So we just received a confirmation email that Heavy Fighters do not prevent bombing runs on instigator. I thought I would make a new thread just incase you didn't check the bloated original thread. Anyway the response (after the ***)
In response to your question:
Rules Question:
Hi! I have a question about Armada, spcificaly about the Instigator title and heavy squadrons. If the Instigator is engegeing an enemy squadorn with it's two imaginary squads, the enemy squad can still attack ships as the engement rule says you must attack engaged squads "if possible" and if Instigator is the only source of engegement, it clearly is not possible to attack a squadron. But if we add in a squadron with the Heavy keyword, it then becomes possible to attack a squadron, so would the enemy squad then be forced to attack the heavy suqadron instead of a ship? The heavy squad, as per the key word defenition, can not prevent attacks on ships, but in this case the imaginary squads can as they don't have the heavy key word.
****The enemy ship can attack the Instigator despite the presence of the squadrons with Heavy. The enemy squadron cannot attack the “imaginary” squadrons created by the Instigator (since it isn’t possible), and the Heavy keyword means the enemy squadron doesn’t have to attack those heavy squadrons. The Heavy keyword is intended to remove that Heavy squadron from the set of squadrons that must be attacked before the ship can be attacked.
Edited by clontroper5