Star Wars: Rebellion Deluxe Edition

By Sciencius, in Star Wars: Rebellion

with prepainted miniatures!

Please make it, FFG, I would buy it in an instant!! I would even pay double just to get them prepainted☺️

This. This needs to be a thing.

The star destroyers need to look a bit more imposing as they bring peace and order to the galaxy.

The star destroyers need to look a bit more imposing as they bring peace and order to the galaxy.

Order? Sure. Peace? Ehh...


If no one is alive on that planet after they are done, it would probably be more peaceful...

The star destroyers need to look a bit more imposing as they bring peace and order to the galaxy.

Order? Sure. Peace? Ehh... Base-Delta-Zero_zpsqce7pdeg.jpg

Is that the African continent?

The star destroyers need to look a bit more imposing as they bring peace and order to the galaxy.

Order? Sure. Peace? Ehh...

[photo removed]

Is that the African continent?

I was just thinking the same thing!

The star destroyers need to look a bit more imposing as they bring peace and order to the galaxy.

Order? Sure. Peace? Ehh...


Well peace and quiet, once everything on the planet has been reduced to ash. would be fun if the IMPERIAL ASSAULT figures (specifically leaders such as darth, leia, luke, etc) could be used in REBELLION! would be fun if the IMPERIAL ASSAULT figures (specifically leaders such as darth, leia, luke, etc) could be used in REBELLION!

You can. Just set aside the Rebellion tokens and consult them when you have to see the specs of one or use them together... would be fun if the IMPERIAL ASSAULT figures (specifically leaders such as darth, leia, luke, etc) could be used in REBELLION!

You can. Just set aside the Rebellion tokens and consult them when you have to see the specs of one or use them together...

Edited by MarthWMaster

In the event that someone did want to use miniatures in place of the Leader tokens, despite having to refer back to them for tactics values and such, and that you have a copy of Imperial Assualt's core set then you would need:

Rebels: $62.41

Mon Mothma

General Dodona

General Rieekan

Princess Leia (IA)

Luke Skywalker (IA, included in core set)

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Han Solo (IA)

Wedge Antilles

Lando Calrissian, Hero of Taanab

Chewbacca (IA)

Crix Madine

Imperial $49.82

Darth Sidious

Darth Vader (IA, included in core set)

Grand Moff Tarkin

Star Destroyer Officer (General Tagge)

General Veers

Baron Fel (price unknown, wasn't listed on MM)

Boba Fett (IA)

Moff Jerjerrod

Imperial Dignitary (Janus Greejatus)

Admiral Piett

Admiral Ozzel

Admiral Yularen

So for the low low price of $112.23 you could have miniatures to replace those Leader tokens.

The star destroyers need to look a bit more imposing as they bring peace and order to the galaxy.

Order? Sure. Peace? Ehh... Base-Delta-Zero_zpsqce7pdeg.jpg

Well that seems to be the final solution to the Africa problem...

Hmm.. there is something familiar in this slogan...

Well that seems to be the final solution to the Africa problem...

Hmm.. there is something familiar in this slogan...

The lure of Dark Side of Force I sense in you Master Jedi Mithrandir

I think my brother and I have almost all of the Star Wars minis to actually replace the Leader tokens. However it may clutter up the board with too many minis. I will have to try it and see what it looks like once I get my copy of the game. As far as the painting end it would be cool for a pre-painted set but I am looking forward to painting the game myself.