Since im trying to flesh out some rather untouched aspects of the pre-written scenario called "Dark Frontier", I've run into a situation. Namely trying to determine the speed of a gun-cutter (as it is described in the old Apocrypha: Vehicles for Dark Heresy) in Void Units.
Now according to the rules for hit and run attacks in Rogue Trader, a H&R attack can be done against an enemy vessel as long as it is within a range of five void units.
This could either mean that assault craft can travel up to five VU's in roughly 30 minutes (a strategic round/turn is described as being rouhly 30 minutes long).
It means that the assault craft can travel the distance to the enemy vessel, unload it's cargo of saboteurs, let them plant bomb charges, get back to the assault craft and return to the mothership in 30 minutes.
I think it would be safe to assume that the latter of the options would be correct, since the PC leading the hit and run attack will be free to preform other actions the strategic round after the H&R. This must mean that the Player Character have returned to the ship and isn't stuck fighting on the enemy vessel.
Now, it isn't really described what sort of vessels they use for boarding actions in Rogue Trader, but since the starship combat system is sort of an extrapolation on the rules for Battlefleet Gothic, I think it would be safe to assume that you can use some stats described in BFG for correlation purposes. The normal boarding vessel in BFG would be the Shark Assault Boat, and they have a Speed of 30 centimeters per Ordnance Phase.
But the important thing to remember here is that assault craft isn't the same as a gun-cutter, BUT on the same page in the BFG rulebook it says that Fury Interceptors have the same speed as Shark Assault Boats.
According to the description, I'd say that a gun-cutter and a void interceptors are pretty similar in design (remember that Interceptors in WH40K are not the same thing as the one-manned jet fighters of today, or even analogus to X-Wing fighters of Star Wars, but rather big craft with a crew of between two and four men and the craft sporting several arrays of las cannons, anti void-craft missiles etc. etc.). Of course a gun-cutter would likely be less manouevrable and not be as heavily armed as an interceptor designed to shoot down void bombers and torpedoes, but would you agree that it would be safe to assume that a Gun-cutter would have more or less the same speed as an Interceptor, and thereby have the same speed as an assault boat or similar boarding craft? (In other words: a speed of at least 5 VU's per tactical turn?)