By cahir7, in CoC Trade Forum

My auctions on ebay:
lost history of Herodotus EEr53
graduete assistant FRc22
itinerant scholar MNu25
civil engineer FCc24 x3
cultes des goules EEu56
laboratory assistant AEc37
expedition leader AEu35
egyptology consultant EEc36 x3
gonerment liaison EEc34 x3
omega alumnus SMf3 x3
crafting the elder sign AEu46 x3
the hall school KDf4 x3
misctonic administartion EEc40'
brotherhood researcher MNc22
professor albert wilmarth CSf21 x3
shortsihted librarian TTf63 x2
field researcher PYf103
changing the names x3 PYf104
open for inspection CSf34
pagan hall TTf64
atwood science hall CSf35
anthropology advisor CSf25 x2
professor Nathaniel peaslee CSf24 x2
summer classes TSf84 x3
celano fragments CSf33
norm grzybowski AHf5
academic obfuscation ADF44 x4
restless and wary CSf38 x2
rabbit`s foot SSf4
howard ludvinski ADf43
literature professor TSf83
scholary plagiarist Hbtsf24 x5
chess prodigy Hbtsf25 x4
professor lake Momf3
notebook sketches MoMf4 x5
heavy furs MoMf5
hapless graduate student HbtSf23
mad genius CSf27 x2
professor albert wilmarth AHf6
dr ali kafour CSF22

ammunitions expert AHf2 x2
a call for help TTf62 x2
mr ngambe AHf3 x2
the barque Miscatonic MoMf2 x2
hand rerestraints HbtSf22 x3
agency groundskeeper TTf61 x6
dynamite ADf42 x6
confident rookie PYf101 x3
repo man ADf41 x6
freelance occultist CSf9
peeler CSF11 x2
g-men CSf13 x2
monster hunter CSf6
thomas f. Malone CSF1 x2
military bike PYf102
marshall greene HbtSf21
paul le mond CSf4
endless interrogation x3 TSf82
unorthodox psychologist x3 TSf81
interrogation center x9 SSf2
short fuse x3 CSf17
small price to pay x2 CSF19
torch the joint! x3 CSf18
steve clarney x2 CSf23
blackwod file clerk CSF10
shotgun blast x3 CSf16
government exorcist x3 SSf1
forced entry x6 UTc11
bureau chief x6 FCc4
shotgun blast x6 AEc22
hardboiled detective x3 AEc10
undercver security x6 EEc4
shakedown! x3 AEr20
agent jerry holland x2 UTr1
cleaning house FRr9
fire of Asshurbanipal FRr14
paul lemond FCr1 x4
neighborhood gin joint FRr17 x2
pray for dawn UTu13 x2
the man EEu3
comprehending the horror FRu10
burning away the darkness FRu8
calling in the feds UTu9 x2
the old neighborhood MNr18
shadow team SMf1 x4
paranormal specialist UTu5 x2
mr grey CCf1 x2
small price to pay FCc11 x6
on the mean streets FRu18 x3
peeler MNu5 x2
recruit FCu15 x4
neil`s curiosity shop KDf2 x3
the terrible old man KDf1
street smart rockie uTc7
informant EEc7
field office UTc16
police detective FRc5
tommygun AEC30
execution x3 FCc8
crime lab FRu15

Descendant of Eibon TTf75
"with a fine Toothed comb" x9 HbtSf39
eldritch nexus CSf154
strange delusions x3 PYf118
conspiracy theorist PYf117
those whithout faces SSf18
tithe collector HbtSf37
stealing the gloryTTf79 x2
dabbler in the unknown CSf152
old sea dog Yf116 x3
sleepless nights SSf19 x5
antediluvian dreams ADf59 x4
clever zoog TTf76 x6
struggling artist TTf77 x6
total eclipse TTf78 x6
secret stiletto ADg58 x3
overzealous initiate CSf145
moving he scenery CSf147
serpent from yoth CSf149
gentleman`s club CSf153
military advisor CSf148
foiled PYf119
hypothermia MoMf17 x3
the cornered man ADf57
any questions later ADf60
fountain of youth TTf80 x2
the endless investigation Hbtsf40
45.pistols CSf143
arkham asylum CSf146
freelance agent CSf142
gentelman`s club CSf153
political demonstration CSf144
the path to y`ha-nthiel Yf120
the bootleg whiskey cover-up CSf155
unorthodox tactics TSf100
startling discovery AEc213 x2
mad zealot FRc131
the rope and anchorn tavern KDf20 x2
wild beasts EEu222 x4
the bloody tongue EEr213 x2
windy gallows hex FCu145 x4

cthulhu AEp01
cthulhu for president AEp02
come to ghasty end AEp03
dreams of the great old one AEp04
book of dzyan AEp05
escaped the portal AEp06
irresistable allure AEp07
a turn for the worse AEp08
forgotten place AEp09
nameless city AEp10
nuclear chaos AEp11
man`s best friend AEp12
the black man AEp13
priest of the desert moon EEp01
the cairo connection EEp02
shadow over cairo EEp03
tenatcular spectatular EEp04
evil awakens! EEp05
mountains of madness EEp06
Howard Phillips Lovecraft EEp07
the unfortunate cat klause EEp08
dexter asylum EEp09
the opening of every gate EEp10
challange from beyond EEp11
nophru-ka FCp12
mr six EEp13
profane messenger FCp14
atrophy FCp15
cruel temptation FCp16 [/i]

shadow company x2 TSf89
nightmares! THf10
long-dead prince ADf50
brain transplant PYf111 x2
polar mirage MOMf11 x2
altach-nacha, the spider god x2 AHf13
white-out x2 MoMf10
the thing behind you PYf110
spawn of the sleeper x2 SSf11
agoraphobia x3 CSf96
byakhee servant CSf88
hastur, king in yellow x3 CSf81
victoria glasser CSf82
byakhee attack x3 CSf95
performance artist x2 CSf87
scotophobia CSf97

alter reality premiumM27 x3
the black pharaoh EEu152
bent pyramid EEu177
seal of isis UTu102
legacy of nephren-ka EEc167
visitor from the spheres KDf11
dreams in limbo KDf12 x3
adoration of Upuaut MNc99 x2
tenor of the times FCc107 x6
tcho-tcho tribe AHf16 x3
shadow sorceress TTf71 x3
opener of the gate AHf17 x3
forgotten shogoth MoMf12
reawakened elder thing MoMf13
book of eibon HbtSf34
unfathomable elder thing Hbtsf33 x3
path of blood TTf72 x6
touched with madness SSf14 x4
bloodthirsty zealot SSf13 x4
idol of the abomination PYf113 x3
humble supplicicant FRc92
cthuga, Fiery Conflagration AHf15 x3

julia brown PYf107 x2
lurking star spawn AEr98
silver twilight temptress HbtSf29 x4
sacrificial offerings UTu66 x2
called to the sea KDf8 x3
inner Sanctum FRu72
overwhelmed by nightmares FRu64
St. Erasmus home for marines KDf7
collateral damage EEu106
giving thanks Fru70 x3
devil`s hop yard DDf9 x3
sebeks chosen one EEc98
eye of he deep PYf108
scalethorn asylum PYf106
cave mouth MoMf8 x3
borkug, the great water lizard AHf10 x2
emerging deep one SSf8 x3
sacrificial offerings CSf59
nocturnal scavenger ADf48
muddy waters ADf49
bite marks TTf68 x6
the thing from the shore TSf87

mi-go scout CSf129
snow graves x2 MoMf15
nygotha, the Sentient Void AHf18 x2
dark druid AHf20 x3
burrowing beneath CSf137
antarctic yeti Momf14
grim wraith SSf15 x3
eat the dead ADf56 x5
unspeakable transformation PYf115 x3
ghoulish thrill seeker ADf55 x4
dimensional worm TTF73 x6
the black goat`s rage SSf16 x3
binding worm PYf114
gibbering soul ADF54 x3
mind Eater HbtSf35 x2
summoning circle TTf74 x2
ghoulish worshipper AHF19 x3
underground asylum x7 SSf7
fugitive scientist x6 HbtSf26
arkham advertiser archives x3 HbtSf28
vengeful hit HbtSf27 x4
richard finchington III Aff7
brazen hoodlum x3 ADf45
blackball jim ADf46
specimen bags x3 MoMf6
hand camera x3 MoMf7
fixer MNu41 x4
extortionist FRc39 x2
wish for power FCu49 x2
patsy MNc43
clover club torch singer UTc38
tragic celebrity CCf5 x2
hard case FCc41 x4
anarchist FCc65
the voice of the phone EEu63 x2
blind medium Eu66 x4
alhazred lamp UTc50 x2
o`bannion warehouse premiumI23 x2
the seventh house on the left KDf6 x5
mask of coin MNc51 x3
exposed! AEu77 x2
wish for power FCu49 x2
persuasive friends AEc81
intimidate AEc80 x4
dry gulch EEc78 x4
society page editor FRr41 x2
dr. Marinus Bicknell Willett EEr62
william Bain, “ The One” KDF5
expatriate reporter EEu69 x3
the best bias money can buy FRu47 x3
syndicate liaison UTu43 x4
payback FRu46 x3
panic UTu47 x3
state representative FCu39
on the grift EEu80
worse for the wear FRr48
continental agent FRc38
eye for an eye MNu47
telling no tales EEr81
dutch courage, premium I11 x1/ EEu86 x2
arcane grifter TTf65 x9
demented caretaker AHf8 x9
island hermit AHf9 x8
jack “ brass” Brady CSf61 x2
trent Dixon SSf6 x2
dr Marinus Bicknell Willett CSf62 x2
richard Upton Pickman CSf63
dutch courage CSf73 x2
syndicate liaison CSf68 x2
freelance photographer CSf72
midnight alley TTf66

IN NEXT WEEK: happy.gif !! !! !!

