Quick questions about two cards.
1: Eleanor's starting quest "Where the Stars are Strange" requires her to 'explore Near Harad or combat the Black Serpent'. Taken as read she doesn't need to defeat him, just enter combat. She would complete the quest even if he kills her, is that correct?
2: The peril card "A Shadow in the Background..." says 'If the hero's wisdom is less than or equal to the number of adjacent locations containing influence, he gains 1 Corruption card and loses 1 favour.' Now, again taken as read, that wouldn't include the location that he is currently in which thematically seems a bit daft tbh, not to mention seeming to go against the idea of the card itself. That said, would it be possible to get a ruling one way or the other? Ie, whether the actual location should be added when tallying up locations containing corruption.