New Lanwyn Hero Response

By JanB, in Rules questions & answers

Hi there ..

does Lanwyn response trigger if a card gains surge by its when revealed effect? e.g. Driven by Shadow?


Edited by JanB

Does the card have surge? Yes. Is it revealed? Yes. Therefore...

ok .. this is simple, but what about this:


If you have all of your characters exhausted, this card gains surge and then Lanwyn readies?

A hero card has already hit the table during setup; which is the time I assume this refers to?

To compare: it has been rules that Eleanor can cancel an effect during setup.

A hero card has already hit the table during setup; which is the time I assume this refers to?

To compare: it has been rules that Eleanor can cancel an effect during setup.

Sry for that .. i mean before we can get her by release ... i edit my post above.

I don't see why it wouldn't work when encounter cards gets "surge" during their effect. Of course this brings us to the question "at what moment in the revealing sequence does she ready". Presumably after the "When Revealed" effects is the correct timing, so everything will be fine.

Edited by NathanH

I don't see why it wouldn't work when encounter cards gets "surge" during their effect. Of course this brings us to the question "at what moment in the revealing sequence does she ready". Presumably after the "When Revealed" effects is the correct timing, so everything will be fine.

What if I'm in Emyn Muyl when there are no location in play (therefore treacheries gain surge) and necromancer's reach comes out? Is Lanwyn immune because she does ready? If she ready after the when revealed sequence she is not.

I would say she readies (or gains +2 willpower) after the When Revealed effects, because her ability reads " After an encounter card with surge is revealed..." After happens after when.

In any case even if it said "when" rather than "after" it would still trigger after the When Revealed effect since it's only a Response and When Revealed is a Forced.

I suppose she readies before an enemy with Surge is added to the staging area---this is probably relevant in the occasional silly contrived example.