New DM issues-

By jimjams79, in Game Masters

I have seen quite a few "New GM" threads with the same issues.

Force Heal Rules-

Character creation/Min/Maxers-

Loot rules-

And our old nemesis, Autofire.

Would it be useful to have a dedicated thread of these common GM problems that the GM can "quick reference"?

Force Heal doesn't have a problem I don't feel, its basically a Force Stimpack.

The rest have at various times descended into pissing matches but they are repeat topics.

The only issue I've seen brought up with Force Heal involves groups not realizing that each use does count as the use of a stimpak, so they think it's unlimited.

I think five of those threads were started by 2 people, so it just looks like it's common.

Can you point me to a few of those threads asking questions about force heal? I haven't noticed them.

Not it, I never knew it was a problem since it is limited.

SOme new GM threads haven't realised that it has teh stimpak limitation so players have just been spamming it apparently. I've seen it in two post one if F&D and one in EDGE of the empire

It is pretty powerful maxed out, but at the point it is maxed out I doubt that campaign has much shelf life left to it anyway.

Force Heal Rules-

Its counts as using a Stimpack

Character creation/Min/Maxers-

Session Zero, Give them moments to shine, then hit them in the dump stats by forcing a party split.

Loot rules-

Encumbrance, then 25% or worse resale price, then (insert major political group here) chasing them for selling stolen property. Conflict

And our old nemesis, Autofire.

Try carrying a LRB into a Cantina anywhere in the galaxy. Have a chat with the player, give them times to use that Gun, but make sure they know its not a solution for everything... Encumbrance, Adversary, Squad rules (AoR GM kit) and close/engaged opponents.

Guys, I as the OP know there rules for these issues. What I'm asking is could we as a community, do something to help the new GM's who don't have all the answers yet and are still a bit confused about how to deal with these issues?

Sure we can. Create a thread called the GM FAQ and ask the mods to have it pinned.

Edit: I could do this myself, but I don't want to manage it. I'm fine answering questions as they come up, even if they're repeats.

Edited by whafrog

Guys, I as the OP know there rules for these issues. What I'm asking is could we as a community, do something to help the new GM's who don't have all the answers yet and are still a bit confused about how to deal with these issues?

My post was intended as a QRG for anyone who finds this in the future, summarising the various issues. but i do agree, a sticky thread would be great thats similar to the FAQ thread. Unfortunately though i'm sure it would be hard to actually keep the thread short enough and find consensus for it to be actually useful to a New GM/Player. A Voting system would help but we don't have one of those and all agreeing on the method of Liking is unlikely too, any ideas?