new HWK-290

By Ruakar, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Blasted Samophlange, I definitely want to try larger ships. especially as maps for adventures, like boarding an imperial light cruiser, or my personal favorite from X wing...


Before i get to this.. I have a lot of other Deck plans to do for things i have already started, plus a few commissions i usually have. Here is just a few that i need to finish. Plus repaint all the star fighters i had done from before that i no longer like.

I would *LOVE* to see how you detailedc the interior of the Raider. Mainly to see if you think the places to board the ship are the same as where I think they are ( along the dorsal spine).

I know that other people have said it but this is awesome work Ruakar... Mucho, mucho kudos!! I don't suppose you've ever done a Dynamic Class Freighter have u? My players are currently zipping around in one and whilst maps on the internet are ok they're not generally up to this standard!

I always chalk unneeded wings and such up to being part of the heat dispersion system. It's hard to stay cool in space. It satisfies my mind just enough to overlook the rest of the wonky space stuff, because Star Wars physics and real physics are very distant cousins at best.

I always chalk unneeded wings and such up to being part of the heat dispersion system. It's hard to stay cool in space. It satisfies my mind just enough to overlook the rest of the wonky space stuff, because Star Wars physics and real physics are very distant cousins at best.

Yes, same here. I don't care if it is a realistic explanation, but heat dispersion seems to be recurrent problem in the Star Wars universe.

From the huge radiator panels of TIE fighter to X-Wing/B-wing moving their laser cannons away from each other in battle to the Death Star's (in)famous thermal exhaust port, managing heat in Star Wars seems to be a big deal.

Edited by Laurefindel

Please tell me that you are submitting your artwork and ship layouts to FFG. Its nothing short of amazing.

Please tell me that you are submitting your artwork and ship layouts to FFG. Its nothing short of amazing.

Seconded, or thirded, or whatever we're at at this point. :D

How is your art designed? Is it paint shop? Also if you ever to host them all, would you consider putting the original psd etc up with it?

Love what you've done so far, and can't wait to see what you come out with next; I'm especially hoping to see you do the VCX-100 and the Citadel sometime soon, as they're two of my favorite light freighters in the Star Wars universe.

Also, I'd like to see a version of each of your starship maps with a numbered list of onboard locations and items, like you did with the Vornskr; it really helps me to be able to know where everything is very quickly with that, as well as marking down the location of various items onboard that might have a vague positioning otherwise.

Overall, these shipboard maps of yours, along with the rest of your artwork, are my absolute favorites when it comes to this kind of thing. Do you take commissions, and if so, do you charge for them? I may be interested in having you do a few pieces for me in the future if you're willing.

I love the look of the interiors of your HWK-290 and the HWK 1000. I have decided to embrace the FFG versions of these ships even though there origins are flawed.

Yes, they based these on the Moldy Crow from Dark Forces. But the only other official Lucas Arts reference to the Moldy Crow was in the X-Wing Alliance game from the computer. Unfortunately it won't run on my current machine, but I managed to locate a screen shot from the game that lists its Designation as a Starfighter built by CEC with the following description: The most Famous VT-1300 in the Galaxy, faster and more heavily armed than any other of its type.

That screen shot and reference can be found here:

When you step through the door in the back of the cockpit, the only thing there is an airlock with a a ladder to topside docking hatch and maybe a storage locker. The interior space of that ship ends there. If you look at in in profile the ship gets much narrower from that point all the way to the rear of the ship. there is no room for any real cargo or bunks or anything else. The model the X-wing Miniatures game uses is accurate to the VT-1300's size. It is just a smidge longer that a Y-wing. If you compare the "HWK-290" miniature to the YT-1300 miniature you can see that there is no way that that little tiny fighter has just under half (75) of the cargo capacity that the YT-1300 has (165). If the YT-1300 has three cargo bays (look at any map of it) that have a total capacity of 165, the largest of the three could probably hold 75, with the second largest holding 50 and the last holding the remaining 40. The entirety of the ship that they have termed the HWK-290 could be broken down and put in the largest hold with room to spare. You could put probably 2-3 of those ships into the cargo holds of the YT-1300 if you broke the ship down into it's component parts.

I cannot accept that either of the ships stats is a "stock" version of the CEC VT-1300 Starfighter that we know and love as the Moldy Crow .

As I said before, I love your floor plans and I will use them assuredly to represent the HWK series of ships. I will echo MaxKilljoy's question about the zig-zag corridor.

One thing I'm not sure I understand is the zig-zag corridor... it appears to take up more space than just a straight corridor would.

So that we might compare the two, would you be willing to do a layout for each of the HWK ships with the corridor just going straight back from the cockpit door along the left side of the hull instead of having the hall traverse at an angle across to the right?

Thank you for your contributions here and your possible consideration of my request. Keep up the beautiful work!


I love the look of the interiors of your HWK-290 and the HWK 1000. I have decided to embrace the FFG versions of these ships even though there origins are flawed.

