I had this house-rule idea and wanted to know what others think of it:
- Pre-encounter, add two Find a Secret Passage cards to the search deck (assuming you have the necessary expansions)
- If the second such card is drawn in a Secret room (i.e., the heroes search and find the first card, then pass an attribute test on a challenge token in the resulting secret room and find the second card), then they "find a hero" (i.e., a prisoner is found deep in the dungeon...or a similar backstory).
Details that I'm trying to work out:
- Who would the hero be? (e.g., selected randomly? overlord's choice? hero's choice?)
- What class would they have? (e.g., random of the unclaimed classes of the hero's type?)
- What skills? (e.g., skills with a total # of experience points that the heroes already have? starting skills only?)
- How much health and stamina should the hero have (e.g., determined by two red power dice, as in a standup action)?
- Should the found hero be able to recover health after being knocked out, or should they be removed from the game (I vote the later)?
Interested to hear what others think!
Edited by KtuluCaller