Greetings folks,
For those who are impatient - here's the link: Kuat Drive Yards
For the last month or so, I've been working on this little web-based app and it is FINALLY done (though still in Beta as it were). Basically it's a database for fan-made Armada content - it lets you create cards for custom Ships, Squadrons, Objectives, Damage Cards, and Upgrades.
It can also let you print out both Fancy and Printer-friendly version of the cards and dials that you make. For those of you who happen to have a Silhouette Cameo or Portrait, you can download a cutter file that will let you cut out the cards you print with extreme accuracy. Now, the cards that get made are of my own style, so that they are NEVER confused with official cards.
Guests can only view the database.
Users that register can create their own ships / cards and print any cards that are on the site.
I'm going to be inviting a few members of the community to become "Contributors" who can post articles as well as create custom expansions.
Bear in mind that I've only just finished coding this, so it's still in "Beta". If you find any bugs, help a brother out and let me know.