card. That Compass... I don't see a card that fails to inspire deck design.

So these events that let you trigger an effect, then repeat the effect again for each copy in your discard pile. If you have 3 in your discard pile and use the mono-sphere attachments to replay them, you can trigger the effect 4 times, right? That seems absurdly good, although it obviously takes a lot of setup.

So these events that let you trigger an effect, then repeat the effect again for each copy in your discard pile. If you have 3 in your discard pile and use the mono-sphere attachments to replay them, you can trigger the effect 4 times, right? That seems absurdly good, although it obviously takes a lot of setup.

And again, years of mailing with the FFG designers make me wonder if the card text of those mono-sphere attachments (" play any [your sphere] event card in your discard pile as if it were in your hand ") means that while you're playing it, it is considered to be in your hand, not in your discard pile... Always expect the worst, right? :(

Edited by John Constantine

From this thread , Caleb said " To play an event, you must first pay its cost. Tome of Atanatar allows you to play an event in your discard pile “as if it were in your hand” but it is not actually in your hand. It is still in the discard pile at the time you must pay its cost, so Heavy Curse would increase its cost." So I'm inclined to think it's still in the discard pile. Unless he's saying that it's only in the discard pile while you are paying the cost, at which point it is no longer in the discard. Very confusing.

Also, crazy combo time - Quest with Sailor of Lune. Reveal an enemy which makes an immediate attack against you. Play Anchor Watch to declare Sailor of Lune as the defender while exhausted. The top card of your discard pile is now an event, so he cannot take damage while committed to the quest and thus the attack does nothing. :ph34r:

Oh wow, nice. Also gives some more power to ally-readying cards like the old core set coaster Ever Vigilant. Or any other way to ready allies, including the new Narya, since it's pretty easy to get an event on top of your deck (esp. if playing Noldor). This guy is a great 'solution' card for some quests!

Edited by GrandSpleen

From this thread , Caleb said " To play an event, you must first pay its cost. Tome of Atanatar allows you to play an event in your discard pile “as if it were in your hand” but it is not actually in your hand. It is still in the discard pile at the time you must pay its cost, so Heavy Curse would increase its cost." So I'm inclined to think it's still in the discard pile. Unless he's saying that it's only in the discard pile while you are paying the cost, at which point it is no longer in the discard. Very confusing.

Good. It's nice to have a tip in favor of players from time to time.

Also, Eomer grappling hooking the quest for 5 anyone? (or even for 7 with Firefoot)

Edited by John Constantine

From this thread , Caleb said " To play an event, you must first pay its cost. Tome of Atanatar allows you to play an event in your discard pile “as if it were in your hand” but it is not actually in your hand. It is still in the discard pile at the time you must pay its cost, so Heavy Curse would increase its cost." So I'm inclined to think it's still in the discard pile. Unless he's saying that it's only in the discard pile while you are paying the cost, at which point it is no longer in the discard. Very confusing.

Good. It's nice to have a tip in favor of players from time to time.

Also, Eomer grappling hooking the quest for 5 anyone? (or even for 7 with Firefoot)

Having just been playing a lot of Rohan, Eomer/Firefoot was the first thing that came to mind as well.

From this thread , Caleb said " To play an event, you must first pay its cost. Tome of Atanatar allows you to play an event in your discard pile “as if it were in your hand” but it is not actually in your hand. It is still in the discard pile at the time you must pay its cost, so Heavy Curse would increase its cost." So I'm inclined to think it's still in the discard pile. Unless he's saying that it's only in the discard pile while you are paying the cost, at which point it is no longer in the discard. Very confusing.

Good. It's nice to have a tip in favor of players from time to time.

Also, Eomer grappling hooking the quest for 5 anyone? (or even for 7 with Firefoot)

I sent in a request to Caleb for clarification about the is-it-in-the-discard issue, specifically for these new Grey Havens events, so we'll hear one way or another soon.

What's doubly nice about Grappling Hook is that you can decide to do it after staging but before quest resolution.

(deleted cuz I hadn't read the card carefully)

Edited by GrandSpleen

Word from Matt (conversation happened on the CotR Discord): "W hen you play an event from your hand, it's in your hand while you pay for it, then you 'play' it and it is in play while you're resolving it. Then it is placed in your discard pile. For the Record attachments, it's in your discard pile while you are paying for it, then you play it and it's not in your discard pile while it is being played, then it goes on the bottom of your deck."

So if you use a Record to play one of those events from your discard, it doesn't count as being in the discard while you're resolving the effect (and determining how many times you can resolve the effect). So we can't get it up to 4 times.

"To the Sea^2" + Lindir = oh yeah