We're on the brink of starting a new game, and I have to say I'm feeling profoundly uninspired when it comes to ship names. I've searched and failed to find another thread in which people are posting the names of their ships, so (rather optimistically, perhaps) I thought I would start one and see if people feel like sharing. Also, any anecdotes about how you arrived at your decision would be very helpful!
Epic Ship Names
I always thought the Royal Navy came up with some pretty groovy ship names. Have a look on Wikipedia for some inspiration. There's also a list of ship names for the East India Trading Company somewhere on the internet: that's rather good, too.
The Omnissiah's Blade
The Soaring Eagle
The Vagabond
The Silver Lining
The Startreader
My game has:
Righteous Vengence
The Bleeding Sword
The Shining Spear
Sword of New Grace
As the heroes ships
On www.portmaw.com , check out the stickied thread with fleet lists. Or search the ship names thread (on portmaw).
Since they're Rogue Traders i'd steer away from the more heroic names and more towards the slightly rogueish
I'm thinking the Wayward Son would make a good ship name.
Some names I've come up with over the course of playing DH and RT.
Aegis of the Pious , Cobra Class Destroyer
Assured Blade of Triumph , Unspecified Grand Cruiser
Thorough Publican Tithe ship, Unspecified class.
Destroyer of All Boundaries, Rogue Trader' group's Sword-Class Frigate, so named "for she shall brave the unknown, push past all supposed limits and forge a path as wondrous as it is glorious, all in His Name."
Pious Deference , former name of the All Boundaries when she still served in Battlefleet Calaxis.
GM also threw a few Ork frigates at us, the Brutal Kunnin' and Starkilla.
Lapsed Pacifist- An armed transport....
Eschatologist- (study of the end of the world) For an Inquisition Blackship.
For my player's ship:
The Enlightened Wanderer
Our ship is the:
Destiny's Garter - Raider
Destiny's Tassle - nice transport
The Pasty - gun-cutter
Our group actually tricked out one of the pilgrim ships to make it a heavy hitter since they got Wolf in Sheeps Clothing. They named it the "Balm of Terra". The guns don't come up on scans of the ship >.>
The RT Cruiser
The Privateer (Raider)
"Non MorroW"
The "
Days Passing"
(Chartist Freighter)
Fortune's Heart
Lady Venture
Falcon's Grasp
Heart of Ice
Ageless Star
My groups Frigate is named "Fortunes Fools"
Their arch-enemy has a cruiser named "Lady Nadine"
My Rogue Trader's ship's name is the Madam Leda - it doesn't sound very roguish until you realize that Cygnus means Swan (my actual surname) and remember a bit of Greek mythology.
Then, I think, it's roguishness really shows.
The Lying Bastard (perfect for Wolf in Sheeps clothing)
The Moment of Anticipations
Maker of Days
A Women Scorned (best for female rogue traders probably)
The flagship of the flotilla in my game is t he Lethean Dream , an ancient pre-heresy Cruiser.
A few of the other ships are
The Incalescent a sword class frigate
The Mezzony another sword class frigate
The Bazalisk Gaze a tempest class frigate
The Inkhorn a Hazeroth class Raider
the Solemn Trade a vagabond class merchant trader
Saint Isara's Radiance another vagabond class
Some non flotillas ships that will be showing up eventually
the Delenda Mori a Light Cruiser of some sort
the Black Comet a reputedly haunted frigate that stalks the warp
the Red Worm a infamous Xenos Light Cruiser
Da 'Nukle Busta an Ork Freebooter vessel
I've been planning on introducing Orkimedes as a villain, in his terrifying ship, Da Aim Before Shootin' .
The weapons have SCOPES.
It's really great seeing everyone's ship names. It's definitely getting me on the right track.
I came up with Fortune's Favour last night, for a fairly small frigate or transport which, I hope, will be our first step on the ladder to greatness (and a Cruiser). Of course, the crew might have other ideas, but I figured it was best to go in with something, rather than us all sitting and staring blankly at each other across a table.
monkyman said:
Larry Niven fan, I assume?
My old BFG fleets featured a Lunar-class cruiser called the Loyalty's Price, which had a history of bad blood with the Chaos cruiser Treason's Reward.
There's also bunches of new names to be found on the Gamemaster subforum, especially in the NPC ships and Redemption of Skoros threads.
Our tempest class frigate is named "Gladius Imperialis"
the second place name was "Sanguinius' Wing"
Third place was "Suprise Bounty"