AAR: Fleet action at Dubrillion System

By panzerdaddy, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

++Intercepted Imperial Fleet transmission++

Imperial Intelligence has received Rebel fleet communications of a rendezvous between a Rebel transport convoy and a smuggling freighter in the Dubrillion sector. Intel has strong information that the Rebels may have information of their new headquarters since they fled Yavin.

Imperial Fleet has approved a strike force to jump on captured coordinates found on an abandoned Rebel transport in Sierra system. The Rebels will not know what hit them when we jumped in their midst. Good Hunting and eliminate the Rebel scum!

**Fleet transmission from Fleet Command**

The disinformation mission from our commandos were successful and the Imperials had accepted the data as genuine data. Admiral Ackbar has approved of a fleet section to be detached to launch a suprise attack. Intercepted transmissions suggest a light strike force.

Good Luck and May the Force be with you.

The 7th Republican Navy Section was released for strike mission and assisted by elements of Stafighter Command. We enlisted the service of a Corellian privateer, Hans Solo, to continue trasmitting the Trojan communication to bait the Imperials onto the coordinates.

The 7th RNS consist of the following ships

MC80 Unity One

AF Laughing Wally

CCA Blitz Betty

Star fighter Command released

A-Wing 109 Sqdn Green Griffin's

A-Wing 190 Sqdn Red Wasps

A-Wing 110 Sqdn Yellow Hornets

A-Wing 210 Sqdn Blue Lightnings

The Imperial fleet jumped from hyperspace and their strength was bigger than we expected. But they did not send any probes or scouts before jumping in. But they had assembled a heavy strike force that consist of :

1 x ISD

1 x VSD

1 x GSD

1 x Raider

We spotted 3 squadrons as well which includes mercenary firespray bomber squadron.

MC80 Unity One proceeded to go on battle stations as AF Laughing Wally is jumping to ambush the Imperial fleet from behind. Blitz Betty went on full speed to go past the ISD frontal firepower. The Imperial fleet move on a broad front. Long range fire was exchanged between both fleets which had negligible damage. The Raider suffered a broadside fire from Unity One and proceeded to weave out of its broadsides.

Laughing Wally finally jumped behind the Imperial force and was able to get some good hits on the ISD and GSD. But the situation was grim as the GSD opened up their short range batteries, multiple hull breaches on Laughing Wally caused the captain to divert more crew to repair the damages. It was a matter of another heavy fire would have surely made this mission their last.

Blitz Betty tied up the GSD and merc squadron away from the main battle. Captain Stephen was crucial in broadcasting insulting taunts over the open communication channels to provoke the Imperials to press their attacks.

The A-wings were able to gain starfighter superiority for the loss of Captain Nihel's squadron Blue Lightnings. The smuggler Hans Solo was shot off several times at the ISD but with little effect.

The ISD set a course and jumped into hyperspace with multiple hull hits and close hull analysis suggested heavy damage to several sections. The other Imperials seems to take the cue for retreat as they jumped out the sector.

Fleet command estimated that AF Laughing Wally will take several weeks at the Koma Dockyards to repair its damage. We were told her captain was badly injured but managed to save the ship due to her tireless damage control crew.

Fleet Command deemed this action as a Republican Navy victory. Admiral Ackbar is encouraged with the results and clamor for more capital ship engagements victories to generate more support from the neutral Outer Rims sectors.