4x AE R19 Search Warrant
1x AE R20 Shakedown!
1x AE R27 Mayor's Office
4x UT R3 Back Alley Sawbones
2x UT R8 Backup
2x UT R12 On Ice
1x FR R1 •Norman Blackwood, Sr., The Old Man
1x FR R12 Strike the Shepherd
1x FR R14 •Fire of Asshurbanipal, Bane of Ninevah
2x EE R1 •Norman Blackwood, Jr., Scholarly Detective
1x EE R2 •Kirby O'Donnell, Adventurer Abroad
4x EE R10 Mystery Agent
4x EE R15 Blessed Dawn
3x EE R17 Erased from History
4x EE R24 An Intriguing Offer
3x EE R25 Armored Car
3x EE R27 Evidence Room
1x MN R1 •Captain Isoge Taro, Imperial Japanese Captain
2x MN R11 Scouring the Earth
1x FC R1 •Paul LeMond, Tormented Psychic
1x FC R2 •Professor Hermann Mulder, Bureau Consultant
2x FC R9 Kick it Upstairs
3x FC R10 January Stones
1x FC R14 •Irem, City of the Pillars
2x FC R17 Service Notice
1x AKD F1 •The Terrible Old Man

1x AE R121 •Hastur, The King in Yellow
1x AE R138 Mass Hysteria
1x AE R141Unspeakable Revelations
2x AE R148The Unnamable House
1x UT R78 Spawn of Hastur
1x UT R86 Aldebaran Ascendant
1x FR R76 Mysterious Mentor
1x EE R121 •Hastur, He Who Shall Not Be Named
2x EE R123 •Victoria Glasser, The Society Hostess
2x EE R131 Predatory Byakhee
1x EE R137 Enshrouded Sun
3x EE R141 Scotophobia
1x EE R150 Old City Bazaar
1x MN R73 •Hildred Castaigne, Future Emperor of America
1x MN R86 •Revelations of Hali, Words of the Shepherd's God
1x FC R73 •Chaugnar Faugn, The Horror from the Hills
1x FC R81 Carcosa is All
1x FC R82 December Song
1x FC R86 •Plateau of Leng, Where No One Lives
1x AKD F9 •Charles Dexter Ward
2x ADD F10Feathery Watchers

2x AE R181•Shub-Niggurath, The Black Goat of the Woods
1x AE R183Cyclopean Dhole
5x AE R192Rampaging Dark Young
2x AE R200From Beneath
2x AE R205Altar of the Blessed
1x AE R208The Charnel Gate
1x UT R109•Shub-Niggurath, The All-Mother
4x UT R117A Time to Sow
7x UT U121Shocking Transformation
2x UT R126Under the Cloak of Darkness
5x AP M13 Witch-Tree
2x FR U110 Ancient Guardian
3x FR R112 Spawn from K'n-Yan
3x FR R125 Watkins Family Plot
8x EE U184 Black Spawn from Below
4x EE R185 Brood of Bubastis
2x EE R192 Rampaging Chthonian
2x EE R193 Tomb-Herd
7x EE R194 Veneration of Apis
1x EE R196 Buzzing of Locusts
4x EE R202 The Mother's Fury
2x EE R204 Strange Sisterhood
4x EE R205 Ancient Necropolis
3x EE R208 Ezbekiyeh Gardens
2x MN R109•M'weru, Priestess of the Bloody Tongue
2x FC R110•Y'Golonac, The Obscenity
1x FC R117Propagation
2x FC R119The May Garland
3x FC R122•G'harne, Home to Shudde-M'ell
3x FC R124Still Life

Neutrals and promo
3x AE P09 Forgotten Place
4x AE R211Even Death May Die
1x AE R215To the Last Breath
2x AE R219Blasted Heath
2x AE R220Country Store
1x AE R231North Church
1x AE R239To See Another Day
4x AE R240True Magick, Theophilus Wren's Taxonomy
2x UT R129Lore Keeper
6x UT R131Scurrying Rat-Thing
1x UT R133Prophecies Fulfilled
4x UT R134Strange Inheritance
4x UT R137Arkham Library
2x UT R139Occult Shop
3x UT R145Train Station
1x AP I21 To See Another Day
4x AP M23 Nightmare Hours
1x AP M24 Sea Worms
1x FR R135 •Mi-Go Web Armor, For Yuggoth's Warriors
1x FR R136 •Sword of St. Jerome, The Martyr's Legacy
1x FR R137 Decrepit Mausoleum
3x FR R141 Incomprehensible Machine
1x EE P2 The Cairo Connection
1x EE P3 Shadow over Cairo
4x EE P13 •Mr. Six, The Dweller in the Caverns
3x EE P14 Profane Messenger
9x EE P15 Atrophy
3x EE P16 Cruel Temptation
2x EE R211 •Father of Bats, The Horror that Flies
2x EE R212 •The Bloated Woman, Keeper of Secrets
1x EE R213 •The Bloody Tongue, Howler on the Mountain
4x EE R214 •The Black Man, Granter of Wishes
4x EE R224 Deal with the Devil
7x EE R228 Swarm of Cobras
3x EE R233 Revealed of Ra
4x EE R234 Temple of Nephren-Ka
5x EE R237 The Eye of Light and Darkness
1x EE R238 The Shriek of Cities
4x MN R130•Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos
1x MN R135Carne Vale
1x MN R140Gray Dragon Island
2x MN R141Limehouse Docks
1x MN R142Massa di Requiem per Shuggay
1x MN R143The Ju-Ju House
4x EP I46 Contract Killer
1x EP I47 Blinding Light
4x EP M45 The Brink of Twilight
3x EP M46 Calling Forth the Abyss
1x EP M47 The Thing in the Cave
1x FC R127•Azathoth, The Blind Idiot God
1x FC R128Assistant to Dr. West
4x FC R129•Tsathoggua, The Sleeper
3x FC R136•K'n-yan, Of the Blue Light
1x FC R137•Ultima Thule, Beyond Which Nothing
1x FC R138Of One Mind
4x FC R139Teamwork
4x FC R144The Keenness of Two Alike
2x EE Y1 Pnakoti Elder
2x EE Y2 Great Race Scientist
2x EE Y3 Yithian Soldier
3x EE Y4 Master of Time and Space
4x EE Y6 Library at Pnakotus
2x AKD F15Mentor to Vaughn
2x AKD F17•Tulzscha, The Green Flame
1x ACC F19Broken Space, Broken Time
1x ACC F20Beneath the Mire

Well I'm interested in a couple of promos and Shub-Niggurath, The Black Goat of the Woods. Let me know if you'll sell them directly or post them on eBay soon.

Got my card. Thank you very much!


norm grzybowski AHf5
prof. nathaniel peaslee CSf24
academic obfusction SSf44 x3
prof. albert wilmarth AHf6
student archeologist CSf32
mad genius CSf27
natural philosoher CSf31
restless and wary CSf38
laboratory assistant CSf29
dr carson`s teatment CSf39
howard ludwinski ADf43
sleeping pills SSF5 x3
atwood science hall CSf35
professor albert wilmarth CSf21
open for inspection CSf34
dr carson SSf3
visiting author CSf26
sleeping pills SSf5 x3
itinerant scholar CSf30
field researcher PYf103
summer classes TSf84 x3
changing the names PYf104 x3
binding CSf36
antropology advisor CSf25
dr ali kafour CSf22
starnge librarian CSf28
rabbit`s foot SSf4
cafateria lady AHf4
literatur professor TSf83
feast of famine CSf37
unearthing the ancients CSf40
Secret research premiumI43 x3
Yian FCr32
Randolph carter FCr20 x2
Book of eibon AEr53
Professor of archeology EEr41 x2
Mysterious benefactor AEr39 x3
Parapsychologist FRr23 x3
Strange visitors FRr24 x3
Antropology advisor EEr35
Dr ali kafour EEr31
Research expedition UTr30 x2
Professor Nathaniel pleasle FCr19 x2
Professor emeritus AEpremiumi18 x2
The hall school KDf4 x3
Thomas olney KDf3
Professor armitage DDf5 x5
Professor rice DDf3 x5
Breakthrough! UTu27 x3
Wish for insight FCu31 x3
Sheer force of will EEu51 x4
Rush to judgment FCu30 x3
Reversing the temporal flow EEu49 x5
Unavoidable delay MNu30
Unearthing the ancients AEu51
Cave in! EEu45 x2
Cloud memory FRu26
Rafting he elder sign AEu46 x5
Undocumented expedition AEu52 x3
Professor of metaphysics UTu24 x3
Military escort EEu39 x3
Itinerant scholar MNu25 x4
Local historian UTu23 x4
Professor armitage AEu31 x2
Visiting professor AEu43 x2
Expedition leader AEu35 x4
The messenger EEu33 x8
Student archaeologist EEu42
Local guide EEu38 x5
Soothsayer MNu26 x6
Classicist MNu23
Campus gumshoe FRu20 x3
Asent-minded Accountant FCu22 x3
Arkham psychologist AEu33 x3
Cityin the sands FCu34x6
Cultes des goules EEu56 x7
Dirigible EEu57 x4
Celaneo fragments AEu56 x4
Vaughn`s diary FRu36 x2
Unmasking treachery MNu32 x2
Realms beyond reason UTu35 x3
Academic conference FRu32 x8
Misckatonic library AEu60 x4
Novitiate FCu33
Dusty manuscript UTu33 x5
Egyptian museum EEu58 x4
Open for inspection MNu36 x2
Thumaturgical prodigies AEc54 x8
Expedition warehouse EEc59 x5
The unmoving finger FCc36 x7
Gass of mortlan FRc33 x4
Saracenic rituals FRc34 x4
Government grant UTc34 x7
Dhol chants EEc54 x8
Mask of wisdom MNc33 x4
m.u. administration building AEc57 x5
feast of famine EEc46 x4
misinformation FCc26 x2
adoration of thoth MNc27
dr Carson`s treatment FRc27 x2
back to he vaults FRc25 x8
radical therapy AEc50 x4
powder of ibn- ghazi AEc49 x4
arcane insight UTc26 x2
purification UTc29 x4
slumming MNc29
seduction of the tombs EEc50
binding AEc44
legacy of akhnaton EEc48 x4
graduating historian EEc37 x7
natural philosopher MNc20 x3
brotherhood researcher MNc22 x4
ethobiologist AEc34 x5
civil engineer FCc24 x4
theology professor EEc34 x8
strange ibrarian AEc41 x7
government liaison EEc34 x10
laboratory assistant AEc37
American ambassador MNc21 x5
Antiquites consutant UTc20 x6
Visiting author FCc25 x5
Two-fisted archeologist AEc42 x6
Visiting author FCc25
Cryptozooloist UTc22 x7
Fringe researcher FRc21 x6
Graduate assistant FRc22 x5
Egyptology consultant EEc36 x8
Reclusive researcher UTc25 x7
cHarlatan FCc23 x7
miscatonic admnistratio EEc40 x7
rare book researcher AEc40 x4

