
By fafa2, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions


Some questions about QUEST.

When I have a quest card in my hand, I can pay for it and place it in my quest zone.

Then, I can either:

- send a unit already in the quest zone on that quest

- play a unit from my hand directly on that quest

- do nothing

Most of the quest card have a forced effect like "put a ressource token from the pool on that quest at every of your turn"

Several questions:

When exactly (time) do I put a token on my quest ? At the very beginning of the quest phase ?

The first time I send a unit on a quest, can I already put a token or have I to wait unitl my next turn ?

Can I trigger my "action effect" after putting a token on it. For example if I had 2 token on it and now it is my turn and the minimum of token to trigger the action is 3, can I take a token from the pool and trigger the action just after ?

When I am defending I am in the right to declare defender or not. if I understood correctly.

So I can defend with 0, 1 or 2 units if I have to unit in a zone.

So, if I never declare my questing unit as I defender, it never can't be hurt !? So the opponent will never be able to kill my questing unit (and stop the collecting of token on that quest).

Is that correct way to understand it ?


Hi :)

When I have a quest card in my hand, I can pay for it and place it in my quest zone.

Then, I can either:

- send a unit already in the quest zone on that quest

- play a unit from my hand directly on that quest

- do nothing

After a Quest Card is in play, the only thing you can do is to send a unit on it...And in order to do that, you have to PLAY a Unit FROM your hand and send it.

Remember that the Unit is still able to attack/defend/use abilities, but is considered QUESTING for all game purposes, allowing you to "collect" tokens.

Most of the quest card have a forced effect like "put a ressource token from the pool on that quest at every of your turn"

Several questions:

When exactly (time) do I put a token on my quest ? At the very beginning of the quest phase ?

Quests read "at the beginning of the turn", not the "quest phase".

Couple of hints: if the two effects of a quest happen at the same time (as per Infiltrate), YOU (controller) decide the order in which those effects take place. There's no clear rule about miltiple effects occurring at the same time, but I'd rule it this way. It makes sense, it's logical and lets the game flow without problems: Active player chooses.

So, for Infiltrate, you may choose to put the token FIRST and then resolve the other passive (put X cards in the discard).

Anyway, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TURN/PHASE effects usually happens before anything else can happen, because the "beginning/end of turn/phases passives" are "responses" to that specific happening.

The first time I send a unit on a quest, can I already put a token or have I to wait unitl my next turn ?

You put a token on a Quest when istructions on the card allow you to do so. You can put tokens at the beginning of your turn (all Quests states it, right now), so, you cannot put any token when you send the Unit on a Quest.

Can I trigger my "action effect" after putting a token on it. For example if I had 2 token on it and now it is my turn and the minimum of token to trigger the action is 3, can I take a token from the pool and trigger the action just after ?

Yes, you can, for the reasons above (Infiltrate example).

When I am defending I am in the right to declare defender or not. if I understood correctly.

Yes. You CHOOSE to declare defenders, as well as you choose to declare attackers.

So I can defend with 0, 1 or 2 units if I have two unit in a zone.


So, if I never declare my questing unit as I defender, it never can't be hurt !? So the opponent will never be able to kill my questing unit (and stop the collecting of token on that quest). Is that correct way to understand it ?

Yes, if you talk about combat damage, it's ok. You cannot deal combat damage to a non-defending Unit (unless a card states otherwise, of course :) ).


Thx DB_Cooper !

As quick as usual :)

In my opinion a way to force opponent questing unit to defend would have been a good idea....

Even if if it doesn't seem so, Quests are pretty powerful, IMHO. I see lot of power coming from them in the near future.

They are an unavoidable effect right now and sometimes forces the oppo to make some weird choices to stop Questing units.

I almost one/lost a couple of games with/against Infiltrate...A Glorious Death is a big Threat, Prepare for War is wonderful for Combo/control decks...

maybe noone bothers about a questing unit...But when you see 2 tokens on it, look at your oppo's face and you'll understand that he bothers. A lot. :)

I'd really like to see the Quest mechanic improved in the future, maybe with some accelerators or something that works with Questing units...I don't know...I like this "twisting" effects. )

Quests have a place - as developments gran_risa.gif

The best quests are of course low points and can gather resources continuously until used. I tend to keep them building as this is something your opponent can not cancel/get rid of.

I've started to leave out Infiltrate from the random Neutrals allocated (so deal 10 to each deck from 23 Neutrals). Turtling can win you games, but it's not much fun, to play or play against. IMO of course. I'd much rather assign 50 points of damage and overkill a zone (of course, vs Dwarves, have to keep in mind they might have that Valaya Tactic in hand, that would ruin my day).