General length until replacement parts response

By iketheGiant, in Support

I submitted a support request on Jan 18th regarding some missing parts from an X-Wing expansion that I ordered, but have yet to receive a response regarding it.

I periodically check status at the link provided in the initial email, but it still is listed as "In Process".

What is the usual turn-around time for a missing parts request?

I reported a problem with a T-70 X-Wing I purchased in a blister pack. I submitted my photo and a brief description of the problem and Fantasy Flight sent me a replacement without responding to my problem in writing.

Hm, so I guess I should just be patient. Had a problem with my VSD form the core set, filed a ticket April 1 and haven't heard anything.

My Descent 2nd Edition box has exploded. Can I get a replacement?

Hm, so I guess I should just be patient. Had a problem with my VSD form the core set, filed a ticket April 1 and haven't heard anything.

Annnd replacement parts magically arrived at my doorstep.

Thanks FFG!