Sharpshooter FCc7 x4
Local sheriff FCc5 x4
Bureau chief FCc4
Informant EEc7 x4
Street prophet EEu16 x4
t-men MNc2 x2
brotherhood street runner MNc3
colonial guard EEc6 x4
police sergeant EEc11 x4
monster hunter EEc9 x4
street-smart rookie UTc7 x4
off-duty patrolman UTc x2
blackwood file clerk AEc5 x4
special operation team UTc6 x4
hired muscle AEc11 x4
police detective FRc5 x4
blackwood associate AEc3 x4
blackwood occultist FRc2 x3
hardboiled detective AEc10 x3
freelance occultist AEc7 x4
decommissioned officer MNc4 x4
small price to pay FCc11 x2
execution FCc8 x4
police raid AEc17 x4
working a hunch FRc13
search and securize EEc22 x4
adoration o ma`at MNc9 x4
cover fire FRc11 x4
gunned down EEc18 x4
taking no chances MNc12 x4
legacy of khufu EEc20 x4
fear of god UTc10 x4
mystic courage AEc15 x2
private skiff EEc29 x4
tommygun AEc30 x4
field office UTc16 x4
police sation AEc29 x2
lightning gun FRc16 x3
carabine EEc23 x4
mask of law MNc15 x2
the broken fit FCc18 x4
neil`s curiosity shop KDf2 x3
canine guardian DDf1 x4
development camp DDf2 x2
martial law UTu16 x4
shotgun UTu18 x2
dead man`s alley AEu25 x2
Antarctic ruins FCu16
Patrol wagon AEu28 x2
Deathtrap MNu17
Recruit FCu15 x2
Unmasking cowardice MNu14 x4
British garrison EE26 x2
Turning cycle EEu30 x4
Crime lab FRu15 x3
Gnboat EEu28 x3
On the mean strees FRu18 x2
Man of he inside EEu8 x4
Tribal elder MNu6
Peeler MNu5 x4
Paranormal specialist Utu5 x4
Thomas f. malone AEu1 x4
Inspector hohn legrasse UTu2 x3
Task force AEu13 x3
Beat cop AEu2 x2
Blackwood detective AEu4 x2
Femme fatale FRu3 x4
Senior associate EEu12 x4
Requisitions officer FCu6 x4
The man EEu3 x4
Shamus FCu3 x4
Undercover agent MNu7 x3
Hail of bullets EEu19 x3
Urban renewal FCu12 x4
Time bomb MNu13 x
Comprehending the horror Fru10 x2
Purifying flame EEu21 x4
Dangerous insights EEu16 x4
Playing with fire AEu6 x4
Wish for strength FCu13 x3
Calling in the feds UTu9 x4
Hair of the worm AEu14 x2
Preemptive strike AEu18 x4
Pray for dawn UTu13 x2
Blessed dawn EEr15
Blackwood safehouse UTr15
Cairo mercenary EEr5 x5
Neighborhood gin joint FRr17 x4
Professo Hermann mulder FCr2
Norman blackwood sr FRr1
Norman blackwood jr EEr1 x2
hired muscle CSf8
local sheriff CSf3
night-shift security Thf1
flood lights tHf2 x3
mr ngambe AHf3 x3
ammunitionist expert AHf2 x3
agency groundskeeper TTf61 x3
dynamite ADf42 x6
confident rookie PYf101 x5
repo man ADf41 x6
peeler CSF11 x3
thomas f. Malone CSF1 x2
freelance occultist CSF9
torch the joint CSf18
undercover security CSf7
professor herman mulder CSf5
working a hunch CSf20
monster hunter CSf6
patrol wagon CSf15
shotgun CSF14
military bike PYf102 x2
marshall greene HbtSf21
paul le mond CSf4 x2
blackwood file clerk CSf10
endless interrogation x6 TSf82
unorthodox psychologist x6 TSf81
interrogation center x6 SSf2
short fuse x4 CSf17
t-men CSf12
safari hunter AHf1 x3
small price to pay x3 CSF19
kirby o`donnel CSf2
g-men CSf13
steve clarney x3 CSf23
shotgun blast x4 CSf16
government exorcist x6 SSf1

twilight ritual THf16
the day dreamer THf17 x3
eldritch nexus CSf154 x2
strange delusions x6 PYf118
julia brown SSf17
conspiracy theorist PYf117 x2
slepless nights SSf19 x3
antediluvian dreams ADf59 x3
parallel universe TSf98 x3
those whithout faces SSf18
samantha grace TSf96
stealing the gloryTTf79 x2
dabbler in the unknown CSf152 x2
secret stiletto ADf58 x3
gentelman`s club CSf153
political demonstartion CSf144
moving the scenery CSf147
serpent from yoth CSf149
campaign chief TSf95
foiled PYf119 x2
45.pistols CSf143 x2
military advisor CSf148
arkham asylum CSf146
obsessive inmate TSf97
tcho-tcho talisman CSf150
old sea dog PYf116 x3
the path to y`ha-nthiel Yf120 x2
unorthodox tactics TSf100 x2
the bootleg whiskey cover-up CSf155
ask questions later ADf60
the underwater conspiracy SSf20
the spawn of madness TSf99
mystic bounty hunter CSf141
overzealous initiate CSf145
the cornered man ADf57
inside information CSf151
freelance agent CSf142

cthulhu AEp01
cthulhu for president AEp02 x2
come to ghasty end AEp03
dreams of the great old one AEp04
book of dzyan AEp05
escaped the portal AEp06
irresistable allure AEp07
a turn for the worse AEp08
forgotten place AEp09
nameless city AEp10 x2
nuclear chaos AEp11
man`s best friend AEp12
the black man AEp13
priest of the desert moon EEp01
the cairo connection EEp02
shadow over cairo EEp03
tenatcular spectatular EEp04
evil awakens! EEp05
mountains of madness EEp06
Howard Phillips Lovecraft EEp07
the unfortunate cat klause EEp08
dexter asylum EEp09
the opening of every gate EEp10
challange from beyond EEp11
nophru-ka FCp12
mr six EEp13
profane messenger FCp14
atrophy FCp15 x17
cruel temptation FCp16 [/i]

Broken vessels FRu74
Servant of the oath FRu78 x3
Lunatic Shade UTu77 x2
Seeing the light FCu84
The first Manhattan FCu89
Artist in Residence UTc75 x3
Keeper of he yellow sign AEc126 x2
Academy prodigy UTc74 x2
Bearer of the yellow sign FRc73 x4
Thrill killer AEc131
Street scholar AEc130 x3
Oblique strategies FCc83 x3
Cold spring glen DDf11 x2
long-dead prince ADf50
brain transplant PYf111 x5
bringer of fire AHf14 x3
erich zann SSf10
blind submission CSf99
demon lover CSf84
polar mirage MOMf11
altach-nacha, the spider god AHf13 x3
infernal obsession ADf51
thing form the stars CSf85
sedated CSf94
white-out x2 MoMf10
the thing behind you PYf110 x2
spawn of the sleeper SSf11 x2
mad artist CSf92
aspiring artist AHf12 x3
ghost CSf91
power drain CSf100
shadow company TSf89
bearer of the yellow sign CSf90
terrifying visage SSf12 x3
agoraphobia x4 CSf96
byakhee servant CSf88 x2
vaporous isle TSf90
predatory byakhee CSf89
yellow muse CSf83
hastur, king in yellow x4 CSf81
victoria glasser CSf82 x2
victoria`s loft CSf93
byakhee attack x4
messenger form beyond CSf86 CSf95
performance artist x3 CSf87
despair CSf98
scothophobia CSF97


cthuga, fiery conflafration AHf15
yog-sothoth, in whom...CSf101
a single glimpse CSf117
son of yeb CSf103
guardian alder thing CSf109
gathering at the stones CSf118
forbidden shrine CSf113
the sleepwalker ADf52
living mummy CSf104
disciple of the gate CSf11
unspekable ressurection CSf119
nebulous ooze TSf91
dampen light CSf120
journey to the other side CSf115
blackmoore estate CSf114
opener of the gate AHf17 x3
servant from out of time CSf102
opening the limbo gate CSf116
hound of tindalos CSf110
fisehers from outside CSf105
servant of nodens CSf112
cannibal ghast CSf106
across dimensions ADf53
tcho-tcho tribe AHf16 x3
spell- bound shoggoth CSf107
arcane initiate CSf108
touched with madness SSf14 x3
bloodthirsty zealot SSf13 x
hideous guardian PYf112 x3
domestic sacrifice TSf92 x3
idol of abomination PYf113 x3
Wilbur Whateley DDf13 x6
Visitor from the spheres KDf11
The dunwich horror DDf12 x2
Sentinel hill DDf14 x2
Glass from leng FRc107 x4
Execration EEc178 x7
Pharaonic mask MNc106x4
Temple of yog-sothoth AEc179x2
Rites of luveh-keraph EEc174 x6
Key of twali at-umr AEc175 x5
Gate box UTc107 x7
Sound of the whippoorwills FCc101 x4
A single glimse EEc165
Journey of he other side Frc101 x6
Opening the third eye UT100 x3
Unspeakable resurrection AEc172 x5
Rite of the broken stone EEpremiumM18 x5
The twin blasphemies EEc172 x6
Sacrifical gate AEc171 x4
Aklo sabaoth MNc100 x5
Adoration of upuaut Mnc99
Cloak of tawil at-umr FRc99 x3
Legacy of nephren-ka EEc167 x8
Fire vampire swarm AEc156
Fishers from outside MNc92 x5
Wizard of chorazos EEc154 x8
Nightgaunt sentry AEc159 x4
Shambling zombie AEc163 x4
Nightgaunt servant UTc93 x4
GatekeeperEEc158 x8
Unstoppable hound UTc96 x4
Arcane initiate UTc92 x4
Disciple of the gate AEc154 x4
Restless dead FRc94 x3
Brotherhood acolyte MNc94 x4
Son of Yeb EEc161 x8
Render of veils AEc160 x4
Ruthless fanatic EEc160 x7
mi-go slave FCc96 x2
cannibal ghast MNc95 x5
child of yog-sothoth FCc95 x2
humble supplicant FRc92 x8
daughter of Nug EEc157 x4
servant of nodens FRc95 x8
the black pharaoh EEu152 x5
servant of the key AEu161 x3
spectral hunter EEu162 x2
dark attendant EEu156 x4
wizard of yog-sothoth UTu97 x2
bloated star vampire AEu152
wandering dimensional shambler FRu97 x7
teller of tales MNu98 x2
vampire staker AEu162 x5
insubstantial insect MNu96 x4
guardian elder thing AEu155 x2
shantak mount MNu97 x2
spell-bound shoggoth UTu95 x5
child of the fire mist EEu155 x3
child of the kingdoms FCu93
sanctify the stone FRu102
rending the veil AEu169 x5
forbidden shrine UTu106 x4
beyond the gates UTu104 x7
pnakotic manuscripts AEu176 x5
unstable energies MNu108 x2
enchanted cane FRu106
mine of yuggoth FCu106 x2
fane of the black pharaoh EEu179 x3
fungal growth FCu105 x2
haunted graveyard AEu174 x3
back alley of cairo EEu176 x5
red gate mound AEu177
riddles EEu169 x6
shadows and reflections FRu108 x4
peer into he future UTu101 x4
Bent pyramid EEu177 x4
Sinking the lotus EEu171 x5
Dread curse of azathoth AEu165
Stone of the heart MNu102 x3
Seal of isis UTu102 x4
Wish for revelation FCu103 x5
Pentagram of fire EEu168 x8
Gathering at the stones AEu167 x2
Yog-sothoth, in whom the spheres meet UTr91
Yog-sothoth the key nd the gate AEr151
Yog-Sothoth, the opener of the way EEr153 x4
Ithaqua FCr91
Ho fong MNr91
Master of the key FRr93 x2
Living mummy EEr163 x3
High prist of the key AEr157
Wilbur whteley FCr92
Servant from out of time UTr94 x4
Hermetic scholar EEr159
Hound of tindalos AER158 x2
Foul dimensional shambler AEr153
Cabala of saboth UTr105
Warded flesh AEr180 x3
The goddess of the black fan MNr104
Commoriom FCr104
Winlock1s dig EEr180 x2
Tempe of ramasekva AEr178
De vermis mysteriis EEr173 x3
Canopic jar EEr175 x3
Dark texts FRr105 x3
The doors of time UTr108 x2
Chant of thoth FRr98 x2
Turning the silver key FRr103
Haunted mists MNr101
Ream messenger AEr166 x2
February`s march Fcr99 x3
Balance of thoth EEr166 x2
Burnout AEr164
Born in the spheres EEr164 x3
Ease the transition Fcr98 x2
Screaming of the spheres EEr170 x6
Warping of time UTr103 x4
Mystic backlash AEr168 x5
Opening the limbo gate Utr99 x4
Hunting horror AEpremiumM15
Elder thing scientist AEpremiumM26 x2
Alter reality EEpremiumM27 x2

