some confusion from rules

By Marcus Galva, in Rogue Trader

at caract creation you have starting talent and skill listed on career


in 1st level you found all of those in the progression path

like rogue trader ...pistol weapons usiversal in starting talent and you can foind it in talent for level 1 path at 500 xp cost ....??????????????

well this is a starting talent or not ? like DH talent and skill on starting list are not on path of progression they are free starting capacity so what is appening in RT ?

Firstly, please, use a spell checker next time.

Secondly, if you check the errata for Dark Heresy, you will see that they did do the same thing as they did in RT. Basically, it's to show the XP costs of the starting talents/skills so that a GM can allow the starting skills to be swapped out for XP easily, and so that, when future supplements add new starting skill/talent sets for the careers, it allows players to buy those talents/skills that were removed back with XP.

It's basically for future redundancy.

and also to allow for any career-changing house rules that you want to use, so that every skill and talent that is relevant to the career is on the tables.

Marcus Galva said:

well this is a starting talent or not ? like DH talent and skill on starting list are not on path of progression they are free starting capacity so what is appening in RT ?

If you think this didn't happen in DH, you didn't read very carefully. The reasons for it have been explained upthread.

The posts above are incorrect.

If you ever see a skill or talent in your careers advancement tree, it means your character dose not have it and must spend XP to use it, no matter what, all the time, forever.

Graver said:

The posts above are incorrect.

If you ever see a skill or talent in your careers advancement tree, it means your character dose not have it and must spend XP to use it, no matter what, all the time, forever.

This is not at all how I read the rules. If you look at the changes that was made in the DH Errata, all the "for free" starting skills and talents were added to the first level of the matching careers. I think this change was for redundancy and to add extra choice, just as it is suggested above.

Mellon said:

Graver said:

The posts above are incorrect.

If you ever see a skill or talent in your careers advancement tree, it means your character dose not have it and must spend XP to use it, no matter what, all the time, forever.

This is not at all how I read the rules. If you look at the changes that was made in the DH Errata, all the "for free" starting skills and talents were added to the first level of the matching careers. I think this change was for redundancy and to add extra choice, just as it is suggested above.

Indeed. Graver is wrong in this regard.

Indeed. Graver is wrong in this regard.

...or at least pulling your leg. The logic behind the post is simple: There are lots of situations where your character may already have a skill/talent present in his advancement tree (e.g. origin thingies). Should he automatically not have it? Obviously not!

Marcus Galva said:

well this is a starting talent or not ? like DH talent and skill on starting list are not on path of progression they are free starting capacity so what is appening in RT ?

It is listed as a starting talent, so yes its a starting talent for core rules characters of that type. In fact, all those starting skills and talents HAVE been added to the DH tables by errata.

This occured after they introduced the option of alternative start packages, which meant that the core rulebook starting set was not necessarily the only starting set. This caused problems later on when people wanted to chain off higher level abilities eg Skill+10s and Talents with others as pre-requisites - so all starting skills and talents were added to all the DH tables to allow them to be bought in to connect the now apparent gaps, in other gaps made as players tinkered with new ideas and in gaps that might appear in future publications.

Given that this sort of option was added to DH, it is no stretch of the imagination to assume that a supplement to do this is a possibility for Rogue Trader and so it seems FFG pre-included the starting skills and talents in the career level 1 tables to leave this or similar options open to them, or indeed the players to homebrew on.

I am covered in the ooze that is sarcasm that is DRIPPING from your post Graver.