Kuat Drive Yards - Armada Custom Card/Dial Maker

By ThatRobHuman, in Star Wars: Armada

How about an option to create a ZIP file that contains all the cards in your queue in sub-directories for each type (Dials/Ships/Small & Cards/Upgades/Titles) and such?

If so, it'll take me some time to develop as I'm moving house this month, but I have a temporary workaround for you (check out the admin chat)

Thanks for that. ANd a zip could be an easy function for sure.

While I really like the concept of custom dice, the green/orange variants raises some questions:

ORANGE - why the CRIT/CRIT icon? You can only ever resolve 1 crit, so this is a bit odd. Even when you take into account the possibility of Salvation-like upgrades.

GREEN - this one seems too flaky. 3 acc on one dice? If it had 2 acc and 2 crits instead, then I think it would be an interesting addition to the game.

ORANGE - why the CRIT/CRIT icon? You can only ever resolve 1 crit, so this is a bit odd. Even when you take into account the possibility of Salvation-like upgrades.

The double Crit icon was made to counter the "Cloak" keyword (you are only hit by crit icons) which is included on some of the squads on KDY. I questioned the same thing a few weeks ago.

GREEN - this one seems too flaky. 3 acc on one dice? If it had 2 acc and 2 crits instead, then I think it would be an interesting addition to the game.

We've already got something with 2 crits and 2 accs. It's called a blue die :P .

The green dice are made for upgrades, squadrons or ships that require a more accurate representation of pinpointing laser fire, hence the extra accuracy icon.

ORANGE - why the CRIT/CRIT icon? You can only ever resolve 1 crit, so this is a bit odd. Even when you take into account the possibility of Salvation-like upgrades.

The double Crit icon was made to counter the "Cloak" keyword (you are only hit by crit icons) which is included on some of the squads on KDY. I questioned the same thing a few weeks ago.

GREEN - this one seems too flaky. 3 acc on one dice? If it had 2 acc and 2 crits instead, then I think it would be an interesting addition to the game.

We've already got something with 2 crits and 2 accs. It's called a blue die :P .

The green dice are made for upgrades, squadrons or ships that require a more accurate representation of pinpointing laser fire, hence the extra accuracy icon.

OK. I understand. But unfortunately both of these are a bit too narrow in scope to be of general use - which is kind of unfortunate.

I'd love the ORANGE if hit just had another HIT/CRIT instead of a CRIT/CRIT (surely we don't need a special anti-cloak dice?), but I suppose I can live with it.

The GREEN dice is kind of sad alone, and interacts kind of weirdly with other dice (you get way too many accs IMO).

Anyway, not going to rant any more, just wondered a bit what they represented! :D

New suggestion for the GREEN dice: ACCx3 HITx2 CRITx1

I'm cool with that recommendation for green dice. The orange dice were made by cynan, so changing his dice us up to him.

And yes, the green is ACC heavy. It's meant to be, ideally you want to couple it with red dice in the same volley, but blues will do. Can't couple with black, which is probably a good thing.

ORANGE - why the CRIT/CRIT icon? You can only ever resolve 1 crit, so this is a bit odd. Even when you take into account the possibility of Salvation-like upgrades.

The double Crit icon was made to counter the "Cloak" keyword (you are only hit by crit icons) which is included on some of the squads on KDY. I questioned the same thing a few weeks ago.

GREEN - this one seems too flaky. 3 acc on one dice? If it had 2 acc and 2 crits instead, then I think it would be an interesting addition to the game.

We've already got something with 2 crits and 2 accs. It's called a blue die :P .

The green dice are made for upgrades, squadrons or ships that require a more accurate representation of pinpointing laser fire, hence the extra accuracy icon.

OK. I understand. But unfortunately both of these are a bit too narrow in scope to be of general use - which is kind of unfortunate.

I'd love the ORANGE if hit just had another HIT/CRIT instead of a CRIT/CRIT (surely we don't need a special anti-cloak dice?), but I suppose I can live with it.

The GREEN dice is kind of sad alone, and interacts kind of weirdly with other dice (you get way too many accs IMO).

Anyway, not going to rant any more, just wondered a bit what they represented! :D

New suggestion for the GREEN dice: ACCx3 HITx2 CRITx1

That's exactly what the green dice does right now. Maybe turn one of the ACC icons into a hit/acc?

On second thought, I've made that change, gives the green a tad more potency

Hit/ACC is kind of a weird interaction.

You have to decide wether its going to count as an Accuracy or a Hit... Because Accuracy Dice are spent as part of it...

So I guess its like having mini SW-7s on that shot if you roll it... because its an either rather than a both...

It's just like a hit/crit roll. It does both, no? It's +1 to damage total AND you get to lock down a defense token.


I just checked the rules doc, which I've copy pasted below.

Hit : This icon adds one damage to the damage total.

Critical : If the attacker and defender are ships, this icon adds one damage to the damage total and can trigger a critical effect.

Accuracy : The attacker can spend this icon to choose one of the defender’s defense tokens. The chosen defense token cannot be spent during this attack.