R`leh Text MNr68
Private treatment center EEr118 x4
Proto- shoggoth AEr100
A grand aquatic destiny FRr62
The beast EE92
Fragment of lemuria FCu71
Called to the sea KDf8 x3
Devil`s hop yard DDf9 x6
Noises in the hills DDf8
St. Erasmus home for mariners DDf7
called by azathoth SSf9
dagon CSf42
ghatantoha AHf11
cthulhu, the gfreat old one CSf41
sword of y`ha-tallo CSf54
raveger form the deep CSf46
deep one assault CSf56
the thing form the shore TSf87
pulled under CSf57
touched by the sleeper CSf60
young deep one CSf52
innsmouth troble maker CSf47
adult deep one CSf48
shadow-spawned hunting horror CSf45
keeper of the golden path CSf43
guardian shoggoth CSf44
bokrug AHf10
mature deep one CSF51
get it off! CSF58
sacrifical offerings CSf59
sclathorn asylum PYf109
eye of the deep PYf108
nocturnal scavenger ADf48
sleep of reason CSf53
sjhadowed reef CSf55
communal shower TSf88 x3
lord of the silver twilight CSf50
ocean crawlers CSf49
muddy waters ADF49
emerging deep one SSf8 x3
julia brown PYf107 x3

degenerate ghoul CSf132
watcher of the woods CSf128
ghoul taint CSf134
regeneration CSf136
burrowing beneath CSf137
bred to survive CSf139
shub-niggurath CSf121
mi-go warrior CSf130
y`golonac CSf122
ancient guardian CSf126
mi-go scout CSf129
shocking transformation CSf140
slavering gug CSf124
small ghouls CSf127
altar of the blessed CSf135
gibbering soul ADF54 x3
dark druid AHf20 x3
eat the dead ADf56 x3
open grave TSf94 x3
forest sister CSf125
unsekable transformation PYf115 x3
binding worm PYf114
hungry dark young CSf131
insect swarm TSf93 x3
the black goat`s rage SSf16
horrid mutation CSf138
shadowed woods CSf133
ghoulish workshipper AHf19 x3
ghoulish thrill seeker ADf55 x3
priestress of bubastis CSf123
grim wraith SSf15 x3
nygotha AHf18
A noxious birth FCc116 x8
Horrid mutation AEc202 x7
Regeneration AEc203 x8
Change of seasons FCc118 x7
Legacy of nitocrisEEc200 x8
Ever growing MNc119 x5
Time to reap UTc116 x4
Berserk fury EEc195 x8
Curiosity`s price UTc120 x7
Hands of colubra Frc119 x8
The reaping FRc120 x6
Burrowing beneath AEc197 x2
Adoration of hetheru MNc117 x5
Claws of Bubastis EEc198 x8
The mother`s kiss FRc124 x8
Ghoul taint EEc209 x8
mi-go brain case FRc122 x6
rite of rebirth AEc206 x8
the witch house AEc209 x7
vision of he worms FCc126 x5
boarding house UTc122 x7
triune mask MNc123 x6
priestress of Bubastis EEc191 x6
degenerate ghoul AEc185 x6
star-sumoned dhole FRc113 x7
wily goat-spawn UTc115 x8
mother`s avenger EEc183 x8
ghoul khanum EEc187
kindly nurse FCc113 x4
guardian of the moon- lens EEc189 x8
mi-go worker AEc191 x5
the mother`s messenger UTc113 x6
the mother`s hand FRc114 x8
swaying branches Fcc115 x7
forest sister UTc111 x3
obscne polyp MNc115 x2
small ghouls MNc110 x5
brotherhood procurer MNc113 x2
daughter of the goat AEc184 x8
adult chthonian AEc182 x7
progeny of abhoth FCc114 x8
mi-go explorer EEc190 x3
horns of the back goat AEu201 x4
wish for growt FCu121 x4
deflect harm FRu116 x4
caught of the dreamlands AEu198 x7
gathering infulance FRu118 x8
forever reborn EEu199 x5
cannot be stopped EEu197 x5
fertility rites AEu199
the new flesh FCu120 x6
bred to survive UTu119 x5
trapped in the labyrinth AEu204 x8
bound by the back mother AEu196 x8
the forest laughs EEu201 x4
caressed by y`golonac MNu124 x5
poisonus fog FRu123 x3
Watkins root cellar FRu126 x2
Temple of haon- dor FCu125 x4
Birthing pit EEu206 x3
Seeds FCu123 x4
Shadowed woods AEu207x6
Temple of bubastis EEu210 x7
Ghoulish growth UTu124 x8
Consecrated lands UTu123 x2
Charnel vaults EEu207 x5
The thousand – faced moon EEu182 x7
Watcher of the woods UTu114 x4
Mrs Watkins boarder FRu111 x4
Slithering formless spawn AEu194 x2
Flying polip scout AEu186 x4
Ghoul pilgrim from the east EEu188 x7
Albino goat- spawn UTu110
mi-go warrior AEu190 x6
child of earth and flame EEu186
ageless mi-go FCu112
space eaters FCu111 x5
mi-go commander AEu188
worms of the earth MNu116 x4
basil Elton KDf13 x2
lavinia whateley DDf15 x3
thunder in the east KDf14 x4
the stone of he peak DDf16 x2
thanks be to shudde-m`ell MNr120 x2
beneath the harvest moon FRr115 x2
the mother`s bounty MNr121
from the womb reborn FRr117 x2
y`golonac FCr110
Shub-Niggurath, the all mother UTr109
The mother`s fury EEr202 x3

hard case CSf69
richard finchington III AHf7
blackball jim CSf46
island hermit AHf9 x3
tear gas TSf86 x3
vengeful mob ADf47 x3
clover club bouncer CSf65
demented caretaker AHf8 x3
extortionist CSf71
syndicate liaison CSf68
friend of the family TSf85 x3
cathouse CSf74
richard upton pickman CSf63
alhazred lamp CSf75
triggerman CSf67
jack " brass" brady CSf61
legacy of ramses CSf80
dr marinus bicknell willety CSf62
patsy CSf70
panic CSf77
greelance photographer CSf72
low blow CSf79
bag man CSf64
brazen hoodlum ADf45 x3
like a moth CSf76
clover club toech singer CSf66
dutch courage CSf73
get on your feet! CSf78
trent dixon SSf6
underground asylum SSf7 x3
expendable muscle TSf105 x3
false papers TSf106 x3
The seventh house on the left KDf6 x4
Ancient gold DDf7 x5
Gun runners club SMf6
Hack journalist DDf6
William bain the one” KDf5
State representive FCu39 x2
mob lieutant AEu68 x4
Fixer MNu41 x4
Brotherhood addict FCu40 x4
Rambling man MNu44 x2
Gang boss MNu42 x4
Expatriate reporter EEu69 x3
Rum runner FRu40 x4
hIjacker EEu71 x2
o`bnnion thug UTu41
syndicate troubleshooter AEu72 x4
syndicate liaison UTu43 x3
investigative reporter AEu67
hit squad AEu66 x3
unmasking shame MNu50
cairo bulletin EEu85 x4
kickback FCu51 x2
up for rabs MNu54 x3
sedannet EEu8 x3
slander and libel UTu52
assassination contract AEu85 x4
breaking and entering FRu50 x3
hit list AEu89 x2
arkham advertiser AEu83 x3
cathouse FRu51 x4
wish for power FCu49
in the gutter FCu47 x4
ancient mound FCu52 x3
the best bias money can buy FRu47 x2
eye for an eye MNu47
blowing the whistle EEu77 x2
on the grift EEu80 x3
abduction EEu75 x2
panic UTu47
exposed! AEu77 x4
spinning the story UTu48
extortion AEu78
payback FRu46 x4
behind the closed door AEu74
dry gulch EEc78
bust-out FCc44 x4
low blow FCc48 x2
cut the power FRc43 x4
the bum`s rush EEc82 x4
get on your feet! FRc44 x4
cooking the books MNc46
adoration of maahes MNc45 x2
legacy of ramses EEc79 x4
persuasive friends AEc81 x3
underworld contact UTc49 x3
desperation AEc76
like a moth UTc46 x2
intimidate AEc80 x2
mask of coin MNc51 x4
packet steamer EEC88 x3
brass knuckles EEc83 x4
the unraveled nerve FCc54 x4
alhazred lamp UTc50 x3
stuck in he slummer FRc53 x4
lucky cigarette case AEc90 x2
plutonian drug FRc52 x3
clover cartage co. AEc86 x4
anarchist EEc65
construction crew EEc67 x4
patsy MNc43 x4
quite a dame FCc42 x5
street preacher MNc38 x4
hard case FCc41 x4
brotherhood interrogator MNc39 x2
nosy columnist UTc40 x4
bag man UTc37 x4
clover club torch singer Utc38 x4
drug runner EEc68 x2
opium fiend EEc72 x4
extortionist FRc39 x4
continental agent FRc38
o`bannion gunses AEc70 x4
freelance reporter AEc64 x4
o`bannion enforcer AEc69 x3
discreet physician AEc63 x4
clover club bouncer AEc61 x4
on the lam AEpremiumi12 x2
fugitive EEpremiumi25 x2
society page editor FRr41
sneak thief UTr42 x2
dr marinus Bicknell wllett EEr62 x3
doctor anton zarnak FCr37 x2
courier AEr62 x3
chemist MNr40
jack “brass’brady MNr37 x2
Etienne- Laurent de marginy FRr37 x2
Richard upton pickman FCr38 x3
Hired mystic AEr65
Gangster`s moll AEr73
Freelance phothographer UTr39 x2
Hatcheman EEr70 x4
Danny o`bannion EEr61 x3
Stool pigeon EEr73 x3
Syndicate agent AEr71 x3
Hush money EEr87
Livre d`ivon MNr49
Velma`s restaurant UTr54
Koth FCr50
CAlling in favors MNr52
Unlicensed garage MNr53 x3
Underground press EEr90 x2
Radio network EEr84 x3
Icon of the nameless pharaoph FRr49 x2
First bank of arkham AEr88 x2
Akham docks AEr84 x2
Elder sign pendant AEr87
He rip-off AEr82 x4
Theosophist meeting EEr74 x4
Telling no tales EEr81 x3
Auto-de-fe EEr76 x5
Framed! UTr45
Worse for the wear FRr48
Dogs of auust FCr46
Show of oyalty Fcr45 x2
Sleight of hand MNr48
Double – coss Utr44 x4
Burning the midnight oil AEr75
Forced foreclosure AEr79 x3

