Alrighty. Here's a somewhat updated list of stuff. Ref's at somewhere around +4/0. Ask for legacy stuff if interested.
Soul Calibur 4: Quest of Souls
Promos -
1x Lizardman
Amy -
1x Albion
1x Ostrinsburg Castle Throne Room
Lizardman -
Mitsurugi -
1x Mitsurugi
1x Jyurakudai
Taki -
1x Ninja Tactics
1x Tower of Rememberance - Ancient Gate
3x Evil Destroyer
1x Knows her Objective
Xianghua -
1x Sword of No Name
Yoshimitsu -
3x Sacrifices for the Cause
Tekken 6
Christie -
Kazuya -
1x Kazuya's Gloves
King -
4x King's Reverse DDT
Nina -
1x Purple Army Suit
1x Lethal Fighting Style
Paul -
Astrid -
1x Bloodied but Unbowed
Lu Chen -
3x Peaceful Path Hold
1x Flowing Strikes
Ragnar -
1x Ymirfang
Rashotep -
1xThe Double Crown of Egypt
Temujin -
2x Armor of the Forsaken One
1x Pillage
Yi Shan -
3x Calming the Mind
Zhao Daiyu -
Zi Mei -
Soul Calibur 4
Algol -
1x Temporary Being
3x Tower of Remembrance - Degredation
Astaroth -
5x Anger Towards A God
2x Immovable Object
Cervantes -
1x No Mercy
Hilde -
2x Aura of Strength
5x Siren's Call
2x Wolfkorne Monument
Ivy -
Nightmare -
1x Soul Edge
Siegfried -
Tira -