Rellegar's rest fairness question

By theundead, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So, during the first encounter the goblin archers are placed during setup close enough for the heroes to slaughter then on their first turn. On their second, third, and forth turn, they kill the open group and likely splig, and have two turns to search and win the encounter. How is the overlord supposed to win this? But an even bigger complaint I have is about the second encounter. The OL needing at best 16 turns, with only goblin archers as reinforcements? This is as close to impossible as it gets.

While I do agree that it is a difficult quest for the OL, he needs at best 8 turns in the 2nd encounter, not 16: there are 4 pillars that need 16 tokens to be all destroyed, and the OL can place 2 tokens each turn.

I managed to win this (the second part, not the first) as Overlord actually.

I managed to knock all of them down eventually (turn 3 or so) and that was enough to give me all the time I needed.

It is very crucial to make sure they do not get to kill your open group (i used sorcerers) too quickly, because Goblins alone, even with Merrick to back them up, will not suffice.

I also used the door to make them waste actions (moving my open group monsters into the first room, closing the door) and eventually split them up (they had a bard) and close the door between them.

I still think this, and most other fixed time limit quests are not that balanced.

When all you can do to win is drag things out, while the other side has to reach a goal they can hasten towards with lots of different abilities and such, you are in a disadvantageous position.

The first encounter seems pretty unwinnable to me too, so it really is pretty much only for stacking up damage on the heroes and drawing as many overlord cards as possible.

I tried to play to win this one (and thus not saving up on as many overlord cards as I could) but all I achieved was sending them into the second encounter heavily wounded.

I really wish there were less of both timer quests (overlord wins when x turns have passed) AND quests where you are stuck with only getting to reinforce one monster group.

Actually it makes me feel rather doubtful about the whole claim that the later campaigns are so much better than the shadow rune, because both of those things have become MUCH more common in the expansions and heirs of blood actually...

I also won the 2nd encounter as overlord, they took some time while they healed wounds from the 1st, and I also exploited the opening/closing doors. What is more I had raven flock familiar to help me.

I tend to try to kill one person several times, so one of heroes has to stay nearby to resurrect him almost each turn, and in the end they get themselves divided which is also advantageous.

My brother and I played the first encounter of this last night, myself playing the heroes. It felt very unbalanced, but the first encounter sometimes is one way or the other to setup the second encounter's crescendo i have found. My brother messed up however, he tried to delay instead of damage-dealing and I am going into the second encounter with full health save 1 damage on one hero.

His open group wasn't optimal; he went for something that he hasn't seen fielded before, choosing Ironbound. Got one unit with a move 2. I tore through the goblins and splig didn't do much. I am using Ispher as a Bard and Ronan of the Wild as a Bounty Hunter. Ronan's familiar has saved me several actions from searching, which is huge. I also have some pretty good equipment thanks to good search card draws. Treasure chest in the introduction and a secret room in this encounter. Then drew the treasure chest again. My equipment is absolutely helping here.

Maybe we're doing something wrong, but we played this 4 times in the last 2 days and I've beaten them as OL every time. All I did was play defensively - set up archers as far back as possible, focused fire on one target then dropped back. I took Ettins as the open group, then used them to plug the narrow passages so heroes couldn't get past. Used Splig in between as a distraction. As long as heroes cant get past a 4-square monster when they block a doorway or narrow hall, this one seems really tough for the heroes....

Yes, you were doing sth wrong. You could not used Ettin in the first encounter as they are not water, wilderness nor building monster trait