Adventures set during the Yuuzhan Vong War?

By Ebak, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

Hey all.

I've been working my brain around the idea of running a campaign set during the Yuuzhan Vong war, requested by my players and put in play by my own curiosity.

However the 'Vong are such an unusual enemy in every way that I can't think of many adventures that are merely adapting the actual story to star the PC's instead of the Star Wars protagonists.

Anyone have any good 'Vong related adventure ideas? or even just hooks. I need to get the ball rolling in my head.

One idea I looked at was eventually sending my group into the Unknown regions on a search for the Vong's planet and crossing the path of many things previously thought myth in the Star Wars universe, maybe even a Cthulu-esque themed adventure given how the 'Vong worship pain and suffering?

If I knew a little more about the kinds of PCs you have, I might be able to think of some ideas.

I'll get back to you with that once I know myself. I have the basis for the first few adventures and we're doing character creation tomorrow, so I can post the PC's here. I've already told them that if I feel I am not meeting my normal standards for adventures I will end the campaign and move us onto a more traditional campaign.

Just some ideas, depending on the makeup of the party:

For a group of AoR characters, you'd probably have the easiest time. I mean, galactic war and everything. I posted an idea a while back, but a submarine movie-style campaign, with the PCs being assigned to a warship hunting some Vong vessel(s), probably in a setting like a nebula or something.

A mixed group of EotE characters is doable. I would take a page out of The Old Republic's Smuggler storyline and have the players work as a group of private military contractors taking high risk infiltration, courier, reconnaissance or wetwork jobs that the legitimate government might not risk themselves.

For F&D, it could be sabotage some Vong bioweapon, stop a mass sacrifice, protect an Old Jedi Order Force nexus, or rescue a group of Force-sensitives from the Vong/anti-Jedi operatives.

In general, I would also glean some ideas from Mass Effect if you want to include more Lovecraftian elements for Star Wars.

This is the kind of campaign I would think Knight level play works well with.

Yeah I would either go total war, in that I would toss the PC's up against the horrors of a war in which there isn't even the remote chance of negotiating with the other side. Or I would borrow heavily from the Mass Effect series ..... which to a certain extent ..... is just the total war thing anyway.

So I've got back from character creation and I have a very diverse and interesting group;

Two Jedi, one Mon Calamari, and another a Whiphid.

A Wookiee Engineer.

A Human, Ex-Imperial Commando.

A Human Commander who is a representative of the Imperial Remnant.

Mukhtar Karam - Mon Calamari - Consular - Healer / Fringer

Duty: Personnel

Morality: Mercy / Apathy

Motivations: Cause - Galactic Peace, Cause - Equality

Mukhtar is a peaceful soul who is very much the diplomat and face of the group, he grew up during the Galactic Civil War, when the war finally ended he enjoyed the peace that it brought to the galaxy and wishes to preserve that peace to avoid another potentially devastating war. He believes very strongly in equality among all species.

'Whippy' (Name to be decided) - Whiphid - Guardian - Warmaster / Guardian

Duty: Ground superiority

Morality: Ambition / Greed

Motivations: Ambition - Friendship, Connections - Military

This is the wildcard.

Tyryyk - Wookiee - Engineer - Mechanic / Scientist

Duty: Tech Procurement

Motivations: Belief - Species Rights, Quest - Freedom

The wookiee loves the technical side of things, thus his duty of tech procurement, could be interesting to have him investigate Yuuzhan Vong technology. He is a staunch believer in species rights thanks to him being a slave of the Empire for many years and seeks to make sure the galaxy is a free place, very anti-slaver.

Dolph Danak - Human - Soldier - Commando

Duty: Combat Victory

Motivations: Quest - Redemption, Belief - Honor

Defected during the GCW from the Empire to the Rebellion after being told to execute a prison camp of Duros families. Before this incident he was responsible for the assassination of a Wookiee chieftan which cost him his arm (and later one of his eyes courtesy of the cheifs son). He wishes to right the wrongs of his past and even retired to Kashyyk to pledge himself to the Wookiee's. He is an honorable man who will always do the right thing in the end.

Rednax Xevu (AG 694) - Mandalorian Human - Commander - Tactician

Duty: Intelligence

Obligation: Dutybound

Motivations: Ambition - Revenge, Faith - Imperial Rule

Lieutenant Xevu is an envoy from the Imperial Remnant bought into the operation in accordance to the Bastion treaty. He believes that the Empire should still be the dominant government in the galaxy and has an Obligation to the Empire via Dutybound. I think I'd love to do some intrigue with a Moff wishing to use the war as a way to destroy the New Republic and once again have the Empire assert it's dominance.

The more I think about this the more I think maping on the Mass Effect adventure is a good way to go if you don't want to repeat the novels. Just have the Vong start out as a mysterious enemy in the wild space that no one is concerned about and that the PC's investigate and try to figure out who they are and what kind of threat they are. And as the PC's learn more the Vong slowly start taking over more and more space until finally they launch a full scale invasion. But by that time the galaxy has maybe been lulled into a false sense of safety. Or toss in a war between two factions that distracts everyone and seems to be the more pressing matter than these strange aliens who are only doing stuff in wild space.

Now that I think about it... You could literally do Mass Effect with Star Wars and just have the Yuzhan Vong instead of the Reapers. I mean "We are your salvation through destruction." That sounds exactly like something the Vong would say.

Ironic given that if the Reapers and Vong encountered each other the Reapers would jump straight to the top of the Vong to kill list.

Maybe they could accidentally get trapped behind enemy lines. Their ship would get damaged and they would have to land it, find spare parts. Maybe while on the planet they would run into some resistance force Vong are trying to snuff out.

There are some prominent concepts I read that you should incoporate-

First was infeltration, then politics, then total destruction and Shaping.

So for good pacing I would start with an Infeltrator nemesis, in a political situation, drawing it out for a "season" of game sessions. Then some far away catastrophic event that will lure the characters to the staging point of the invasion.

From there you can choose the path of a military or political endgame.

You could do a Droid Holocaust plot. Billions of droids were destroyed by the Vong. A droids' rights advocate would weep. Jawas would salvage...

Don't know if this helps or interests you but i created these guys a while ago.


Thanks to SuperArppis for a good idea for a small adventure that may evolve into greater things. Same thing to Rusak, and Happy.

Mouthy, I think I found your stats ages ago and put them into my generator, they're what I am using to create my other 'classes' of warriors and the like. So thank you for being the progenitor of the stats. I will post them here as I make them for critique and continue to bounce ideas off you guys.

One thing I want to add to the Rival level Warriors is the Thudbug, which I think would be damage 6, pierce 1, guided 2, since it is a living creature and thus could feasibly 'home in' on a target.

Edited by Ebak

Why are the stats blurred? I was hoping to download the image.