New to game - deck building questions

By LochNess2112, in Star Wars: The Card Game

I recently picked up ST:TCG and have played multiple games with just the core set. There is a store tournament coming up in a couple weeks that I am interested in participating in just for fun and to get some experience.

I have a few questions...

1. If I were to buy one set beyond the core set just to give me some options to build a deck beyond what is in the core set, what would that set be?

2. If I want to have a 2x the same card in the deck, lets say Luke Skywalker (card 2 of 6, objective set #1), then i have to include the 5 other cards in the same objective set as well, correct?

3. What's a typical deck size look like? 10 objective sets, 12, 15?

Edge of darkness acts as a core set for smugglers and Scum. It goes well. I would recommend a second core set eventually. Between the shadows is also good if you like Jedi and Scum and you can build decks as you get two of each set in Between the shadows unlike the core set and EoD.

Yes. You must always take cards by sets.

10 objectives is the norm.

Edited by Toqtamish

Thanks Toq. I appreciate the feedback.

Also worth pointing out that the SWLCG community at large ignores these forums (historically, around the time the game was coming out FFG had a lot of technical difficulties so everyone used a 3rd party site instead, which FFG later purchased). You'll find a much more active community at