At last! As of my check first thing this morning, Star Wars Rebellion has joined the massive number of things that are now on their way to market!
At last! As of my check first thing this morning, Star Wars Rebellion has joined the massive number of things that are now on their way to market!
Beat me to it.
I really hope they just updated it after its been on the boat for a while, but I guess we will end up seeing the game sometime during mid to late March.
I really hope they just updated it after its been on the boat for a while, but I guess we will end up seeing the game sometime during mid to late March.
That is my hope as well. There was a post on Twitter not too long ago (a week or two?) from FFG about how there was a MASSIVE shipment of new things already on it's way to them, and this is the first status update since the first of December for the game. While this doesn't mean that updating the status was for sure delayed, I see it as being at least a strong possibility .
So, may be in stores by the end of April.
(Presuming the boat isn't very slow, turns around, or gets caught in a blockade) - wow, it'll get here sooner than I expected it to!
On...the BOAT!
Where is a EnquiringNewt ?
"Help us EnquiringNewt, you're are only hope" Salex
By the way, CobaltWraith , my friend:
There is a right way and a wrong way to post a thread about new product being on the boat.
The right way includes this video: (NSFW)