Yes, they based these on the Moldy Crow from Dark Forces. But the only other official Lucas Arts reference to the Moldy Crow was in the X-Wing Alliance game from the computer. Unfortunately it won't run on my current machine, but I managed to locate a screen shot from the game that lists its Designation as a Starfighter built by CEC with the following description: The most Famous VT-1300 in the Galaxy, faster and more heavily armed than any other of its type.

That screen shot and reference can be found here:

When you step through the door in the back of the cockpit, the only thing there is an airlock with a a ladder to topside docking hatch and maybe a storage locker. The interior space of that ship ends there. If you look at in in profile the ship gets much narrower from that point all the way to the rear of the ship. there is no room for any real cargo or bunks or anything else. The model the X-wing Miniatures game uses is accurate to the VT-1300's size. It is just a smidge longer that a Y-wing. If you compare the "HWK-290" miniature to the YT-1300 miniature you can see that there is no way that that little tiny fighter has just under half (75) of the cargo capacity that the YT-1300 has (165). If the YT-1300 has three cargo bays (look at any map of it) that have a total capacity of 165, the largest of the three could probably hold 75, with the second largest holding 50 and the last holding the remaining 40. The entirety of the ship that they have termed the HWK-290 could be broken down and put in the largest hold with room to spare. You could put probably 2-3 of those ships into the cargo holds of the YT-1300 if you broke the ship down into it's component parts.

I cannot accept that either of the ships stats is a "stock" version of the CEC VT-1300 Starfighter that we know and love as the Moldy Crow .

As I said before, I love your floor plans and I will use them assuredly to represent the HWK series of ships. I will echo MaxKilljoy's question about the zig-zag corridor.

One thing I'm not sure I understand is the zig-zag corridor... it appears to take up more space than just a straight corridor would.

So that we might compare the two, would you be willing to do a layout for each of the HWK ships with the corridor just going straight back from the cockpit door along the left side of the hull instead of having the hall traverse at an angle across to the right?

Thank you for your contributions here and your possible consideration of my request. Keep up the beautiful work!


I don't think the CEC VT-1300 exists, true XWA may have had that designation but that's no longer accurate, wookiepedia has no mention of it, and Fantasy Flights' RPG is not the first to refer to the Moldy Crow as a HWK 290, which is what it's refered to on wookiepedia. It was also in the Force Unleashed Campaign Guide as a HWK-290.

Just like Korriban is now Moraband, video games do not matter.

I personally love the zig zag, and it is perfectly efficient.

Dakkar98, many things you said i do agree with. With all the changes that come about when the star wars licence gets into the hands of different medium there is always overlapping ideas that just make sense for the person or persons working with the license at the time. From RPG to video games and comic books, the things we know and love are bastardized and perverted into something we often weren't really expected to accept. I remember when i first read about the 1000 and had to chuckle thinking this was yet another case. The images i found for it online were images of the Moldy Crow or other fan made drawings. Judging from the view ports of the images i found there was no way this was a large freighter almost the size of a YT1300.. I just wanted to say i can relate and completely understand what you are saying... At this point it is a little bit like swimming up stream though, so i just drew what i thought might be acceptable to me and make the ridiculous grab for more Star wars content in the books more legitimate. If you liked the floor plans then i am greatly pleased, Thank you for your comments.

As to the straight hallways or in my case "not" straight... I admit my desire to do floor plans or deck layouts is to get away from simple or architectural designs that might look like the interior of a real to life Mobile Home.. What i love about star wars is the odd, chunky or absurd. R alph Mcquarrie has been a life long inspiration for me and my work, and i admit that each time i delve into the star wars universe i try to stay true to that unique and absurd. I think a straight hallway has great potential to use the space better and seem more inline with modern day living. I tried to avoid that hence the hallway with a 45 degree bend in the middle. The problem with the absurd though.. unless you are a genius like Mr. Mcquarrie was, you cant always sell it. If there are those that don't like it or any part of my designs or interpretations I always try to respect their opinions and the views they had on WHAT THEY THOUGHT it should look like, and if i can, do an alternative they can like. (if i get some free time)

That said, thank you again for the comments and i will try to keep posting maps and floor plans as often as i am able. :)

On the side topic of the designs... the nascent engineer in me can't help it, I look at some of these ships (and not just in Star Wars) and think things like "how does that thing fly in a straight line? The centerline of thrust is offset from the centerline of mass." or "What considerations went into coming up with THAT design? What needs and problems was it intended to address?"

On the side topic of the designs... the nascent engineer in me can't help it, I look at some of these ships (and not just in Star Wars) and think things like "how does that thing fly in a straight line? The centerline of thrust is offset from the centerline of mass." or "What considerations went into coming up with THAT design? What needs and problems was it intended to address?"

