Looking for some illustrations...

By LETE, in Rogue Trader Gamemasters


Help! I am looking for illustrations of:

-The warp drive (of a Human ship)

-The Geller Field (of a Human ship)

I was also wondering if the other races (Eldar, Orks, etc.) have their own versions of such fields & if they do, how do they look like...

Any help will be incredibly appreciated, thanks!


LETE said:


Help! I am looking for illustrations of:

-The warp drive (of a Human ship)

-The Geller Field (of a Human ship)

I was also wondering if the other races (Eldar, Orks, etc.) have their own versions of such fields & if they do, how do they look like...

Any help will be incredibly appreciated, thanks!


I don't know if there are any canon illustrations of such things. My personal preference for the appearance of Warp Drives used by Imperial vessels is something like this:



Mainly because I've felt for a long time that the movie Event Horizon feels like what could happen to a ship that entered and left the Warp without a Geller Field, as demonstrated by the trailer . Scale it up somewhat, add a few servitors to control it, and surround it with tech-priests, incense burners and the sounds of chanting in binary, and it's suddenly a very 40k design...

Ork versions of those components should look essentially like any other piece of Ork high "teknologee" - bolted and welded together from scrap, with various random spinny bits and other elements that appear to have no function (and may, in fact, be superfluous).

Eldar don't generally use conventional Warp Drives, though they have been known to use them in rare instances. Rather, the Eldar travel almost exclusively through the Webway, which is faster, safer and more reliable than Warp travel, though with the drawback that the passages of the Webway only travel to a number of locations (the smaller the tunnel, the more of them there are and the easier it is to get directly to your intended destination).

I've pictured a Warp drive to be the same as above.

Event Horizon gives a good show on the warp....scary!

N0-1_H3r3 has the right idea (IMHO). Event horizon is full of WH40K goodness.

Thanks, that realy helped and adds to the Atmosphere.

Does someone have more Infos about Life on an Rouge Trader Ship? I mean: my players crew will be 25.000 People... what do they do all day? And to get back to topic: any Pictures of that?


Breunig said:

Thanks, that realy helped and adds to the Atmosphere.

Does someone have more Infos about Life on an Rouge Trader Ship? I mean: my players crew will be 25.000 People... what do they do all day? And to get back to topic: any Pictures of that?


There are a few pictures of life aboard ship in the Battlefleet Gothic rulebook, which can be downloaded from the GW website here .

A starship's systems need to be routinely sanctified and maintained in the proper ritual manner. Due to the difficulty and scarcity of automated systems (mainly because it's technology that the Mechanicus doesn't like letting out of their grasp), many elements of a starship need to be operated manually - imagine a gun deck as a cavernous chamber filled with cranes and heavy lifts leading to the magazine, for loading massive shells into the immense macrocannons which have to be hauled by thousand-strong crews of labourers into various positions at the bellowed orders and crackling electrowhips of their superiors, all responding to the commands of the Master of Gunnery sat at his station on the bridge, hundreds of metres above.

Beyond that, a starship of such size will end up having a culture not too dissimilar to that of a hive city (albeit on a smaller scale) or any similar gathering of lots of people in a small space. The communal areas in particular can end up with marketplaces and the like, the Medicae decks will probably seem more like a hospital in size and scope, rivalries between crews in different parts of the ship escalating into gang warfare is far from unknown, there'll be criminal elements (especially if the crew have been replenished by emptying a world's prisons - the cheapest option for regaining crew listed in the rulebook) leading to black markets, narcotics syndicates, etc.