NEW UP TO THE DATE - 22.01.2010

sleeping pills SSf5 x3
rabbit`s foot SSf4
dr carson SSf3
academic obfuscation ADf44 x3
howard ludvinsky ADf43
pagan hall TTf64
shortsighted librarian TTf63
summer classes TSf84 x3
literature professor TSf83
heterodox physicist MNr24
yian FCr32 x2
hotel Chelsea MNr34
seven cryptical book of hsan MNr31 x2
historical discovery EEr47
the punishing sun EEr52
prof. albert wilmarth EEr32
the light of reason UTr36
steve clarney Utr19 x2
parapsychologist FRr23
find gate AEr48
mysterious benefactor AEr39 x2
secret research premiumI 43 x2
professor armitage DDf5
Thomas olney KDf3 x2
Professor rice DDf3
Seeker of the profane CCf3
The hall school KDf4 x3
Omega alumnus SMf3 x2
Arkham psychologist AEu33 x2
Classicist MNu23
Absent-minded accountant FCu22
Atwood science hall UTu32
Cultes des ghouls EEu56
Dusty manuscripts UTu33
Military escort EEu39
Open for inspection MNu36
Undocumented expedition AEu52
Breakthrough! UTu27 x4
The messenger EEu33 x3
Visiting professor AEu43 x3
Professor William dyer FRu19
Professor of metaphysics UTu24 x2
Soothsayer MNu26
M.U. science building AEu58 x3
Sheer force of will EEu51 x3
Egyptian museum EEu58 x3
Cave in! EEu45 x3
Expedition leader AEu35 x3
Crafting the elder sign AEu46 x3
Local historian UTu23 x3
Student archeologist EEu42 x3
Professor armitage AEu31 x2
Academic conference Fru32 x3
Local guide EEu38 x4
Dirigible EEu57 x3
Unearthing the ancients AEu51
Wish for insight FCu31 x3
Realms beyond reason UTu35 x2
Cloud memory FRu26 x3
Unavoidable delay MNu30 x3
Miscatonic library AEu60 x2
Mist of releh FRu29 x2
Unmasking treachery MNu32 x3
Reversing the temporal flow premiumI32
Slumming MNc29 x2
Adoration of thoth MNc27 x4
Fringe researcher FRc21
Back of the vaults FRc25 x2
Strange librarian premiumI25 x2
Seduction of the tombs EEc50 x3
Soothsayer MNu26
Misinformation FCc26
Powder of ibn-ghazi AEc49 x2
Rare book researcher AEc40 x3
Two-fisted archeologist AEc42 x3
Laboratory assistant AEc37 x2
Arcane insight UTc26 x3
Graduating historian EEc37 x2
Ethobilogist AEc34 x3
Government liaison EEc34 x3
Radical therapy AEc50 x3
Charlatan FCc23 x3
Civil engineer FCc24 x3
Binding AEc44 x3
Glass of mortlan FRc33 x3
Visiting author FCc25 x3
Reclusive researcher UTc25 x3
Dr carson`s treatment FRc27 x3
Miscatonic administrator EEc40 x3
Theology professor EEc43 x3
Antiquities consultant UTc20 x3
Expedition warehouse EEc59 x3
Graduate assistant FRc22 x4
Cryptozoologist Utc22 x3
Thaumaturgical prodigies AEc54 x3
The unmoving finger FCc36 x3
M.U. administration building AEc57 x3
Feast of famine EEc46 x3
Mask of wisdom MNc33 x3
Brotherhood researcher MNc22 x3
Purification UTc29 x3
Dhol chants EEc54 x3
Natural philosopher MNc20 x3
Saracenic rituals FRc34 x2
Legacy of akhanton EEc48 x3
Government grant UTc34 x3
American ambassador MNc21 x3

local sheriff CSf3
night-shift security Thf1
flood lights tHf2 x3
mr ngambe AHf3 x2
ammunitionist expert AHf2 x3
agency groundskeeper TTf61 x6
a call for help TTf62
dynamite ADf42 x6
confident rookie PYf101 x6
repo man ADf41 x6
peeler CSF11 x3
thomas f. Malone CSF1
torch the joint CSf18
undercover security CSf7
professor herman mulder CSf5
working a hunch CSf20
shotgun CSF14
military bike PYf102 x2
marshall greene HbtSf21
paul le mond CSf4 x2
endless interrogation x6 TSf82
unorthodox psychologist x6 TSf81
interrogation center x6 SSf2
short fuse x3CSf17
t-men CSf12
small price to pay x3 CSF19
kirby o`donnel CSf2
steve clarney x2 CSf23
shotgun blast x3 CSf16
government exorcist x6 SSf1
backup UTr8
ammo dump MNr16
hired gun Frr4
shakedown! Aer20 x2
short fuse AEr21
agent jerry holland UTr1 x2
the terrible old man kDf1
canine guardian DDf1 x3
mr grey CCf1
neil`s curiosity shop Kdf2
peeler MNu5
antartic ruins FCu16
time bomb MNu13
on the mean streets FRu18
playing with fire AEu16
femme fatale FRu3
deathtrap MNu17
treasury agent FRc7
taking no chances MNc12
field office Utc16
working a hunch FRc13
blackwood occultist FRc2
mask of law MNc15 x2
execution FCc8 x3
local sheriff FCc5 x2
special operations team UTc6
cover fire FRc11
blackwood associate AEc3
police raid AEc17
mystic courage AEc15
the broken fist FCc18
adoration of ma`at MNc9 x2
brotherhood street runner MNc3
decommissioned officer MNc4

descendant of eibon TTf75 x2
julia brown SSf17
twilight ritual THf16
the day dreamer THf17 x3
eldritch nexus CSf154 x2
strange delusions x3 PYf118
conspiracy theorist PYf117 x2
parallel universe TSf98 x6
those whithout faces SSf18 x2
samantha grace TSf96 x2
dabbler in the unknown CSf152 x2
foiled PYf119 x2
45.pistols CSf143 x2
obsessive inmate TSf97 x2
stealing the glory TTf79
the path to y`ha-nthiel Yf120 x2
unorthodox tactics TSf100 x3
the cornered man ADf57
the underwater conspiracy SSf20
sleepless nights SSf19 x3
ask questions later ADf60
antediluvian dreams ADf59 x3
secret stiletto ADf58 x3
fountain of youth TTf80
total eclipse TTf78 x3
struggling artist TTf77 x3
clever zoog TTf76 x3
the spawn of madness TSf99
campaign chief TSf95
bust of hypnos premiumM22
sea worms premiumM24
reprisal premiumI20
clip joint premiumI19
the brink of twilight premiumM45 x2
contract killer premiumI46 x2
ancient tomb premiumI45
student of the profane SMf15 x2
artifact of the lost cities SMf18
arkham inmate SMf17 x3
ghost of perdition SMf16 x2
nodens KDf16 x3
granny orne KDf18 x3
607 water street KDf19 x2
the rope and anchorn tavern KDf20 x3
o`lazy eyes CCf15 x3
crazy eddie CCf16
flare gun CCf17 x2
broken space, broken time CCf19
whateley`s diary DDf17
mentor to vaughn KDf15 x2
the bootleg whiskey cover-up DDf19 x2
nightmare hours AEr230 x2
lore keeper UTr129
dabbler in the unknown UTr127
prophecies fulfilled UTr133 x2
curiosity collector FRr127 x3
ultima thule FCr137
azathoth FCr127
strange aeons MNr138
carne vale MNr135 x2
jackson elias MNr127
red nail hex Fcu143 x2
windy gallows hex FCu145 x2
Inside out hours Fcu133 x2
Dfrocked clergyman FCu130 x3
Earthly therion Fcu131 x2
Moving the scenry MNu136 x3
Simple kindness MNu137
City of the geat race MNu139
Magus MNu133 x3
The dweller in darkness MNu129 x3
Black wind zealot MNu131 x2
Independent operator MNu132
I am it and it is I EEu225
Over-equipped investigator EEu219 x2
Worlds torn asunder FRu134
Private research facility FRu142 x2
Tcho-tcho talisman FRu143
Ravenous hunting horror FRu132 x2
Arkham historical society UTu136
The darkness recedes Utu140
Master plans UTu141
Motorcycle UTu142
Grim avenger FRu129
Freelance agent UTu128 x2
Military advisor Utu130 x2
The orient express AEr238 x2
Terrors in the dark AEu237 x3
Sword of ramasekva AEu236 x2
Forgotten temple AEu224 x4
Mason`s cliff hex FCu142 x3
Graveyard clay hex FCu141 x2
Sniper rifle UTu144 x2
Wild beasts EEu222 x2
Arkham asylum AEc218 x2
Shadows melt away AEc234 x3
Shadows fall AEc233
A higher purpose UTc135
Fighting blind UTc132 x3
Mad zealot FRc131 x3
Treasure hunter FRc133 x3
Moonlit phantom EEc217 x3
Doomed exorcist EEc215 x3
Mystic bounty hunter EEc218 x3
Overzealous initiate EEc220 x3
Crackdown! EEc223 x3
Wrapped in flesh EEc240 x2
Unbearable visions EEc239 x3
Hollowed mind EEc230 x3
Famine of the soul EEc229 x3
Political demonstration EEc226 x3
Serpent from yoth MNc134 x3
Yithian rifle MNc145
The unreflecting mirror MNc144 x3
Disgrace FCc132 x3
Ghost town FCc140 x2
Scavenging Fcc135 x3
Fetch stick FRc140 x3
Unhealthy curiosity AEc216 x3
Startling discovery AEc213 x3
Inside information AEc212 x3

