So, about two weeks ago I took the plunge and grabbed the Core Set, Return to Hoth, and a few Villains packs. I've been working my way through the models since, and figured I'd got enough done to share!
I'll add more to this thread as I complete the paint jobs and various modifications. The AT-ST, for instance, needed a lot of work, from removing it from the base to fixing its "ear guns" that stuck out WAY too far.
Without further ado...
Kayn Somos, Shocktroopers, and Stormtroopers:
Imperial (Elite) Stormtrooper Corps Officer, Imperial Intelligence Officer, and Imperial Security Officer:
E-Web Engineer:
Viper-class Probe Droids:
Imperial Royal Guardsmen and Sovereign Protectors: (With bonus fluff from foam carrying case!)
(Not quite finished) HK-51 inspired non-elite assassin droid:
And MHD-19:
As for mods and conversions... I've both shortened the mounts for the AT-STs side guns and magnetized them so they don't just point straight forward:
And added a traversing turret to the RtH repulsor tank:
Then there are a couple of painted 3d printed tokens:
Aaaaaand finally, my stacking tray organization system to fit inside the core box:
Will add more as progress continues...