Some questions about QUEST.
When I have a quest card in my hand, I can pay for it and place it in my quest zone.
Then, I can either:
- send a unit already in the quest zone on that quest
- play a unit from my hand directly on that quest
- do nothing
Most of the quest card have a forced effect like "put a ressource token from the pool on that quest at every of your turn"
Several questions:
When exactly (time) do I put a token on my quest ? At the very beginning of the quest phase ?
The first time I send a unit on a quest, can I already put a token or have I to wait unitl my next turn ?
Can I trigger my "action effect" after putting a token on it. For example if I had 2 token on it and now it is my turn and the minimum of token to trigger the action is 3, can I take a token from the pool and trigger the action just after ?
When I am defending I am in the right to declare defender or not. if I understood correctly.
So I can defend with 0, 1 or 2 units if I have to unit in a zone.
So, if I never declare my questing unit as I defender, it never can't be hurt !? So the opponent will never be able to kill my questing unit (and stop the collecting of token on that quest).
Is that correct way to understand it ?