Hong Kong Calling

By DeadEyeJedi, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Hello Armada players of Hong Kong!

Now I know you must exist, because all the Armada products at the two shops in Hong Kong that sell Armada stuff are regularly sold out. However, I have noticed the significant lack of a vociferous Armada community here and have been unable to find any kind of regular gathering of players or an FLGS that openly supports the playing of Armada (or X-Wing in fact, but that is for another forum).

So, either the majority of Armada enthusiasts in this fair city are content to sit and look at their pretty models adorning their mock fireplace mantle pieces (which is fine of course, each to their own), or there is actually a large body of persons who would like to play but don’t have the opportunity or connections to do so. I am obviously hoping the latter.

I have found one regular gaming partner here, and while that is great it would be nice to hold larger games with multiple players, maybe a regular league or (dare i say it) even tournaments. It would also be beneficial to find a venue that would support this play, as the only FLGS i know of in HK (The ex-GW one in Wanchai. Yes, you know the one…) with playing space does not support Armada.

So what say ye, noble citizens of this hot and steamy paradise, are you looking for regular games of Armada? Would you like to be a part of a community?

If so, join me and let me show you the power of the darksi- organized play!

If you get something going please let me know! I tend to make it to HK or travel through there a few times a year. Be great to play (tho traveling with my fleet might be interesting but I guess that's what battle foam is for!

I'm moving to Guangzhou in July and would be up for playing either in HK once in a while or in Guangzhou weekly.

PM me

Edited by D503

I should be there in July for as much as a week. I'd be happy to bring a list and ships along.

I'm in HK, and have just recently picked up this game. I'm definitely interested in finding some other players for regular games. Let me know if you are organising anything, or just get in touch and we can arrange a game together.

I'll be in Hong Kong for a few days in July, (the 3rd week) I'd be happy to bring a list and ships along.

I'll be staying in Kowloon... I'm sure I could get us space to play at my hotel or happy to travel to where ever!

Unfortunately, I'll be out of town from mid-July to mid-August :(

Rats I'm there next week.

I'll be there again I'm sure.

What are the two shops that sell FFG stuff in Hong Kong? Thanks, I am going soon and want to buy - a lot - of stuff. So much that they will need a month's notice.