Question about tech advances in all 4 colours

By Inajira, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

I have a question about the Ï have technology advances in all 4 colors" public objective. If the yellow tech is definitely not a colour (at least not for the purposes of other public tech objectives), why is the wording on the above card making the assumption that yellow tech advances are a colour? With my group we find it ambiguous as to when and how yellow tech advances can contribute to public objectives.

Thanks in advance.

Where did you get the idea that yellow tech is "not really a colour"? Yellow is certainly a colour. There aren't many Yellow tech discount icons, but that only means you have to pay full price.

Well it says in the Shards of the Throne manual:

"The yellow (general) Technology specialty works exactly like the red, green, and blue Technology specialties except that the yellow Technology specialty does not

count for the purpose of fulfilling objectives"
I think I might be seeing the issue now, I'm getting confused between yellow tech specialities and yellow tech advances.

An easily confusing rule that came to be due to the fact that the base game has no yellow technology speciality planets (only red, green & blue) but does have (some or all of) the mentioned objective(s).

Okay so yellow tech advances are in fact yellow tech advances, whereas yellow tech specialities (on planets) are known as colourless or general. Therefore one can have ''technology advances in all four colours", but not "planets with technology specialities in all 4 colours" or some such thing?


Correctly interpreted, good sir.

Okay so yellow tech advances are in fact yellow tech advances, whereas yellow tech specialities (on planets) are known as colourless or general. Therefore one can have ''technology advances in all four colours", but not "planets with technology specialities in all 4 colours" or some such thing?


Ah, I think I finally see where the initial confusion came from. Per the original rulebook, technologies have category names as well as colours, although the names are not written anywhere other than the rulebook, so almost everyone just refers to each tech category by colour instead.

(core rulebook, page 24):

There are four different technology areas, each attributed the following color:

Warfare Technology = Red

Biotechnology = Green

Propulsion Technology = Blue

General Technology = Yellow

So yes, Yellow is "General Technology," but it's not "colourless" or otherwise different from other techs, in terms of the game mechanics. The reason for the bit in the SE rulebook about the Winnu's Yellow tech speciality "not counting for objectives" is just so that they don't have an inherent leg up in any objectives that might refer to tech specialities instead of tech advances. The only Yellow tech speciality in the game is on the Winnu's homeworld. (I'm not entirely sure if any such objectives exist anyway.)

Edited by Steve-O