cthulhu AEp01
cthulhu for president AEp02
come to ghasty end AEp03
dreams of the great old one AEp04
book of dzyan AEp05
escaped the portal AEp06
irresistable allure AEp07
a turn for the worse AEp08
forgotten place AEp09
nameless city AEp10
nuclear chaos AEp11
man`s best friend AEp12
the black man AEp13
priest of the desert moon EEp01
the cairo connection EEp02
shadow over cairo EEp03
tenatcular spectatular EEp04
evil awakens! EEp05
mountains of madness EEp06
Howard Phillips Lovecraft EEp07
the unfortunate cat klause EEp08
dexter asylum EEp09
the opening of every gate EEp10
challange from beyond EEp11
nophru-ka FCp12
mr six EEp13
profane messenger FCp14
atrophy FCp15
cruel temptation FCp16 [/i]

long-dead prince ADf50 x2
erich zann SSf10 x2
demon lover CSf84
polar mirage MOMf11
altach-nacha, the spider god AHf13 x2
infernal obsession ADf51 x2
white-out x2 MoMf10
the thing behind you PYf110 x2
spawn of the sleeper SSf11 x3
aspiring artist AHf12 x3
ghost CSf91
power drain CSf100
shadow company TSf89
agoraphobia x3 CSf96
byakhee servant CSf88 x2
vaporous isle TSf90 x2
yellow muse CSf83
hastur, king in yellow x2 CSf81
victoria glasser CSf82 x2
victoria`s loft CSf93
byakhee attack x3
messenger form beyond CSf86 CSf95
performance artist x3 CSf87
scothophobia CSF97
Terrifying visage SSf12 x3
Stealthly byakhee TTf69 x3
Coffee house TTf70 x3
Court of yhtill premiumM43 x3
Aldebaran ascendant premiumM33 x3
Plateau of leng FCr86 x2
December song FCr82
Carcossa is all FCr81 x2
Professor henry Staunton FCr74 x2
Chaugnar faugn FCr73 x3
Spreading the disease MNr90 x2
Reveletions of hali MNr86
That which is not MNr85 x3
Mass hallucination MNr84
Hastur, he who shall not be named EEr121
Victoria glasser EEr123 x3
Messenger from beyond EEr127( 1 x ESP)
Predatory byakhee EEr131 x3
Enshrouded sun EEr137
Scothophobia EEr141 x3
The bond of madness EEr144
An unbreakable oath EEr146
Old city bazaar EEr150 x2
Mass hysteria AEr138
Bone pipes of madness fRr85
Voice of ra FRr83
Unsettling visions FRr82 x3
Mysterious mentor FRr76 x2
Unspeakable oath Utr85 x2
On byakhee wings UTr83
Spawn of hastur Utr78
Unaussprechlichen kulten AEr149
Unspeakable revelations AEr141 x3
Behind the pallid mask AER135 x3
Yellow muse AEr133
High priest of hastur AEr125
Ghost AEr124
Saturnalia EEr134 x3
Shrieking byakhhe CCf9
Charles dexter ward KDf9 x3
Cold spring glen DDf11
Artist`s colony KDf10 x2
Byakhee servant AEu123 x3
Byakhee raider AEu128
Priestress of the yellow sign AEu129 x3
Werewolf AEu132
Agoraphobia AEu134 x3
Byakhee attack AEu136 x3
Power drain AEu139 x3
Glasser art gallery AEu145 x3
The king in yellow AEu147
Victoria`s loft AEu150 x3
Lunatic shade UTu77
Vessel of hastur UTu79 x3
Mindblast UTu82
Psychotic break UTu84
Plague of madness UTu87
Victoria`s ballroom UTu90
Broken vessels FRu74 x3
Servant of the oath FRu78 x2
Dissolve FRu79 x4
Skinless one EEu122 x2
Implant fear FRu80 x3
Oath-bound servant EEu129 x3
Thing from the stars EEu132
Visitor from carcossa EEu133 x4
Nightmare`s grasp EEu139 x3
Writhing wall EEu142 x3
Asylum studio EEu147
Mental ward EEu149
Book publisher MNu75 x2
Demon lover MNu78 x3
Language virus MNu80 x2
Ancestral voices MNu82 x2
Unmasking idiocy MNu87
Irrational means MNu89 x3
Water colour MNu75 x3
Condemned theather FRu87 x2
Still life exhibition FRu89 x3
Psychopath Fcu77 x3
Seeing the light Fcu84 x3
Wish for music Fcu85 x2
The first manhattan Fcu89 x2
Toys FCu87 x3
Collector of the obscure EEc126 x2
Author of the hideous truth EEu125 x4
Worm-ridden one EEc124 x5
Moon-cursed lycanthrope EEc128 x2
Patron of the arts EEc130 x3
Amnesia EEc135 x3
Blind submission EEc136 x4
Legacy of cassilda EEc138 x3
Book of the dead EEc143 x2
In rags EEc148 x3
Twin of you MNc74 x3
Brotherhood visionary MNc76 x3
Court jester MNc77 x3
Adoration of yhtill MNc81 x3
Despair MNc83 x3
Flayed mask MNc88 x3
Prestidigitator FCc76 x3
Chime of tezchaptl FRc86 x5
Oblique strategies FCc83 x3
Lost generation FCc80
Repairer of reputations FCc79 x3
Pulp writer FCc78 x3
Words of inspiration FCc90 x3
Life of the mind FRc88 x3
Wrack FRc84 x3
Infected by madness FRc81 x3
Performance artist FRc77 x3
Bearer of the yellow sign FRc73 x3
Sedated UTc89 x2
Madness takes its toll UTc81 x2
Embaracing the abyss UTc80 x3
Artist in residence UTc75
Academy prodigy UTc74 x3
Pallid mask AEc146 x3
Academy of the mad AEc144 x3
Xanthophobia AEc142
Song of hastur AEc140
Commited AEc137 x3
Thrill killer AEc131 x3
Street scholar Aec130 x3
Mad artist AEc127 x3
Keeper of the yellow sign AEc126 x3
Academy patron AEc122 x3
Bound byakhee UTc76 x3
Schizophrenia premiumM32 x2

bloodthirsty zealot SSf13 x3
touched by madness SSf14 x3
across dimensions ADf53
path of blood TTf72 x3
shadow sorceress TTf71
domestic sacrifice TSf92 x3
nebulous ooze TSf91
hideous guardian PYf112 x3
idol of the abomination PYf113 x3
haunted mists MNr101
elder thing scientist premiumM26 x2
yog-sothoth, the opener of the way EEr153
servant form out of time UTr94
the doors of time UTr108 x2
temple of ramasekva AEr178
dream messenger AEr166
yog sothoth, the key and the gate AEr151
visitor from the spheres KDf11 x3
dreams in limbo KDf12 x3
blood magican CCf11 x3
unstable energies MNu108 x2
star vampire minion FRu96
pentagram of fire EEu168 x2
red gate mound AEu177
haunted graveyard AEu174 x2
insubstancial insect MNu96
dark attendant premiumM6 x3
pnakotic manuscripts AEu176
unmasking hubris MNu105 x3
guardian elder thing AEu155 x3
the black pharaoh EEu152 x3
shadows and reflections FRu108 x3
shantak mount MNu97 x3
dampen light FRu100
servant of the key AEu161 x2
child of the kingdom FCu93 x2
teller of tales MNu98
riddles EEu169
seal of isis UTu102 x2
stone of the heart MNu102 x2
forbidden shrine UTu106
mi-go slave FCc96 x3
disciple of the gate AEc154 x3
gatekeeper EEc158 x2
aklo sabaoth MNc100 x3
rite of the broken stone AEc170
unstoppable hound UTc96 x2
sound of the whippoorwills FCc101 x3
pharaonic mask MNc106 x3
daughter of nug EEc157 x3
cannibal ghast MNc95 x3
child of yog-sothoth FCc95 x3
humble supplicant FRc92 x3
arcane initiate UTc92 x3
restless dead FRc94 x3
brotherhood acolyte MNc94 x2
fire vampire swarm AEc156 x3
execration EEc178 x3
bent pyramid EEu177 x3
servant of nodens FRc95 x3
a single glimpse premiumM10 x2
calling down the ancients premiumM24 x2
nightgaunt servant UTc93 x3
legacy of nephren0ka EEc167 x3
gnoph-keh priest FCc94
ruthless fanatic EEc160 x4
unspeakable resurrection AEc172
son of yeb EEc161 x3
wizard of chorizos EEc154 x4
opening of the third eye premiumM25 x4
journey to the other side premiumM20 x2
temple of yog-sothoth AEc179
rite of the broken stone AEc170 x3
lean and arthist FCc100
glass from leng FRc107 x3
fishers from outside MNc92 x3
key of tawil at-umr AEc175 x3
rites of luveh-keraph EEc174 x3
nightagunt sentry AEc159 x3
shambling zombie AEc163 x3
the twin blasphemies EEc172 x3
fire vampire swarm AEc156 x2
sacrificial gate premiumM19 x3
gate box UTc107 x3
adoration of upuaut MNc99 x3
cloak of tawil at umr FRc99 x3

emerging deep one SSf8 x3
bite marks TTf68 x3
communal shower TSf88 x3
called to the sea KDf8 x3
st. erasmus home for mariners KDf7 x3
r`lyeh text MNr68
terrible beauty MNr67
into the deep MNr65
sacrifical altar FRr68
a grand aquatic destiny FRr62
inner sanctum FRu72 x2
overhelmed by nightmares FRu64 x3
speaker of the black pharaoph EEu103 x3
underground river EEu120 x3
spawn of sebek EEu102 x2
collateral damage EEu106
keeper of the golden path AEu96
skin wed MNu62
sea change MNu66
unmasking cruelty MNu69 x2
sleep of reason MNu72
prayers answered FCu64
fragment of lemuria FCu71
blessing of cthulhu AEu113
primal fear AEc108 x3
helpless, hopeless and doomed AEc107 x3
unnatural stealth pM7 x3
son of the sleeper AEc102 x2
shoggoth unbound AEc101 x3
knight of the void AEc97 x2
master of silver twilight Utc59 x3
arise, children of dagon UTc63 x3
raveger from the deep UTc61 x3
prophecies revealed UTc64
thrall of cthulhu UTc72 x3
color from the stars FRc56 x3
innsmouth troublemaker FRc57 x2
tcho- tcho emissary FRc61 x3
silver twilight indoctrination FRc66 x3
the great summoning FRc67 x3
idol from r`lyeh FRc71 x3
mameluke of sebek EEc93 x3
priest of sebek EEc97 x3
shoggoth slave EEc100 x3
blood in the water EEc105 x3
feast of locustus EEc117
sword of Y`ha-talla EEc113
legacy of alhazred EEc110 x3
get it off! EEc108 x3
the thing in the fog MNc56 x2
brotherhood torturer MNc57 x2
shoggoth-twsha MNc61 x3
adoration of apep MNc63 x2
driven to destruction MNc64 x3
deathless mask MNc70 x3
bestial shoggoth FCc58 x3
pulled under FCc62 x3
breath of the deep FCc70 x3
the innsmouth look AEc119 x3
silver twilight lodge AEc118 x3

