Battle report: Store Championship Buffalo NY (IFF in attendance)

By Thraug, in Star Wars: Armada

Here's a battle report from the Dave and Adam's Store Championship held in Willamsville NY on Jan 23rd 2016. First, a big thanks goes out to the crew at Dave and Adam's, especially Colin, for running a fun and organized event. I believe everyone had a good time; I certainly did. They told me they are applying for a Regional Championship and I hope they get it. Second, shout-outs go to our travelers from Canada, Rochester, Syracuse, and Northeast Massachusetts. It was nice to see folks driving in to join our local event. The event had 14 players: 8 locals, 2 from Canada, 2 from Rochester, and 2 IFF guys (Dano from Massachusetts and DrunkTarkin (Jud) from Syracuse). We played 3 rounds.

I brought the following Rebel fleet. It's something I've been playing and tweaking for a couple of weeks now and I've found it does well against anything I've encountered. It was tweaked for this tourney to combat bomber builds (Fireballs) and builds containing 1+ large ships. The key to this fleet is the Yavaris Nebulon and the unique squadrons. Rieekan's ability gives my squishy ships an activation after dying and can cause ramming fits in traffic jams. He also keeps my 2 unique escort squadrons on the field to soak enemy squadron attacks after they die. Yavaris on my dead Nebulon can cause a LOT of damage if positioned properly. The fleet was built in tandem with objective selection and, with Rieekan, going second isn't a liability and is almost always a boon.

Rieekan's Elite (399/400)
Assault Frigate Mk.II B (72 + 34)

  • General Rieekan (30)
  • Boosted Comms (4)

Nebulon-B Escort Frigate (57 + 12)

  • Raymus Antilles (7)
  • Yavaris (5)

CR90 Corvette B (39 + 8)

  • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5)
  • Tantive IV (3)

CR90 Corvette B (39 + 5)

  • SW-7 Ion Batteries (5)

Squadrons x8: (133)

  • "Dutch" Vander (16)
  • Luke Skywalker (20)
  • Wedge Antilles (19)
  • Scurrg H-6 Bomber (16)
  • B-wing (14)
  • YT-2400 x3 (48)


  • Assault: Precision Strike
  • Defense: Hyperspace Assault
  • Navigation: Dangerous Territory

MATCH 1 (vs Chris, playing Rebels; Objective: Dangerous Territory; I'm 2nd player)

Chris and I play regularly and I was hoping I would play someone else in the first round, but them's the breaks in tourneys. My fleet is heavily influenced from a Rieekan build Chris crushed me with over the Thanksgiving holiday. We didn't know what each other were playing in this event so both of us were surprised to see each other’s builds. In short, the small ships in a Rieekan build can cause fits for large ships, and Chris was playing Ackbar with 2 MC80s and various squadrons. Almost the exact setup as our Thanksgiving day game, but with switched sides.


This is the only pic I have form this match and it shows turn 2, right before my Nebulon parked directly in the front arc of both of his MC80. A combination of rams, Rieekan, Nebulon squadron double activations, and no Ackbar side arcs on my Nebulon kept my Nebulon alive the entire match. Multiple Yavaris activations caused most of the damage to both of his MC80s and his squadrons. Chris' front arc shots on my Nebulon didn't produce much damage and my Nebulon actually survived the battle. I killed 1 MC80 and all(?) of his squadrons and captured 5 objectives, and Chris killed 1 of my CR90s and 1 squadron. I won 9-1.

MATCH 2 (vs Judson, aka DrunkTarkin of IFF, playing Empire; Objective: Dangerous Territory; I'm 2nd player)

I've been listening to the IFF podcast since its beginning and immediately recognized Judson's and Dano's voices. Judson was playing a Screed Empire build with 1 ISD (ECM, Gunnery Team), 3x Galdiators (Demolisher/Insidious, all 3 with APTs), and 4 TIE fighters.


