Order of Kellos

By Acolyte Rivan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Thanks for making these available to the community.

In my opinion, characters representing clerics/priest and their abilities are poorly represented in Descent and a decent showing is sorely missed. Your work fixes that and I have downloaded all your Order of Kellos stuff gratefully and gleefully happy.gif

Thanks. It is good to know these are well received by someone (I promised myself I wouldn't cry)

I am reworking the weapon symbols as well. Here's the first.

Gold Symbol


And the others.

Town Symbol


Copper Symbol


Silver Symbol


A note about Focus items. Focus items must be empowered by the faith and belief of the wielder. In order to do so, you must spend one half action and perform a prolonged action. Roll a number of dice equal to the the number of dice in the appropriate attack trait. For each enhancement rolled, your attack gains the listed effect. Effects are cumulative. So, if you rolled three (or more) enhancements attacking with the Greater Holy symbol above, you would gain all three effects. Next up: Melee Focus items.

Great stuff, thanks again for sharing :)

Is this a fan-created expansion or is it official???

This is a fan-made expansion tolerated by FFG - please refer to the Homebrew Section to find a current complete version of the expansion!

Great work, thanks for the update on the expansion! Have the original links been upgraded with the new stuff? I am having trouble getting these to work.

This post rolled a surge! The correct links for the updated cards are in the homebrew section or on my site. (link in signature)

And what is Midnight descent??????

My first attempt at a custom mod. The cards and design are based off of FFG's Midnight :Runebound system.