For a long time now I've been hankering for a system that lets me play out the epic battles of Star Wars. I'm talking army against army rather than squad against squad. Think Flames of War but in a galaxy far far away. I don't know if Fantasy Flight is the company to realize this dream because they are more of a board games company than a miniature company but I can hope.
Large scale Star Wars miniature game
I've been hoping for a Star Wars rendition of the Command and Colors system, which they already use a version of in BattleLore.
It would definitely be super cool to play with teeny tiny Storm Troopers and Rebels sprinting across a 4x4/6x4 and assaulting with four or five AT-ATs while the enemy player sets up cannon positions and calls in Air Speeder Strikes, etc. There could be campaign books for the movies and other large conflicts and hell, I'd dig playing that with cardboard chits akin to Heroes of Normandy though minis would be cooler.
I posted something like this in the more general forum because I missed the Star Wars subforum.
Something similar to Flames of War would be great mixed with Dropzone Commander. The squad based roots of Flames of War would be great to utilize as well as that game's ability to incorporate "hero units" on every level of play, even air support. Dropzone Commander is a great game for its objectives, quick and easy play style, and its fantastic terrain (easy to set up cardboard rather than having to assemble and paint it all).
I think a game that lends itself to a larger scale is easily the next thing FFG should try and incorporate with the Star Wars license. Armada is just a larger look at X-wing, this could be a larger look at Imperial Assault.
what I wouldn't give for a 10 - 15 mm pre-painted Battle of Hoth play set from FFG, with expansion packs and eventually new planet location box sets.
My son and I used to use micro machines, a wooden ruler and a single D6 as his intro to Wargaming. since then as an adult he has won various tournaments. FFG could knock it out of the park with an epic scale ground system to draw even more fans into the minis scene. One can hope...
Hoping that the future success of Runewars will give FFG the go to make a Star Wars ground combat skirmish game. I wouldn't mind if it was in the Clone wars era and slowly moving forward into future eras.
Sorry to resurrect this thread but, why does everyone always want the large scale wargame for Star Wars set in the rebellion era?? We have one era decently detailed that was all about massive battles in many different environments, the Clone Wars. There are 3 movies and an entire television series detailing the war, so why does everyone want to always do the rebellion era for the large scale war game?
There is the Horus Heresy boardgame that can be converted to have one person leading the Republic Clone Trooper legions while another commands the droideka and Geonosian forces in the battle first battle for Geonosis.
Or convert the Imperial Assault into a game about a group of clones starting off at the training center on Kamino and eventually becoming ARC Troopers or the equivalent there of.
There are already the X-Wing and Armada games that do not need to have anything said about there. There are plenty of things to do with that era. (Not to mention the boat loads of Jedi wandering about, smuggling, mercenaries, and etc.)
I think it's mainly because the visuals, equipment and vehicles of the Galactic Civil War are more appealing than the Clone Wars. Clones are cool, yes, but I *personally* hate the droids. I have never liked the looks of the droid units. With GCW, both sides of the war are eye-candy in my opinion.
But there's also no real urgency to the Clone Wars in my opinion. Granted, I haven't watched the series, but all I really see are the Separatists being manipulated by the same man who pulls the strings for the Clones, so it really just kills the feel for me. The Empire feels like a more appropriate bad guy faction and the Alliance has actual good guy goals in mind, are outnumbered, and have conflicts that are usually desperate all-or-nothing battles. The Alliance exists because they know the Empire is bad and is going to destroy lives. Urgency.
It's more the classic Good vs Evil instead politically-driven Grey vs Grey
Jedi civil war. You could have 4 or more factions, dedicated force using armies, and get a unique experience if written well out of all of them. Keep tabs on the lore and it could turn out to be a pretty fun and even affordable game unlike 40k where most of the lore goes out the window in trade for model sales.