The Token Token's Trades! Updated as of Nov.

By The Token Token, in UFS Trading

Alrighty. Here's a somewhat updated list of stuff. Ref's at somewhere around +4/0. Ask for legacy stuff if interested.


Soul Calibur 4: Quest of Souls

Promos -

1x Lizardman

Amy -

1x Albion

1x Ostrinsburg Castle Throne Room

Lizardman -

Mitsurugi -

1x Mitsurugi

1x Jyurakudai

Taki -

1x Ninja Tactics

1x Tower of Rememberance - Ancient Gate

3x Evil Destroyer

1x Knows her Objective

Xianghua -

1x Sword of No Name

Yoshimitsu -

3x Sacrifices for the Cause

Tekken 6

Christie -

Kazuya -

1x Kazuya's Gloves

King -

4x King's Reverse DDT

Nina -

1x Purple Army Suit

1x Lethal Fighting Style

Paul -


Astrid -

1x Bloodied but Unbowed

Lu Chen -
3x Peaceful Path Hold

1x Flowing Strikes

Ragnar -
1x Ymirfang

Rashotep -

1xThe Double Crown of Egypt

Temujin -
2x Armor of the Forsaken One
1x Pillage

Yi Shan -
3x Calming the Mind

Zhao Daiyu -

Zi Mei -

Soul Calibur 4

Algol -
1x Temporary Being
3x Tower of Remembrance - Degredation

Astaroth -
5x Anger Towards A God
2x Immovable Object

Cervantes -

1x No Mercy

Hilde -

2x Aura of Strength
5x Siren's Call

2x Wolfkorne Monument

Ivy -

Nightmare -
1x Soul Edge

Siegfried -

Tira -

Wants -

2x Strange Fashion

1x Together Again

2x Quick Exit

1x Lost Partner

1x Menuet Dance

1x Lightning Uppercut

1x No Forgiveness

3x Unnatural Grace

1x Pavillion

**add a foil Free Will or foil Empire's Ruin to sweeten any deal**

Sorry it took so long to reply, but I have been swamped with things to do. Unfortunately I do not have gut drills to trade anymore but I do still have the searching for family. If you have anything on my want list I would be more than happy to trade them. The only thing I saw currently would be the King's Reverse DDT, but I don't know how you feel about that. Email me if you want a quicker response as I check the forums less frequently.

ToR ancient gate for Killer Android?

To Smazzurco:

Unfortunately I already traded away my Ancient Gate over the weekend. Forgot to set it aside. Is there anything else you're interested in?

What did you have in legacy stuff... send me a list [email protected]

What did you have in legacy stuff... send me a list [email protected]