The black goat`s rage SSf16
Grim wraith SSf15 x3
Eat the dead ADf56 x3
Ghoulish thrill seeker ADf55 x3
Gibbering soul ADF54 x3
Summoning circle TTf74
Dimensional worm TTf73 x3
Open grave TSf94 x3
Insect swarm TSf93 x3
Binding worm PYf114
Unseakable transformation pYf115 x3
Propagation FCr117
M`weru MNr109
Everlasting chalice FRr121
From beneath AEr200
Lavinia whateley DDf15
The stone on the peak DDf16
Basil Elton KDf13 x3
Tunder in the east KDf14 x3
Displaced cthonian CCf13 x2
Black wind MNu111
The new flesh FCu120
Wish for growth FCu121
Seeds FCu123 x3
Temple of haon-dor FCu125
Bright young thing MNu112
Cuttings from the same branch MNu118
Unmasking corruption MNu122
The thousand-faced moon EEu182
Ghoul pilgrim for the east EEu188 x3
Cannot be stopped EEu197
Birthing pit EEu206 x3
Charnel vaults EEu207
Temple of Bubastis EEu210
Deflect harm FR116 x3
Poisonus fog FRu123
Watkins root cellar FRu126
Watcher of the woods UTu114
Bred to survive UTu119
Consecrated lands UTu123
Slithering formless spawn AEu194
Fertility rites AEu199 x2
Horns of the black goat AEu201 x2
Shadowed woods AEu207
Kindly nurse FCc113 x2
Progeny of abhoth FCc114 x3
Saying branches FCc115 x2
A noxious birth FCc116
Change of seasons FCc118 x3
Vision of he worms FCc126 x3
Small ghouls MNc110 x3
Brotherhood procurer MNc113 x3
Obscene polyp MNc115 x2
Adoration of hetheru MNc117 x3
Ever growing MNc119 x3
Mother`s avenger EEc183 x3
Ghoul khanum EEc187 x2
Guardian of the moon-lens EEc189
mi-go explorer EEc190 x3
berserk fury EEc195 x3
claws of Bubastis EEc198 x3
legacy of nitocris EEc200 x3
ghoul taint EEc209 x2
the mother`s hand FRc114 x3
star-summoned dhole FRc113 x2
mi-go brain case FRc122 x3
the reaping FRc120 x3
hands of colubra FRc119 x2
the mother`s kiss FRc124 x3
forest sister UTc111
the mother`s messenger UTc113 x3
wily goat-spawn UTc115 x3
boarding house UTc122
curiosity`s price uTc120 x3
burrowing beneath AEc197
hungry dark young AEc187 x2
regeneration AEc203 x3
horrid mutation AEc202 x3
rite of rebirth AEc206 x3

undeground asylum SSf7 x3
trent dixon SSf6
vengeful mob ADf47 x3
blackball jim ADf46
brazen hoodlum ADf45 x3
midnight alley TTf66
arcane grifter TTf65 x3
tear gas TSf86 x3
friend of the family TSf85 x3
expendable muscle PYf105 x3
show of loyalty FCr45
unlicensed garage MNr53
calling in favors MNr52
chemist MNr40
syndicate support MNr53
brotherhood addict FCu40
o`bannion warehouse UTu51
wish for pwer FCu49
ressurected foe FCc43
alhazred lamp UTc50
bust out FCc44
underworld contacts UTc49
nosy columnist UTc40
plutonian drug FRc52
continental agent FRc38

BIG UPDATE 19.03.2010.

WANT: cash and LCG cards form " dreamlands" cycle ( agency, hastur, syndicate, neutrals)


mysterious benefactor AEr39
heterodox physicist MNr24
secrets of bubastis EEr44
seven cryptical books of hsan MNr31
celano fragments CSf33
laboratory assistant CSf29
visiting author CSf26
binding CSf36
atwood science hall CSf35
changing the names PYf104 x3
field researcher PYf103
chess prodigy HbtSf25 x6
scholary plagiarist HbtSf24 x6
hapless graduate student HbtSf23 x2

john henry price SK f 61 x2
sleep therapist SDf81 x3
price manor SKf62 x2
safari hunter AHf1 x4
freelance occultist CSf9
hired muscle CSf8 x2
blackwod file clerk CSf10
monster hunter CSf6
the captain MDf21 x2
hand restraints HbtSf22 x6
nathaniel elton DNf41 x2
night raid! DNf42 x3
local sheriff CSf3 x4
night-shift security THf1
flood lights tHf2 x3
mr ngambe AHf3 x2
ammunitionist expert AHf2 x10
agency groundskeeper TTf61 x3
dynamite ADf42 x3
confident rookie PYf101 x3
repo man ADf41 x3
peeler CSF11 x3
torch the joint CSf18 x2
undercover security CSf7 x2
professor herman mulder CSf5 x2
working a hunch CSf20 x4
shotgun CSF14 x2
military bike PYf102 x2
marshall greene HbtSf21 x2
paul le mond CSf4 x2
endless interrogation x3 TSf82
unorthodox psychologist x3 TSf81
interrogation center x3 SSf2
short fuse x3CSf17
t-men CSf12 x3
small price to pay x3 CSF19
kirby o`donnel CSf2
steve clarney CSf23
shotgun blast CSf16 x3
government exorcist x3 SSf1

lhalflings of d`haz SKf75 x3
curious zoog SKf76 x2
assist dreamer DNf60 x3
the sleep of the dead SDf100 x3
dreamlands eclipse SKf80 x3
the book of black stones SKf79 x2
dream dagger DNf58 x3
moon-beast galley SDf99 x3
cryptic writings SKf77 x3
incospicious zoog SDf95 x2
furtive zoog THf15 x2
secretive zoog MDf36 x2
dreamlands wanderer THf18 x3
limehouse docks MNr141
massa di requiem per shuggay MNr142
gray dragon island MNr140
the ju-ju house MNr143
ask questions later ADf60
the underwater conspiray SSf20
the gentelman`s club CSf153
the rays of dawn THf19 x6
serpent from yoth CSF146
tcho-tcho talisman CSf150 x2
military advisor CSf148
political demonstartion CSf144
moving the scenery CSF147
mystic bounty hunter CSf141
inside information CSf151
overzealous initiate CSf145
the cornered man ADf57
nasht MDf39
slime mold MDf40 x3
tithe collector HbtSf37 x3
old sea dog PYf116 x3
endless investigation HbtSf40 x2
beneath the surface HbtSf38 x2
with a fine toothed comb HbtSf39 x6
daybreak! MDf23 x3
the enchanted wood MDf37
prize pistol MDf22
kaman-thah MDf38
ancient zoog DNf55 x2
zoog burrow DNf56 x2
blasphemous dreamns DNf59 x3
descendant of Eibon TTf75 x2
julia brown SSf17
twilight ritual THf16
the day dreamer THf17 x3
eldritch nexus CSf154 x3
strange delusions PYf118 x6
conspiracy theorist PYf117 x4
parallel universe TSf98 x3
those whithout faces SSf18 x3
samantha grace TSf96 x2
dabbler in the unknown CSf152 x3
foiled PYf119 x3
45.pistols CSf143 x3
obsessive inmate TSf97 x2
stealing the glory TTf79
the path to y`ha-nthiel Yf120 x3
unorthodox tactics TSf100 x3

cthulhu AEp01
cthulhu for president AEp02
come to ghasty end AEp03
dreams of the great old one AEp04
book of dzyan AEp05
escaped the portal AEp06
irresistable allure AEp07
a turn for the worse AEp08
forgotten place AEp09
nameless city AEp10
nuclear chaos AEp11
man`s best friend AEp12
the black man AEp13
priest of the desert moon EEp01
the cairo connection EEp02
shadow over cairo EEp03
tenatcular spectatular EEp04
evil awakens! EEp05
mountains of madness EEp06
Howard Phillips Lovecraft EEp07
the unfortunate cat klause EEp08
dexter asylum EEp09
the opening of every gate EEp10
challange from beyond EEp11
nophru-ka FCp12
mr six EEp13
profane messenger FCp14
atrophy FCp15
cruel temptation FCp16 [/i]

victoria`s protege SKf69 x3
devolution SKf70 x3
dreams within dreams SDf90 x3
wandering inmate HbtSf31 x3
sedated CSF94 x4
bringer of fire AHf14 x3
terrifying visage SSf12 x3
blind submission CSF99 x4
mad artist CSf92 x3
bearer of the yellow sign CSf90 x4
despair CSf98 x2
thing from the stars CSf85 x5
the seventy steps MDf30 x3
the seven hundred steps MDf31 x3
local brew HbtSf32 x7
brain transplant PYf111 x6
vitoria`s loft CSf93
predatory byakhee CSf89
dream parasite DNf50
long-dead prince ADf50
erich zann SSf10 x2
demon lover CSf8 x2
polar mirage MOMf11
altach-nacha, the spider god AHf13 x4
infernal obsession ADf51
white-out MoMf10 x2
the thing behind you PYf110 x4
spawn of the sleeper SSf11 x3
aspiring artist AHf12 x3
ghost CSf91
power drain CSf100
shadow company TSf89
agoraphobia CSf96 x4
byakhee servant CSf88 x4
vaporous isle TSf90 x2
yellow muse CSf83 x6
hastur, king in yellow CSf81 x2
victoria glasser CSf82 x3
byakhee attack x4
messenger form beyond CSf86 x2
performance artist CSf87 x4
scothophobia CSF97 x2

the wave function MNr103
bloodthirsty zealot SSf13 x3
opener of the gate AFf17 x3
son of yeb CSf103
unsekable ressurection CSf119
a single glimspe CSf117
journey to the other side CSf115
servant of nodens CSf112
disciple of the gate CSf111
arcane initiate CSf108
cannibal ghast CSf106
fishers from outside CSf105
the sleepwalker ADF52 x3