This addresse two things:

Crit/Crit on Orange Dice

There are three scenarios where there are differences

- Against Ships: This resolves the same as a Hit/Crit because each icon still adds 1 to the damage total and still triggers a single critical effect.

- Against Fighters without cloak: this die roll would have no effect

- Against Fighters WITH cloak: This would net you two damage.

The fact that a crit/crit would still add two against the damage total against ships, but treat cloak/non-cloak fighters differently is enough for me to be happy with it.

Hit/Accuracy on Green Dice

In the rules as written, you are spending the Accuracy ICON, not the die with an accuracy result to lock down a defense token, thus both the hit and accuracy would apply.

(I'm not trying to be a rules lawyer, here, and I hope my tone doesn't come across as pedantic or flippant)

Edited by FoaS

It's just like a hit/crit roll. It does both, no? It's +1 to damage total AND you get to lock down a defense token.

No, because in order to Activate the Accuracy, you need to spend the dice showing the accuracy symbol .

You don't spend the Accuracy symbol itself, you spend the whole dice .

So the Hit, at that point, is also removed, as the die is removed, before you have counted how many points of damage you have done.

The Hit/Crit works as 2, because you do not spend the Critical - you are merely allowed to activate if one is showing.

Then, when you hit the sub-step where you count how much damage, Hit Symbols count as one, and Crit symbols count as one.

Edited by Drasnighta

(Sorry, I got a ninja edit in there)

Here's the Kicker:

RRG, Page 7, Modifying Dice:

• Spend: When a die or die icon is spent, remove that die from the attack pool.

There is also precedent for spending a single Hit and losing more than that... And that is the Precision Strike Objective...

That allows you to spend a Die with a "HIT" Icon... And if you spend a Hit/Crit of a Black Die, or a Hit/Hit of a Red Die, then you lose the "additional" icon on the dice at the same time.

And no, neither pedantic nor flippant... I'm trying really hard to not sound like an *******, myself... But when one is dealing with the true nitty-gritty of Rules-as-Written , it tends to get a little mrurky that way...

Personally, I like the idea of the die giving you a heavy choice in the matter... Do you try to lock down that Brace/Redirect, or do you accept it as an extra point of damage... Perhaps if it puts you at an odd number... etc/etc/etc

Edited by Drasnighta

In that case, you're right. I didn't see that one. I wish that rules as written did allow for both, it'd be a neat effect.

We have two choices: house rule to allow both, change the green die again, or let you choose?

I'm okay with any of the above, but I'm open to other ideas, too. Anyone have any thoughts?

Edited by FoaS

And no, neither pedantic nor flippant... I'm trying really hard to not sound like an *******, myself... But when one is dealing with the true nitty-gritty of Rules-as-Written , it tends to get a little mrurky that way...

You're totally fine, man. I appreciate where you're comin' from and this kind of dialogue is the most important part of house-rules.

I would try and mod the dice first before adding rules. Have you considered a double accuracy symbol?

Double Accuracy would probably suffer from the same thing... You'd have to argue that spending one icon doesn't delete the second icon in the half-a-second it takes to move on to the second icon... I mean, they ahve the same timing, so you can choose the order they are activated in - but it doesn't allow it to be truly simultainious .

I'd personally change it to an Acc/CRIT facing instead... Becuase if its being thrown on its own, or as a handful of other dice, rather than in a mountain of dice, it forces the really tough choice of activiating a Critical with that Damage, or Spending it for an Accuracy....

I like that. Seems to fit.

I'd personally change it to an Acc/CRIT facing instead... Becuase if its being thrown on its own, or as a handful of other dice, rather than in a mountain of dice, it forces the really tough choice of activiating a Critical with that Damage, or Spending it for an Accuracy....

That's a good head-scratcher for the attacker. I like it. I think I'll keep it >.<

so Green dice stand currently as follow:

(Blank) (Blank) (Hit) (Hit) (Crit) (Acc) (Acc) (Acc-or-Crit)

I'd personally change it to an Acc/CRIT facing instead... Becuase if its being thrown on its own, or as a handful of other dice, rather than in a mountain of dice, it forces the really tough choice of activiating a Critical with that Damage, or Spending it for an Accuracy....

That's a good head-scratcher for the attacker. I like it. I think I'll keep it >.<

so Green dice stand currently as follow:

(Blank) (Blank) (Hit) (Hit) (Crit) (Acc) (Acc) (Acc-or-Crit)

This is kind of cool - you can opt for 1 crit or an accuracy result. Pretty nifty.

I have my moments.

Not many.

But I do have them.

Pair that with an upgrade I just made:

"While attacking, you may exhaust this card to change 1 green die to a face with an accuracy icon" - create more situations where you get to make that choice.

7 points and an Ion cannon upgrade (which, so far, shows up quite rarely in the hapes fleet)

I just uploaded a quick-and-probably-too-simple step-by-step on how you can turn small pieces into print-quality "paintings" you can use on your cards.

Making Small Art Work

Edited by FoaS

Been busy recently, but I will get back on top of the silhouettes this week. I added a Needs Silhouette tag, feel free to lump anything you create in there. I will start there as soon as I get through some of the requests I have backed up.