Starting Character:
Paul Phoenix =D
Assets: 6
Paul's Gi 2/4 +2-mid x 3
Nova and Himmel (Hildes asset) 2/4 +2-mid x 3
Attacks: 18
Turn Thruster 4/2 +1-mid (stun 1) x 3
Dragon Lifter 4/2 +4-mid (stun 2) x3
Zi Mei's Wheel Kick 3/3 +2mid (stun 3) x 3
Hammer of the Gods 5/3 +2-high (stun 2) x3
Neutron Bomb 4/3 +2mid x 3
Phoenix Smasher 5/3 +2mid x3
Foundations: 36
Communing with the Ancients 3/5 x 4
Trained far and Wide 3/4 +4high x 4
For the Money 2/5 +3mid x 4
From the Horse, Endurance 3/5 x4
Body Transformed 2/5 +3mid x4
Best Friends 2/5 +3high x4
Nursing a Grudge 2/5 x4
Brooding 1/5 +3hight x4
Hope for One's People 0/5 +3high x4