I'm afraid that down this line of thought (at least in Star Wars) lies madness....or at least massive headache. :P

On the side topic of the designs... the nascent engineer in me can't help it, I look at some of these ships (and not just in Star Wars) and think things like "how does that thing fly in a straight line? The centerline of thrust is offset from the centerline of mass." or "What considerations went into coming up with THAT design? What needs and problems was it intended to address?"

You mean, like the G9 Rigger? Because that one has been hurting my brain for a while.

On the side topic of the designs... the nascent engineer in me can't help it, I look at some of these ships (and not just in Star Wars) and think things like "how does that thing fly in a straight line? The centerline of thrust is offset from the centerline of mass." or "What considerations went into coming up with THAT design? What needs and problems was it intended to address?"

You mean, like the G9 Rigger? Because that one has been hurting my brain for a while.

Yes, like that... or the Trooper's ship in SWTOR.

Great work. I would love to see the photoshop files, being a photoshop guy myself. Looking forward to seeing the group ship picture that looks like the ships are lined up in a hanger or the like.

Man, I would kill to have you as a player or GM in my campaign. This is seriously amazing.

I don't think the CEC VT-1300 exists, true XWA may have had that designation but that's no longer accurate, wookiepedia has no mention of it, and Fantasy Flights' RPG is not the first to refer to the Moldy Crow as a HWK 290, which is what it's refered to on wookiepedia. It was also in the Force Unleashed Campaign Guide as a HWK-290.

Just like Korriban is now Moraband, video games do not matter.

I personally love the zig zag, and it is perfectly efficient.

Just because something exists doesn't mean it's accurate. I could go to Wookiepedia right now and create an entry for the VT-1300 Fighter. I would make it as accurate as I could and it would then, once again, exist.

The VT-1300 did exist and was accurate. WoC made the HWK-290 exist but it was not accurate. However, that being said, the HWK-290 is now widely accepted by both the community and Disney.

February 28, 1995 - Lucas Arts releases "Star Wars: Dark Forces" Video Game, first depicting the story of Kyle Katarn and the Moldy Crow.

September 30, 1997 - Lucas Arts releases Star Wars: Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight" Video Game, Continuing the story of Kyle Katarn and the Moldy Crow.

February 29, 1999 - Lucas Arts releases "Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance" Video Game, This game allows you to fly the Moldy Crow. Designating it a fighter and the VT-1300.

March 2008 - Wizards of the Coast, at the request of many a gamer, creates (Either without doing their due diligence or ignoring whatever their due diligence uncovered) change the designation from a fighter to a freighter, and change its model number from VT-1300 to HWK-290.

January 16, 2014 - Fantasy Flight Games Releases the Force and Destiny Beta RPG, perpetuating the existence of the HWK-290.

They also created the miniature for the X-Wing Miniatures Game.

The Stats for the HWK-290 were also included in the Far Horizons book, and the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook.

They then created the HWK-1000 in the Fly Casual Book.

The stats they created for the HWK-290 Freighter are hard to swallow when you look at the accurately sized miniature that they created, as seen here:

Disney now owns the rights to everything Star Wars related. If it exists under Disney, it is now Canon. That is why I have decided to embrace these ships as the HWK series of Freighters. I plan on doing up stats for the VT-1300 Fighter anyway, so it can exist in my game.

For the record, I didn't say that I didn't like the zig-zag, only that I wanted to see if he would be willing to show us what it would look like straight.



Edited by Dakkar98

Disney now owns the rights to everything Star Wars related. If it exists under Disney, it is now Canon. That is why I have decided to embrace these ships as the HWK series of Freighters. I plan on doing up stats for the VT-1300 Fighter anyway, so it can exist in my game.

For the record, I didn't say that I didn't like the zig-zag, only that I wanted to see if he would be willing to show us what it would look like straight.

I would love to see your stats for it, For someone who remembers my many play through of Dark forces 1 and 2, the Hwk will always be the Moldy Crow to me, and barely have enough room to stretch your legs. let alone stand up and walk around. I drew those floor plans because i was disappointing with the idea of it being a large freighter and i had to reconcile in my own way!

Thanks for the clarification Dakkar.

... Wait a second... Where did X-Wing Alliance allow you to fly the Moldy Crow? That's news to me aside from mods! And I played the poodoo outta this game (still do actually).

Something to consider in regards to encumbrance capacity, Rebels has shown us (as has the GR-75), that not all cargo capacity is INTERNAL. The Ghost, and Gozanti have carried cargo in mag lock containers externally.

I thought Rukar and others would want to see this. Recently my group acquired as their ship, one of the new players was so excited, he commissioned a local miniature painter to remodel the X-Wing Miniatures game HWK-290, into a HWK-1000. The results are in the links below.

I'd love to see you take on the H-Wing. You've masterfully planned out the small interior of the 290, so consider me impressed!

Do you have a deviantart page or something for your work/commissions? You easily have some of the best cross-sections I've seen...

Are you going to do internals for the Citadel Cruiser in your plans?

Any chance you might do a Loronar E9 or a Eta-2?