Hey guys and galls
I have been mulling this over a bit and now I want to have a conversation with you all about the trend I have noticed. It seems like a lot of the time in the Edge games I run, as well as the scenarios that I read about here, the Empire is used as the bad guy, the opposition.
This is obviously a fine use for the totalitarian regime bent on dominating the galaxy under it's iron fist, but it leads to a feeling where an "Edge of the Empire" game evolves into an "Age of Rebellion" game.
Fighting against the empire is natural and all but as a storyteller I have this feeling where the fight against the empire becomes shtick, old hat, and rote.
I want to tell a story where the Edge characters stay at the Edge but still have an epic story of galactic scale. The Empire will be there but more as a force of nature. You can prepare for, hide from or run from the hurricane but only those crazy rebels think they can defeat the oncoming storm.
I am interested in your thoughts on this.
What do you do to keep the Empire from becoming the bad guy, or does it not bother you?