I know it ultimately depends on the players at the table, but I still like to avoid making decisions in a vacuum. Last night my group ran the "Lessons from the Past" adventure. After being chased around the ship by the Basilisk War Droid as they explored the wreck, they finally made it into the training room. This is where I had Agent Garai plasma torch his way into the ship through the floor of the room, the Basilisk smashing and slowly clawing through the locked doors of the room. Everyone knows where this is going, but I also popped some dark destiny points and had a pirate crew cut through hull of the ship from the roof of the room to initiate combat. Ending with a four way showdown between the droid, players, garai/droids, and pirates.
I ended the last adventure in a similar fashion, with lots of over the top combat cliches, like jumping from a moving skiff the ramp of a moving YT 2400 freighter, etc, etc. So I guess my question boils down to: How often do you all space out these over the top encounters? I know they're a part of star wars story telling, and the players seem to enjoy them. But I don't want it to become so common place that they lose their appeal. Do you wait a set amount of sessions between? Or just whenever it makes narrative sense?