Hey there, have come a bit behind with my questing and am only now getting around to the Shelob-quest of the saga expansions; though my question is not unique to that quest, I guess.
The quest has alot of discarding effects like " When Revealed: Either discard a random card from your hand or reveal an additional encounter card" and " Response: After Smeagol´s Secret Way is explored, discard 3 random cards from each player´s hand to discard each Nazgul enemy in the staging area"
The question here is: can I choose to discard random cards from my hand even if I do not have any cards? In effect the game mechanics "check" my hand, shuffle it and discard as many cards as is possible (shuffle your hand of X cards and discard Y cards, where it is possible for X to be 0)
I feel like I have run across something like this before and had it answered but I cannot for the life of me put my finger on when that was.
Any and all opinions are welcome.