The terror of tides TTF67 x2
Adult Deep One CSf48
Cthulhu – The Great Old One CSf41
Dagon – Father of the Deep CSf42
Guardian Shoggoth CSf44
Innsmouth Troublemaker. CSf47
Keeper of the Golden Path CSf43
Lord of the Silver Twilight CSf50
Mature Deep One CSf51
Ocean Crawlers CSf49
Ravager from the Deep CSf46
Shadow Spawned Hunting Horror CSf45
Young Deep One CSf52
Deep One Assault CSF56
Get it Off! CSf58
Pulled Under CSf57
Sacrificial Offerings. CSf59
Shadowed Reef CSf55
Sleep of Reason CSf53
Sword of Y’ha-tallo CSf54
Touched by the Sleeper CSf60
ghatanothoa AHf11
scalethorn asylum Pyf109
a single path HbtSf30 x2
day of the deep ones MDf28
eye of the deep PYf108
curse of darkness MDf29 x3
silver twilifght temptress HbtSf29 x6
cthulhu, high priest of r`lyeh UTr55

binding worm PYf114
insect swarm TSf93 x3
the black goat`s rage SSf16
unseakable transformation PYf115 x3
mind eater HbtSf35 x2
under the porch HbtSf36 x6
back from the dead MDf35
ghoul spawn MDf34 x3

show of loyalty FCr45
chemist MNr40
calling in favors MNr52
unlicensed garage MNr53
sleight of hand MNr48
livre d`ivon MNr49
Dr. Marius Bicknell Willet – Lost but Determined CSf62 x2
Jack “Brass” Brady – Steeped in Violence CSf 61 x2
Richard Upton Pickmen – Genius Painter CSf63 x2
Bag Man CSf64 x2
Clover Club Bouncer CSf65 x2
Clover Club Torch Singer CSf66 x2
Extortionist CSf71 x2
Freelance Photographer CSf72 x2
Hard Case CSf69 x2
Patsy CSf70 x2
Syndicate Liaison CSf68 x2
Triggerman CSf67 x2
Alhazrad Lamp CSf75 x2
Cathouse CSf74 x2
Dutch Courage CSf73 x2
Get On Yer Feet! CSf78 x2
Legacy of Ramses CSf80 x2
Like a Moth CSf76 x2
Low Blow CSf79 x2
Panic CSf77 x2
brazen hoodlum ADf45 x3
blackball jim ADf46
trent dixon SSf6 x2
underground asulum SSf7 x6
expendable muscle PYf105
midnight alley TTf66
arcane grifter TTf65 x3
vengeful mob ADf47 x3
friend of the family TSf85 x3
island hermit AHf9 x3
legacy of ramses CSf80
bag man CSf64 x2
extortionist CSf71 x2
hard case CSf69 x2
get on your feet! CSf78
freelance photographer CSf72
alhazred lamp CSf75
cathouse CSf74 x2
clover club torch singer CSF66
like a moth CSF76 x2
low blow CSF79 x2
clover club bouncer CSF65
patsy CSF70
vengeful hit HbtSf27 x6
fugitive scientist HbtSf26 x6
arkham advertiser archive HbtSf28
forcibly removed MDf27
clover club regular MDf26 x3

A time to reap UTc116 x7
Rampaging cthonianin EEr192
The moher`s fury EEr202 x2
Burrowing beneath AEc197 x2
Glimse of the void SMf14 x4
Thunder in the east KDf14 x5
Mother`s avenger EEc183
Brotherhood procurer MNc113
Swaying branches FCc115
Priestress of Bubastis EEc191
Hungry dark young premiumM9
The mother`s hand FRc114 x2
The mother`s kiss FRc124
mi-go brain case FRc122
the reaping FRc120 x3
change of seasons FCc118
curiosity`s price UTc120
a noxious birth FCc116
hands of colubra FRc119 x2
ever growing MNc119
Mentor to Vaughn KDf15 x2
Bust of hypnos premiumAEm22 x2
Inside out-hours FC133 x3
Of one mind FCr138 x3
Even death may de AEr211 x3
The darkness recedes UTu140 x3
Worlds torn asunder FRu134 x4
Eldritch nexus AEc235
Temple of nephren-ka EEr234 x6
Beneath he mire CCf20 x2
Shadows fall AEc233 x2
Treasure hunter FRc133 x4
Mad zealot FRc131 x2
Overzealous initiate EEc220
Doomed exorcist EEc215 x4
Scavenging FCc135 x2
Disgrace Fcc132
Fighting blind Utc132
Political demonstration EE226
crackdown! EEc223
fetch stick Frc140 x8
shadows melt away AEc234 x4
arkham asylum AEc218 x3
famine of the soul EEc229
unbearable visions EEc239
hollowed mind EEc230 x2
Yog-othot,the opener of the way EEr153 x2
Adoration of upuaut MNc99 x4
The twin basphemies EEc172
Rite of the broken stone AEc170
Gathering at the stones AEu167 x6
Journey to the other side FRc101 x8
Cloak of tawil at-umr FRc99 x6
Seal of isis UTu102 x3
Restless dead FRc94 x2
Servant of nodens FRc95
Humble supplicant FRc92
Ruthless fanatic EEc160 x2
Execration EEc178
Glass from leng FRc107 x2
Brazier of nodens FRr31 x2
Back to the vaults FRc25 x10
Historic discovery EEr47 x3
Feast of famine EEc46 x7
Unearthing the ancients AEu51 x7
Adoration of thoth MNc27 x7
Natural philosopher MNc20 x2
Miscatonic administration EEc40 x2
Egyptology consultant EEc36 x2
Laboratory assistant AEc37 x5
Antiquities consultant UTc20 x2
Civil engineer Fcc24 x7
Theology professor Fcc43
Fringe researcher FRc21 x3
Graduate assistant FEc22
Rare book researcher AEc40
Graduating historian EEc37
Reclusive researcher UTc25
Thaumaturgical prodigies AEc54
Glass of mortlan Frc33 x3
The unmoving finger FCc36 x2
Expedition warehouse EEc59
Saracenic rituals FRc34 x2
M.U. administration building AEc57
Radical therapy AEc50 x2
Legacy of arkha EEc48 x4
Dr carsons treatment FRc27 x8
Binding Ac44
Arkham insight UTc26
misinformationFCc26 x2
slumming MNc29 x3
Forgotten isle UTu69 x3
Rubbed out FRu65 x2
Carl Stanford MNr55 x2
Yig FCr56
Ravager from the deep UTc61 x3
Deep one rising premiumAEm4 x3
Dagon UTr56 x2
The great old one rises! AEu110 x3
Called to the sea KDf8 x3
Deep one assult AEr104 x3
Guardian shoggoth UTc57
Killer from the depths FCc59
Tcho-tho emissary FRc61
Priest of sebek EEc97
Color from the stars FRc56 x2
Sword of y`ha-talla EEc113
Idol from r`lyeh FRc71 x2
Silver twilight indoctrination FRc66 x3
The great summoning FRc67 x2
Prophecies revealed UTc6 x3
Driven to destruction MNc64
Power drain AEu139 x3
Pulp writer FCc78 x15
Court of yhtill premiumEEm43 x3
The first manhattan FCu89 x2
One-way ticket FCr88 x3
Byakhee servant AEu123 x2
Repairer of reputations FCc79
Academy prodigy UTc74
Thrill killer AEc131
Bearer of the yellow sign FRc37 x11
Collector of the obscure EEc126 x7
Prestidigitator Fcc76 x3
Mad artist AEc127 x4
Academy atron AEc122
Artist in residence UTc75 x4
Repeier of reputations FCc79 x5
Author of hideous truths EEc125 x4
Brotherhood visionary MNc76 x2
Broken vessels FRu74
Twin of you MNc74 x5
Worm-ridden one EEc124 x4
Moon-cursed lycantrophe EEc128 x2
Performance artist FRc77 x3
Patron of the arts EEc130
Bund byakhee UTc76 x2
Words of inspiration Fcc90 x4
Pallid mask AEc146
Chime of tezchaptl FRc86 x6
Lif on mind FRc88 x8
Academy of the mad AEc144
Book of the dead EEc143 x2
Flayed mask MNc88
Academy art retreat EEu145
Oblique strategies Fcc83 x3
Wrack FRc84 x4
Legacy of cassilda EEc138 x5
Madness takes its toll UTc81 x5
Infected by madness FRc81 x10
Lost generation FCc80 x4
Blind submission EEc136
Adoration of yhtill MNc81
Song of hastur AEc140 x4
Embacing the abyss UTc80 x3
Patsy MNc43 x2
Clover cub torch siger UTc38 x3
Hard case FCc41
Extortionist FRc39 x8
Anarchist EEc65
Stuck in the slummer FRc53 x5
Plutonian drug FRc52 x3
Alhazred lam UTc50 x4
Low blow FCc48
Coking the books MNc46
Get on your feet! Frc44 x4
the bum`s rush EEc82
cut the power FRc43 x3
like a moth UTc46 x2
dry gulch EEc78 x3
intimidate AEc80 x2
legacy of ramses EEc79
Off-duty patrolman UTc4 x3
t-men MNc2 x3
bureau chief Fcc4 x3
blackwood occultist FRc2 x7
local sheriff Fcc5 x4
monster hunter EEc9 x2
sharpshooter Fcc7 x3
police detective Frc5 x6
colonial guard EEc6 x5
task force captain FRu6 x3
informant EEc7 x3
freelance occultist AEc7
special operation team UTc6 x2
hired muscle AEc11 x3
treasury agent FRc7 x2
police sergeant Ec11
undercover security EEc
decommissioned officer MNc4
botherhood stret runner Mnc3
police station AEc29x3
mask of law MNc15 x2
carbine EEc23 x6
tommygun AEc30
the broken fit Fcc18 x3
private skiff EEc29
ligting gun Frc16 x7
field office Utc16
working a hunch FRc13 x11
police hand AEc17 x3
shotgun blast AEc22 x2
small price to pay fcC11
cover fire FRc11 x8
tking no chances MNc12 x7
adoration of ma`at MNc9
gunned down Ec18