new HWK-290

By Ruakar, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Thank you. My party traveled to Eriadu in a HWK-290

Hi Ruakar, just wondering if you'd been working on any more deckplans... These things are awesome man :)

Wow great work on those ship plans. I'ld love to see FFG print a complete ship book with more information and floor plans on all the ship so far.

Hi, my first post here, but I kind of feel I should share my recent work in this exact thread that inspired me some time ago.

I did an exercise of recreating a HWK-290 floor plan in LEGO, minifig scale, to verify how much space would we actually have and how the interior could be organised. The full work product here:

And some teaser pics attached.

I'm open for a discussion, if you have some comments/ideas. Frankly speaking, we do not have much in the floor plans department in the official FFG materials, so it is more of an improvisation. I already got the response, that well, the layout is fine, as well as we consider only people and cargo, but where would those 3 months of consumables for 4 persons fit - and I yet have to figure out, if some of the containers I put there is enough to store it now, or should I need to reduce the fore cargo hold and put a bit vat or two there, with some components for the kitchenette, or the expanded fresh water tank.

Anyway, please take a look, and share your comments.




2 hours ago, Yaccarus said:


No, this is new life, not a used one.

Good Work @denzuk

Ok, I think I got the plumbing sorted out. :)

So, the standard version would have the water tank and the container with the food ingredients for the kitchenette located under the refresher/airlock. In this one, however, the slightly bigger tanks were installed in the section of the fore cargo hold. The original tanks had been removed, and the cloaked smuggling compartment had been installed instead, disguised as the tanks.

Therefore the original cargo holds would have the following capacity: 35 in the fore and 40 in the aft cargo hold. In the modified version, 11 of the capacity of the front cargo hold had been converted to the smuggling compartment, so you only have 24 available (which is still enough to put 3 ENC8 cargo crates).

You can see the setup in the picture attached. The marked tanks are the tanks that were added in the process. The rest of the plumbing were there from the beginning. It also actually makes greater sense to have the inspection hatch in the cockpit there, as you may need to go there to inspect all those pipes, filters, pumps and whatnot.

I've added also four valves on the starboard side of the ship, so the tanks could be filled or drained if needed when in starport.

The tanks capacity as calculated based on dimensions:

  • the grey one is 2m3, and holds 2000 liters of water
  • the red one is 1.3m3 and holds the ingredients for the food machine (i've verified with the actual ISS food now, and it is 0.7kg of food per person per day now. here we have to support 90 days for 4 persons, therefore we need approx 250 kilograms of food at minimum. but HWK-290 is marketed as premium, so I assume it is not just a basic, el cheapo goo that provides all the nutrition but tastes really bad, but something more fancy).
  • the brown ones are two 140 liters tanks for the two stage waste recycler, that goes to another 280 liter tank and then back to the 2000 liter fresh water.
  • the blue tank is 0.2m3 pressurized tank with oxygen, and i assume that most of the oxygen is recirculated, so it is just an operational supply, with some filters and recyclers and yada yada yada.

I guess this should cover the consumables pretty much.


On 1/11/2016 at 4:41 PM, MaxKilljoy said:

That really puts the internal size of the HWK-290 into perspective, and makes me wonder why so many recommend it as a "team ship" for a group of PCs...

I rejigged the plans of 290 to make a 1000 I simply plonked it into MS Publisher then increased the length to the of a YT1300 pressing the shift+right mouse button... the first half of the cockpit on a 290 became the entire cockpit for a 1000 and the back half became a crew lounge.. tbh I still made it a cramped ship but the other player seemed pleased with it. Enough space for 4 with the folding seats making sleeping bunks for 2 more..

290 v 1000.JPG

Edited by ExpandingUniverse
On 11/17/2018 at 5:04 AM, ExpandingUniverse said:

I rejigged the plans of 290 to make a 1000 I simply plonked it into MS Publisher then increased the length to the of a YT1300 pressing the shift+right mouse button... the first half of the cockpit on a 290 became the entire cockpit for a 1000 and the back half became a crew lounge.. tbh I still made it a cramped ship but the other player seemed pleased with it. Enough space for 4 with the folding seats making sleeping bunks for 2 more..

290 v 1000.JPG

The hwk-290 is passe pedestrian the kst-100 (dawn of rebellion) is the new hotness.