Notice that the four Heroes don't have names? I don't know about you but I don't consider Bright Wizard and Warrior Priest to be a name. Those seem to be the Hero's title or profession.
Anyone got any good ideas of names for our four Heroes?
Notice that the four Heroes don't have names? I don't know about you but I don't consider Bright Wizard and Warrior Priest to be a name. Those seem to be the Hero's title or profession.
Anyone got any good ideas of names for our four Heroes?
Well, names in the Empire tend to be Germanic in origin, so go nuts with German baby names for the Warrior Priest and the Bright Wizard. Dwarfs in Warhammer tend to have one- or two-syllable first names with either a nordic-style "(Father's name)sson" surname or an honorific (like Thorgrim Grudgebearer, for example). The elf is likely to have a multi-syllable name that sounds soft and musical. Lathariel, for example. Something that sounds quite Tolkienesque wouldn't be out of order, since the Wood Elves are closest to Tolkien's sylvan elves out of the various Warhammer elf-races in the World That Was.
So, plucked randomly out of mid-air, how about...
Oskar Helmgart, Warrior Priest of Sigmar
Korina von Bülow, Bright Wizard
Girdok Karnisson, Ironbreaker
Lathariel, Waywatcher
I refer to the Bright Wizard as Arthur Brown, so I can go: "I am the god of hellfire, and I bring you... FIRE!"
Action cards also show both genders for BW and WW at least, metro-WP with his golden locks and who knows about female dwarves, beard or no beard
On the campaign tracker it was a space for each player to name the character they are playing.
I am glad that the cards didn't have names, it makes it easier to think of "hiring" a new bright wizard rather than resurrecting one!
Of course, in a campaign, a list of names should always be kept, if for no other reason than to honour the fallen over a goblet of mead.