Can a tractor target a ship going speed one with a nav token, knowing its speed can't reduce but the token still gets used?
Tractor beam redundant thought..
To be more clear with an examination,
E.g. Mc80 speed one and banking a nav token
Isd applies tractor.
Does mc80 still remove the nav token
Yes. You can target any ship you wish as long as meet the requirements for size.
Thanks to The lastest FAQ, yea you can target a speed 1 Ship and yes it MUST spend a Nav token if able
Indeed... You know what the Ship has, and therefore, you know what effect the Tractor Beam will have...
Does it have a Nav Token?
- If Yes = Discard Nav Token
- If No = Reduce Speed by 1, to Minimum of 1.
There is no choice in the matter now, except who you target in range at the appropriate time.
My question was more to the effect of targeting a ship that CANT reduce its speed (like at one or zero) JUST to get rid of the nav token
Removing the Nav token will stop engine techs and prevent (or at least delay) future acceleration, so still well worth doing.
Yep. You can always target a ship with a tractor beam. The only requirements for targeting are that it must be an equal- or smaller-sized base. If they didn't want you to use it against a ship standing still or moving speed one, it would say something like "A ship moving at least speed two. . ." or something like that. So you can definitely target the ship to get them to drop the nav token, even though it won't slow them down. Think of it as the tractor beam making it harder for the ship to accelerate, but not quite able to stop it completely.
My question was more to the effect of targeting a ship that CANT reduce its speed (like at one or zero) JUST to get rid of the nav token
Indeed. The First part of the Tractor Beam's Effect, is to REMOVE A TOKEN IF THEY HAVE IT.
Its not Optional.
If they have a Token, and can't reduce speed, the reduce speed is irrelevent, because they have a Token they must discard.
The Upgrade Card presents it as a Choice. Its not a Choice, as per the FAQ.
So go RIGHT AHEAD, mate
I thought as much.... I just like to consult the hive mind.
My next "trip isd" build will drop a couple ties and add three tractors. My only issue yesterday was the **** speed four misses. I could turn well enough with nav spam, but if they blew past they were a turn or so away after one pass which is pretty much the game.
I imagine with three tractors I can lock a speeder down and say hello...
I never saw it as a choice. . . they must do A or if they cant B. They had to cut down on words due to card size
I never saw it as a choice. .
That's good. But the very nature of the questions asked on it means that there was some measure of ambiguity to some people...
Unfortunately, cutting back on card text can indeed add a little bit of instability to the way the english language is interpreted...
... I mean, hell. Its probably the most hodgepodge POS language there is...
Here's a better question, to stir the pot:
Can you tractor beam a ship with no token "moving" at speed 0, to bring it to "minimum" speed 1?
If you can find a way to Reduce speed and end up going Faster .
Then Yes.
I forsee some Complex Quadratic Mathematics in our future...
Here's a better question, to stir the pot:
Can you tractor beam a ship with no token "moving" at speed 0, to bring it to "minimum" speed 1?
No. The working is "Reduce its speed by 1." You can still target it, but it would have no effect.
Kind of how I would declare lasgun shots against enemy tanks in 40k when the troops had nothing else to shoot it. It does nothing, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something.
Come On! Don't be a Negative Nancy! Come on! Try that
out a little bit...
Don't you dare science me. This is science FICTION. Your rules and logic.