As you can see in this second turn pic, Judson placed his obstacles in a way that limited my options to gather objective tokens. After setup, my plan was to kite his ISD, and the Gladiator nearby, with my entire fleet and keep my squadron hoard between us. I felt I would be able to insta-gib his 4 TIEs with little effort and let me bombers work on the ISD and Engine Techs gladiator, while my fleet kept it's distance from Insidious and Demolisher. Judson did a great job with his 4 TIEs and kept my squadrons busy for 1 turn longer than I had hoped. The plan to stay away from Insidious and Demolisher only partially worked. My CR90s stayed mostly out of the way, but my AF was caught at point blank range of these 2 gladiators and it wasn't pretty.


This is turn ... 3 or 4 of our match, and Judson's Insidious and Demolisher took out my Assault Frigate and heavily damaged the closer CR90 soon after. I did some damage to both of these glads and argued with myself over trying to use my squadrons to chase down Insidious and Demolisher or sending them into Judson's fresh ISD in hope of getting two back-to-back Yavaris activations on turns 5 and 6 to take down the ISD and get lots of points. Around this time Judson vocally contemplated turning his ISD away from Yavaris and missing out on the objective token. He decided to go for the objective token and deal with Yavaris. After moving my squadrons adjacent to the ISD, Yavaris was able to get two full rounds of squadron activations to give my 3 best bombers 2 attacks each. That was just enough to take down the ISD and flip the score to my advantage for 7-3 win. I'm pretty sure I would have lost 3-7 if his ISD turned away. I'm not sure my squads would have caught the ISD.

MATCH 3 (vs Dano of IFF, playing Rebels; Objective: Most Wanted (sort of!); I'm 1st player)

Dano, myself, and Matias from Canada had the most tourney points (16) going in round 3. I was paired up with Dano, who was playing a fleet similar to mine. Dano had an AF (Rieekan, and some other upgrade I can't recall), one Nebulon (Salvation and Wulf?), a CR90 A (Turbolaser Reroute Circuits, Leia, Jaina's Light), and another CR90 A (Raymus Antillis, Tantive IV), and squadrons: Han Solo, Dash Rendar, Tycho Celchu, 1 X-Wing, 1 YT-2400, 1 HWK-290.

Obviously, this fleet can toss command tokens all over the place, and Dano did this often and to great effect. Dano's fleet was less points than mine and he chose to be the second player. I chose Most Wanted as the objective. "Dano, do you pick the Most Wanted ships now?". I kept asking Dano this as we setup obstacles and ships. I couldn't remember when the objective ships were supposed to be picked. Of course, after we finished setting up 8 ships and 14 squadrons we forgot about the Most Wanted ships and jumped right into turn 1. Haha.


This pic, from turn 1, shows our deployments. My plan was to the close the distance to Dano's CR90 TRC ships as soon as possible, leveraging Rieekan's ability if needed. I also felt that, with Yavaris, I could win a squadron showdown and was planning to force an early squadron scrum to quickly kill his squads and free mine for ship bombing duty. As you'll see, both of these plans were poorly executed by me, and Dano exploited this.


This pic, from turn 2, shows the results of a poorly executed Nebulon move. While my AF stayed within Boosted-Comms squadron range, my Nebulon was not within medium range of my squadrons and I had no choice but to leave my squadrons behind to fight by themselves. Not good. Dano used his AF and Nebulon to add lots of damage to my squadrons, while his CR90s lobbed TRC damage at my poor CR90s.


This pic, from the end(?) of turn 4, shows one of my CR90s destroyed, my AF and Neb out of range of my squads, my Wedge and Luke destroyed, Dano's Han, X-Wing, and YT-2400 destroyed, and Dano's ships still pounding my squads. Not much happened after this. Dano killed my other CR90, I killed one of his, and I killed the rest of his squads. The game ended with me having a few points more than Dano, for a 5-5 tie, leaving us both with 21 tourney points. It wasn't until the game ended did we realize we forgot to pick the Most Wanted objective ships. Doh!

The other player with 16 tourney points, Matias from Canada, came in 3rd place overall. Since me and Dano were tied in tourney points, it went to MOV points and Dano had ~30 more MOV than me and won the Dave & Adam's Store Championship! Congrats to Dano, he played very well. All 3 of my games were a blast and I thank Chris, Judson and Dano for being great players and very fun to play. I hope to play the IFF guys again, they are as fun to play as they are to listen too! "Dano, do you pick the Most Wanted ships now??? It has to be now, right!!?" ;)


I think the Aces/Yavaris/Reikan list will be heavily played... I've been tinkering with something very similar, but less squadrons and an extra CR90.

