Play Event before the panning phase?

By XTREM1337, in Rules questions & answers

I'm wondering if before the planning phase we can play the Event cards, after that, during the planning phase, we can play Ally and Attachment.

One thing is sure, Ally & Attachment is ONLY during the planning phase but I'm still confused about the event cards..


You can play an Event that says "Action" whenever you have an Action window. There is one at the end of the Resource phase, so yes you could play one before the Planning phase. Is there any particular reason why you would want to do so?

Events that say "Response" can only be played at the moment that their qualifying trigger happens.

Yeah, I've done Sneak Attack + Gandalf in the Resource phase before then paid full cost in the Planning phase.

You can play an Event that says "Action" whenever you have an Action window. There is one at the end of the Resource phase, so yes you could play one before the Planning phase. Is there any particular reason why you would want to do so?

Events that say "Response" can only be played at the moment that their qualifying trigger happens.

thank you, so yes I can use an event just before the plannig