Hiya Guys,
Im writing up the Fluff for my RogueTrader Dynasty. Mine is a middling dynasty which is established and begging to rise. But Im finding it hard to establish in fluff terms how long His Dynasty could have been about? 1000 years? 2000? 500?
The main problem I think is that warp travel distorts time and some one in their life age of thirtys can be easily 100+ In universe terms if they spend most of their life on a starship. Plus with the possibility of rejuve treatments they can extend their life spans even futher.The only fluff I have for this are the Andy Hoare novels.
In the rogue trader Novels Lucien Gerrit comes from an Ancient line. Even though he is probably 40-50 looking he has been around for near 500 and going. And hes the latest scion of his cash strapped dynasty. He mentions at least 3 other ancestors, including one who in order to continue leading the Arcadius dynasty had his decrepid body intombed in a Dreadnought by a Mechanicum. Bearing this in mind then if I roll a seven and am a:
" relatively new player on the galactic stage, with lots of resources to draw on" (Middle result... better off with a frigate)
The realistically how long will the dynasty have been going on for ,and how many ancestors on average would it have?
Im asking this because fluff wise I think I have too many ancestors so far and may have to scrap them...