Great report as well, love the annotated pictures!

Edited by DWRR

I can now put a face to Versch!

I love the report and the fact that people are using Rieekan in tournaments.

While I think he is good but he does not fit with go big or go home style of getting points.

It seems to me that a lot of the "go big or go home" lists in this tournament, well, went home.

I was flying a list that i specifically designed to be balanced and not lose or win big as my ultimate goal was to place top 8 for the nifty rulers and I ended up 3rd...

I have to say Judson (DrunkTarkin) was the most fun person I ever played with and despite being a competitive match we were laughing and messing around like it was a casual game (in almost painful contrast to my second match) and hovering around a couple of Danos matches was a show on its own.

My buddy came with a silly yavaris Y-wing Reikaan list as well and ended up 6th

This is great.

My only objection is that Dano was not photoshopped into a bathtub.

5/7 perfect.'re saying there is a chance I could run into IFF if I travel upstate to play?

Holy crap!

Pfft, IFF should travel downstate to play with us. Come to the strat guys. NYC is the place to be.

Let's see... What's a good midway point? Newburgh/Orange County? Any gaming there? Haha

I've entertained going to NYC, but I'd have to do it via trains out of NJ.

I'm about 90 minutes south from Syracuse. I only know that because I went to SUNY Utica/Rome. I like to go back to see what my tuition paid for. :D

Hey, they invited us. No one from the city ever invited us. Fantastic event. I'm going to add my own write up soon. It'll be interesting (for me at least) to compare my thoughts with Thraug's after that fun game.

I just found my tourney match sheet. Here are my MOVs:

Match 1: 226 (9 tourney points)

Match 2: 109 (7 tourney points)

Match 3: 2 (5 tourney points)

Looking forward to your report Judson. Hopefully my feeble memory didn't fail me too much. :)

I can now put a face to Versch!

But thats not my online face. So, ur still screwed mang.'re saying there is a chance I could run into IFF if I travel upstate to play?

Holy crap!

What Paul humbly omitted was his beatifully painted fleet. He had color coordinated squadrons to ships. Very pretty to look at.

Oh Paul, Im picking your Neb B as my Objective Ship and my Assault Frigate as yours...ok your first activation.


Hey i made it in to one of the pictures! (me in the vader jersey)

thanks for the write up - I had a great time at this tourney, and cant wait for the next one!

I just found my tourney match sheet. Here are my MOVs:

Match 1: 226 (9 tourney points)

Match 2: 109 (7 tourney points)

Match 3: 2 (5 tourney points)

Looking forward to your report Judson. Hopefully my feeble memory didn't fail me too much. :)

No I don't think your memory failed you at all. Just in case this report ends up not coming out - I was pretty good with taking pics for once - I thank all my great opponents for great games. Special thanks go to Hastiator's friend who mocked all the brolove going on in our round three matchup. I committed a grave disservice to the community not recording at least an audio file of the non-stop comedy gold delivered in what ultimately proved to be an important game. The standings would have been different if either one of us landed a big score, not that this was either player's priority.

At any rate we're scheduled to record later this week so there will surely be Buffnament discussion.

Anyone else in the top 8 have wicked bends in their acrylic rulers we received as prizes? Mine are very curved and not usable right now. I have put them under a pile of books to see if that flattens them. Any other suggestions? Get out a steam iron???

Oh Paul, Im picking your Neb B as my Objective Ship and my Assault Frigate as yours...ok your first activation.


Anyone else in the top 8 have wicked bends in their acrylic rulers we received as prizes? Mine are very curved and not usable right now. I have put them under a pile of books to see if that flattens them. Any other suggestions? Get out a steam iron???

YES! I thought I just got defective ones!

you could put string on these and use them as bows

Nah mine are good. In past resin experience leaving them in really hot water then shaping them - in this case under a book like you mentioned - might help.

And oops.

Edited by DrunkTarkin


Edited by DrunkTarkin

thanks, I'll try that. Mostly because you posted it three times so it must be true...

You spent two hours with me so no further explanation is required.