When can the OL use threat in combat

By tuskan88, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello All,

We are new to RTL and getting to grips with the rules. Something that has come up is when can the OL use threat to boost his combat i.e 2 threat = an extra move or dice upgrade ?

Is it only on the outdoor encounters or at anytime when in combat ?

Thank you for any assitance.



Pretty sure its only outdoor encounters, in dungeons all threat is use for the OL deck cards.

tuskan88 said:

Hello All,

We are new to RTL and getting to grips with the rules. Something that has come up is when can the OL use threat to boost his combat i.e 2 threat = an extra move or dice upgrade ?

Is it only on the outdoor encounters or at anytime when in combat ?

Thank you for any assitance.



This rule is in the section on encounters on pg14. It explicitly says that these abilities (spend surges for dice or moves) are available to the OL during an encounter.
How anyone can possibly translate that to any time that is not an encounter is utterly beyond my comprehension, but it is a regular question, so lots of people do.

I think a lot of questions of these types are new OL's desperate to find a loophole or something they missed.

I know I asked a few questions regarding rules in the forlorn hope that I had misread, or just plan missed a rule that would help as the OL.

I think that the learning curve for the OL is harder in RTL than for the Hero's , and we played vanilla descent a lot, both as OL and Hero's.