Several of our games, usually involving the Lobber Crew, have raised the question of how playing actions "in response" works with units coming into play. In other games that use first-in-last-out resolution and also have cards that enter play permanently, one can usually only play such cards while no other cards are waiting to resove; additionally, when one attempts to play such a card, there is usually opportunity for response to occur before this unit actually enters play. Consider the following situation:
Player A has Reiksguard Knights in the quest zone (and no other units) and four resources.
Player B has a Lobber Crew in the kingdom.
Player A announces that he will play Pistoliers.
Player B uses Lobber Crew's optional ability "in response" to Player A playing the Pistoliers.
So, the questions are:
1. Does Player A specify the zone and pay the resource cost for Pistoliers prior to Player B's opportunity to respond?
2. Is Pistoliers in play and eligible to be sacrificed when the Lobber Crew's ability resolves?
3. Could Player A play another unit from hand "in response" to the Lobber Crew's activation? Could they do this even if it would leave them without resources to pay for the pending Pistoliers?