Really odd question from a new player.

By Pheznik, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

I've never played in a store tourney or any organized play. Is 5.00 an ok fee for them to charge or is that about average?

Generally speaking - and it varies from area to area...

Around here...

$5 would be below Average.

$10 is fairly average for a Store Tournament.

But again, varies from Area to Area, and from Store to Store...

When I run Sentry Box stuff, I try to keep entry at $5. But other stores default to $10 unless they feel they're guaranteed to get a minimum patronage, then they'll consider dropping it.

For our gameshop if there is prize support and its a monthly/quarterly tourney $5 is about right. Store Championships I think are usually $5 as well, but I've also seen $10 with store prize support added to FFG's prize support packages.

Anywhere between $5-$15 is reasonable (assuming there is prize support).

Around here regular, seasonal tournaments, are a $5.00 entry fee. Premium events, like Store Championships, are $10.00 entry fee. I know because I organize them.

Depends on the cost of the prize support and the number of people they expect. Players with a good B&M store should be happy to pay enough to cover the cost of the prize support and let the store get a little for their pockets. If they see 30+ people in the event, then it $5 is probably fine to cover costs and give a little extra. If they only get 4, then hopefully they saw that one coming and adjusted the entrance fees.