
By Filippo, in Talisman Rules Questions

Maybe this is a stupid question, but... How does "Mirage" work?

" The character to your left rolls 1 die and moves you that many spaces in any direction . You encounter the space you land on. The Mirage then fades and is placed on the discard pile."

First problem:
Who is the "character" in this case? The real person to my left side or the statuette in the board game?
If the correct answer is the second, I have other questions: Is "left" just "Counterclockwise"?
If other characters are in other regions who is on my left?

Second problem:
If you draw Mirage from the Ruin, can the opponent move you in the direction of Dungeon?
Even from the Sentinel and Portal of Power (I presume You fight against sentinel and you try to beat the portal of power) ?

Third problem:
Can the opponent choose the direction until the end of movement? Can the opponent choose the direction anytime there are croassroads?
Even with Sentinel and Portal of Power (I presume You fight against sentinel and you try to beat the portal of power)

Fourth problem:
Are you affected by your bonus/malus for movement (toad, poltergeist,...)? I don't think so.

" The character to your left rolls 1 die and moves you that many spaces in any direction . You encounter the space you land on. The Mirage then fades and is placed on the discard pile."

First problem:

Who is the "character" in this case? The real person to my left side or the statuette in the board game?

I has to be real player. Never seen statuettes roll dice before.

Second problem:

If you draw Mirage from the Ruin, can the opponent move you in the direction of Dungeon?

Even from the Sentinel and Portal of Power (I presume You fight against sentinel and you try to beat the portal of power) ?

Yes, all valid directions. The player can even move you through the Sentinel and you'll have to fight it.

Edited by Bludgeon

Fourth problem:

Are you affected by your bonus/malus for movement (toad, poltergeist,...)? I don't think so.

Nope, I don't think this spell's effect counts as movement. While it's similar to movement, it is its own thing.

Also, just noticed that if you're moved by Mirage and end up on a space with another character, you can't attack the character.

Another question: If mirage moves you to a space with a dragon scale that matches dragon king, do you encounter the space as ordered by the spell, or do you encounter the scale as ordered by the dragon rulebook?

And what about my third problem: Can the opponent choose the direction anytime there are croassroads?

Player chooses any valid path (consisting of whatever number of crossroads).

Another question: If mirage moves you to a space with a dragon scale that matches dragon king, do you encounter the space as ordered by the spell, or do you encounter the scale as ordered by the dragon rulebook?

Pretty sure you have to encounter the scale as the dragon rules say. ^_^

You also have to encounter the space. ;)

In another thread it was suggested that in the case of conflicting 'must' instructions you have to decide for yourself how you want to address it, rules don't say. I'm going to let the player choose.

Another question: If mirage moves you to a space with a dragon scale that matches dragon king, do you encounter the space as ordered by the spell, or do you encounter the scale as ordered by the dragon rulebook?

Pretty sure you have to encounter the scale as the dragon rules say. ^_^

Special Ability Vs. Rules Golden Rule mandates that when effects conflict with rules, the effect must be obeyed. In this case, the effect from Mirage trumps the rules concerning dragon scales.