Interesting Hacking

By Commediante, in Only War House Rules

Hi! I think that Security or in some cases Tech-Use Trait is little underplayed in Only War. That's why I came up with a table of hacks that PC's that play with computers can make. Of course their range varies - if they're trying only to open door with electronic lock will be available for them. The system shines though when skilled hacker cracks a password to more important cogitator, for example that which oversees whole space station's environment. This way door can be opened, composition of air can be changed.

How does it work, according to mechanics?

Very simple. Just test Tech-Use (if the main problem is "know how") or Security (if the main problem is a password or sth. like that). Numbers of degrees of success equals number of hacks that PC can do. Those can be generated randomly or GM may decide which ones apply. I think it might be Full Action to do this to speed up the game, but it might be too powerful. Tests needed.

Table of Hacks:

01-10 - Door . They can be either opened, closed or sealed/locked.

11-20 - CCTV System . PC can see chosen piece of the station, so gain useful information, have a peek at future tactical map or if there's no vital information nor tac map the whole squad receives +1 to Initiative, because now they know where the traps might be set.

21-30 - Oxygen level control . Environmental control. Raising oxygen levels makes the air itself flammable. If there are working Power Field, Flame or Plasma weapons inside, they explode causing it's damage to the owner. Damage can be avoided by dropping the weapon or switching it off. Lowering oxygen levels makes characters inside suffocating unless they have their own oxygen supply

31-40 - Lights out . That's it. Total darkness, unless there are other sources of light.

41-50 - Personal files . Hacker can see stats of potentially dangerous NPC's that might stand on his way.

51-60 - Quartermaster's report Hacker can see gear of potentially dangerous NPC's that might stand on his way.

61-70 - Gravity control . Environmental Control. Gravity can be raised or lowered to levels described in Core Rulebook, but never as high to kill someone outright.

71-80 - Turn off air conditioning . Environmental control. Air in one room becomes unlcear, dust particles flying in the air. It becomes foggy.

81-90 - Module Movement . Environmental control. If there are any mechanisms that can move rooms or rotate them, this hack does it.

91-100 - Security System control . Switching off and on of automatic turrets, traps, alarms and so on. One room per hack only.

Hack type: Environmental control - Only one room can be controlled like this per hack. Hacker has camera view of what happens inside. It works only when all the doors in a room are locked/sealed. All those that are inside are informed about any environmental changes in a room (so if they know their meaning they can react of course). Doors cannot be opened while environment behind it is different.

Soon I'm gonna think about some new hacks. Could use your imagination here too :)

Edited by Commediante

Sounds interesting and fun.

A Full Action might be a bit to powerfull, I'd make it almost unusable in fight, like 1 minute at least, with a concentration as action subtype, so that person hacking would have to do it in one go or start over (if they take a breake from hacking the security programs have time to act and counter the whole thing). Or if they have to hurry let them hack in 2 full rounds but the test is very hard (-20) or even more depending on the complexity of the system.

Maybe add things for the DoF, for example, 1-2 DoF the system gets locked for number of minutes equal to DoF, 3-4 DoF lock out as before plus the alarm starts wailing - well now everyone knows they're there, DoF, 5+ the system gets locked out permanently (or at least for a very long time) plus the automated defences come to life in the room (if any), oh and the alarm ofcourse.

Yeah, you're right, 1min. for hacking should be challenging, if they want to speed up - much, much harder. DoF consequences are also good, noted.

Really nice application of the Tech-Use skill! I will certainly start using this as well.

In the basic rules one of the examples of applications of Tech-Use is demolitions, I would like to break out Demolitions from Tech-Use and make a separate skill for it, so a guardsman actually can focus on Demolitions without also being a tech-specialist :P It was its own skill in the first version of Dark Heresy, really booring that they merged these skills.

I would like Demolitions and some examples of applications of this and some new talents connected to demolitions as well. That would be awsome :D