Finally finished painting all my minis.........phew!!!

By Benjy81, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

Not the best paint job I've seen on here but I'm pretty happy as it's my first time painting (& MASSIVE thanks Sorastro for the help getting started!). All ready for a four player skirmish match next weekend!! YAY!





Has anyone had any experience with the four player skirmish games?

That's a great, painted collection worth being very proud of - nothing like seeing a huge project come together.

nice werk!!

A major accomplishment! Well done.


Did you handpaint those numbers, or are those decals?

I like your bases, what colors did you paint each faction? And that's an impressive painted collection. I have about that many figures and haven't even fully finished a piece yet (I have about 10 in various states of paint) so it's a long, long tunnel for me still!

Thanks for the comments guys.........they definitely took a while to paint but I really enjoyed it. Once you crack on a few tunes and get into the swing, it's amazingly relaxing. Can't wait for more to paint.

Ha. My fine brush control was not up to the task for painting the numbers, I just bought some sticky back numbers from Amazon. They actually look a lot better than I thought they would and fit pretty much perfectly.

Oooh.....base colours. I went for mechanicus grey for the imperials and celestra grey for scum. For the rebels I mixed Kislev flesh with a touch of warpstone glow to get the colour I wanted. But I'd definitely recommend using just a standard out the pot base paint (and not mixing) as it can be a pain to match all the figures.

Awesome - Well done - that's a massive undertaking! That's a huge collection - looks like at least x2 of every box, and x3 of every expansion?

Awesome work! I cant wait till I get the core set done. Just need to do the nexu and gaarkhan to complete it.

Edited by supersayian

Oh man, that is a beautiful array of an army!

That is an amazing amount of figures that are very appealing to the eyes.

The Imperial army would be shedding a tear of joy at the amount of firepower you are able to bring! I am biased here, but it is beautiful to see the tanks, AT-STs and the Probe Droids represent!!!

Great work, dude. That's an awful lot of hours, there. :D

For a minute, I thought you'd received a few "special" versions of Wampas. Then I realized those aren't antennae sticking out of their heads. They're Nexu tails. Made me laugh a bit to myself.

These look great! I JUST tried my hand at miniature painting last night, using Sorastro's painting tutorial as a guide. I'm really pleased with the results. Not perfect by any means, but they bring a lot of life to the figures and the game. I did all my Stormtroopers and the two E-Web Engineers so far. Planning on tackling them a little at a time since I have to buy the paint over time, too.

I really like the different colors for the different faction bases. I might steal that idea.

Most Impressive. Seeing as you obviously purchased multiples of most expansions have you considered doing various paint schemes for the heroes? Fenn is anxious to have forest camo and Biv wants to show that he has killed sandtroopers of various ranks.

Nicely done! Have you sat down and calculated your invested cost on paints and supplies? I have and my wife would be less than pleased if she knew.


Very good job!

Great job, they look great! Did you skip some high lighting to save time ? A few of the figures look pretty dark still, or is that just the lighting?

My closet OCD just refuses to let me skip any steps lol, Sorastro talks and my eye twitches until it is done :P

For the four player skirmish the only thing I can tell you is that it will be long, so account for that. If its a free for all expect it to be triple the length at least of a regular skirmish, if it is teams then double the regular time. At least in my experience. And probably add some more time for your friends to keep pausing to admire the great job you did painting ALL of the figures! They might be tempted to make a few blaster sound effects as well :D

Yeh the lighting isn't the best in those pics. But I do tend to under highlight as I find that if something is overhighlighted and is lit in the room from a different angle it kinda looks odd (just personal preference I suppose). Also I try to not stick rigidly to Sorastro as I like to be a bit creative. Sometimes I actually prefer how my versions turn out (but yeh the vast majority of the time his versions look better - well he is the master!!).

Anyway, rancor no.1 nearly done :)


Edited by Benjy81
On ‎04‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 4:18 PM, Benjy81 said:

Yeh the lighting isn't the best in those pics. But I do tend to under highlight as I find that if something is overhighlighted and is lit in the room from a different angle it kinda looks odd (just personal preference I suppose). Also I try to not stick rigidly to Sorastro as I like to be a bit creative. Sometimes I actually prefer how my versions turn out (but yeh the vast majority of the time his versions look better - well he is the master!!).

Anyway, rancor no.1 nearly done :)


DUDE! this looks amazing, what colours did you use for it?

That is a beautiful beast!

I'd like to get this set as soon as I can to get my hands on a rancor of my own. Although I think I'd try to move his right hand higher to keep from hitting other figures.

I really like the number stickers you used on your bases. I know you said they were just stickers from amazon, but I've been looking on amazon and I've not found them. Could you post the link of the numbers you purchased from amazon?

For the Rancor, I used xv88 and shaded with reikland fleschshade, then highlighted with xv88 mixed with white and a hint of yellow. For the teeth and nails I used karak stone and hightlighted to pure white, think I used nuln oil as a shade in the recesses.

For the number stickers, I purchased these:

However, word of caution you get loads of 1's, 2's and 5's but not so many of the other numbers. But they are a very good fit!

Hope this helps!