Got the aforementioned game recently, played the tutorial, and stories 1 and 2, and I must say, I really enjoy the game.
I have played all three campaign of that other Adventure Card Game where you play as a Pathfinder
, and awkward card combos are therefore nothing new to me.
Regardless, I feel that WQACG is a lot more thematic than many other Adventuring card game. I especially like the constant threat of enemies, even when I try to Rest, that **** orc boy is hitting me. Love it.
We throw FFG plenty of flak when we have problems with games (often resolved by reading through the rulebooks mind you), so for once, those of you who like the game, let Adam and Brady Sadler know that they have done a great job of it.
Many thanks for a great game. Can't wait for expansions and new campaign settings (Chaos, Lizardmen, Undead, Elves...)